Sushi is good...o.o It's sorta random but I just want to point out something my nerdy group of friends said yesterday. They said, "sushi is gross cause its raw fish". They even said, "I never tried it before though." My group Otaku friends and The Village didnt think that. Some of them did but they tried it already so....that doesnt count. I hate it when people judge things by the way it looks. >=( At first when I tried sushi in a buffet it didnt taste all that good but after a try at a sushi bar, it tasted like heaven. o.o It depends where you get your sushi. Anyway I'm getting off the off topic. >.< You cant just always trust what your eyes see. -_- There's lots of things for examples of that. Everyday. I see it everywhere! People judging things or people just cause the way they look. Yeah sure I might blurt out random stuff if I see something imperfect to me but I'll give it a chance still. In fact. I always blurt out things like, "Oh my god, she's ugly." or "he's ugly" but then I still want to be friends with them and do end up as friends with them. >.> When your friends with someone, its like another world. Your one planet called -insertnamehere- and the other person is called planet -insertnamehere-. Your brain is like a probe out to find things about the other planet. There are some planets you cant land on because of the b***h density. -.- It also depends what your planet is made out of. Like if your a gas planet and the other planets a earth planet then your gas will just dissapear into their atmosphere and they'll forget about you all together. >.< Thats why you have people you get along with well and people you dont get along with well. =D Then just like in those space alien movies or w/e, theres planet destruction and planet wars. >=D When you hate someone so much you wana kill them its like a war between you two. Then if you happen to be stupid enough to fight in school...and happen to kill the other person...>.< thats planet destruction. =D I have no idea where I'm comming up with this junk....-.- I dont even know how I went from talking about sushi to planet
Just trying to following my dreams.