I'm just posting this because of some things people have said regarding my stature and size. This kind of crap has gone on long enough, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who's had to deal with assholes who do this type of stuff.
1. It is impossible for me to be anorexic. Seriously, have you ever seen me go longer than an hour without eating SOMETHING? I just got done eating: 1 wok full of stir-fried vegetables and tofu, 2 (cooked) boxes of Stove Top stuffing, and a loaf of french bread. And I'm still hungry. So Imma gonna go eat more. (PS: I do not have a tapeworm, either.) 2. It is also impossible for me to EVER be bulimic. I would LITERALLY rather cut off my own foot and eat it than throw up EVER. Throwing up is my worst fear in the entire universe. I cried my eyes out before Metrocon last summer because I felt like I was gonna puke.
So, anyone who has believed/contributed to/etc these ideas, I am not only disappointed because you would think this of me, but I am disgusted that you'd attribute me with something as disgusting as an eating disorder. Yes, I am thin. [********] I'm a vegetarian, I don't eat 3 meals a day, I eat ALL DAY. I'm also short, so does that mean I have some other sort of problem? You people make me sick.
Honestly, I'd rather be 500 pounds than have people talking about me this way.
t u b e r c u l o s i f y · Sun Feb 25, 2007 @ 07:31pm · 4 Comments |