Wahooo! m i n o r u and I just got back from a mini-con at our local Suncoast Video store, and MAN DID WE RULE THE CON! To begin with, I was able to beat out the reigning champ at anime trivia. The last time I went to this con we went to the one that's south of where we live, and I rocked the trivia there, and won both of the awards for the costume contest (which earned me a gift card and a giant box of Pocky). This time we went north, and I beat the dude who won the first north Suncoast-con's trivia before by a LOT. I got 27, he got about 10. Then, there was the costume contest. Minoru and I went in our shihakusho (shinigami uniform; Bleach) as Yachiru (Minrou) and Renji (Me), and entered as a duo. We won FIRST PLACE. Not only did I come home with a haul of merchandise from winning the trivia so much, but I now have my Urahara Hat and Minoru has her warajii (the sandals that the peoples in Bleach wear). Can't wait 'till the next one. Also: I WILL MOST LIKELY BE USING MY RENJI COSTUME AT METROCON. MAYBE. UNLESS I DECIDE TO GO AS SERAS VICTORIA (if Kurshami goes as Alucard I will) OR LONGCAT. So far my costumes are *Day 1: Deidara **Day 2: Ukitake/Renji **Day 3: Renji/Ukitake
*Day 1 may be changed if I get into Anime Idol, at which point I will decide on a new costume. **Days 2 & 3 can be interchanged depending on the days of the costume and cosplay contests.
t u b e r c u l o s i f y · Sun May 20, 2007 @ 11:58pm · 0 Comments |