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Journal of Gothprincess331
Haunting Ground Walkthrough-Debilitas
It's what you're here for, right? Just to point out certain things:

*CLOCK SAVE* This means there is a clock in the nearby vicinity. These act
as your save points, so use them!

*RECOVERY POINT* These points recover stamina and reduce panic. Cannot be
used while being chased, but keep these points in mind as they save on
item use.

*SECRET ITEMS* Basically, there's an item hidden nearby. I will NOT use
this however for the vases on the floor, you should learn to kick those

*HIDING SPOT* These are the most important areas in the game - somewhere
to hide when being pursued. Try not to hide in the same place every time
though or the bad guys will very quickly suss out what you're doing.

*TRAPS* And finally, I will give fair warning of traps and explain how to
bypass them. Traps mean instant death, which isn't fun.

OK, we're done with that, time to get on with the guide.

-> CHAPTER ONE - Aim: Find a map of the Castle


Cut scene.

[The Gardens]

OK, walk through the gardens and towards a tree. You can go past this on
this level and down a dead end, towards a caged area - in which usually
hides a MEDALLION, but I have picked up a CAMOMILE here too before. Head
back to the tree, note the stairs leading up, and run ALL the way up. Yes,
ALL the way up. Enter the door.

[Guest Room]

*CLOCK SAVE* on the left side of the room.
*HIDING SPOT* underneath the bed, obviously.

First up, a scene of Daniella, the oddly attractive maid. She has prepared
some nice gothic clothing for you, so go up to the bed and put them on.
("Too tight around the chest", yeah Fiona, none of the guys playing the
game really care.) Some dirty man is having a peep show (NO FAIR!).
Anyway, once you regain control, leave through the nearby door.

[Staircase from Dining Room to Guest Room]

Downstairs is a locked door which leads to the dining room, we'll take care
of that one later, and a dead end with a red vase containing an item.
Whether you get the item or not, take the other door at the top.


One of the pillars appears to be covered in blood, you can examine it but
it will make Fiona panic a little. Inch along, past the first door (which
is locked), and towards the second. You CAN go in here now if you want,
but it's not required - all you'll find in the Study is a locked desk and
an item. So let's go meet our new friend.

Watch the cutscene. Yes, it thinks Fiona is his new dolly. Don't ask,
please do NOT send e-mails asking me questions about this because I don't
know and to be quite honest, I do NOT want to know.

OK, run back to the Guest Room.

[Guest Room]

*CLOCK SAVE* on the left side of the room.
*HIDING SPOT* underneath the bed, obviously.

Fiona will close the door behind her. Where do we hide? If you haven't
noticed, I mentioned it TWICE now so you have no excuse to not n** to the
bed and hit CIRCLE to get under it. Third time's the charm. Stay under the
bed until the big lug (who is called "Debilitas" wink goes away, at which
point you go BACK to the walkway.


OK, back to where we got chased from - Debilitas dropped his dolly, pick it
up - I haven't used them yet but I'm sure it distracts him for a few
seconds if you throw it. You should push the crate out of the way, but
before we go into this room, take the other path and go into the room back

[Typewriter Room]

This room is empty bar the typewriter which makes passcards. You'll be
wanting to make TWO of these - on one, type "EMETH". On the other, "REST".
All will become clear... anyway, back to walkway and the door behind the


There's a file on the table telling you a passcode, which we've just done
(EMETH Keyplate!) - slot it into the golem and it'll walk out of the way.
Ooh, a door behind it, who'da thunk? Gee, what is the next move... hmm.

IMPORTANT: If you're thinking that a walking golem is somehow dull, then
you can use a keyplate typed "METH". This gives you a different scene of
the golem crumbling to pieces, and grants you an Obsidian Choker - which
makes Fiona less magnetic to Luminescents. It's a rather pointless equip
in all honesty, as the Luminescents are easily avoided and outrun, but
if you're a completist, you'll have to do both scenarios eventually. It's
your choice.

[Balcony and Sealed Up Well]

*HIDING SPOT* underneath the bench.

The stairs finish half-way, so not a good idea to go that way. Ignore the
sparkly item for now, you'll get it soon enough. Down the ladder, you'll
notice a bench. It's facing the opposite way, so not much good for sitting
on, but perfect for hiding UNDERNEATH. There're two doors down here too -
one is locked, so that gives you a clue...


This is as close as you'll get to one I suppose, so I call this the
courtyard. At the far end is a closed gate, and halfway across - a door.
Closed gate... door... hmm. Door...

[Audience Room]

There's a very obvious sparkly key on the table. As you go to pick it up
though, you get a cutscene. OK, that is pretty sick. Not gross, but sick
nonetheless. Anyway, take that key, and note the bookcase in here. You
might be glad of it's services later. The key unlocks the door back in the
Balcony/Well area, so go back there and open the door!

[Service Passage]

*CLOCK SAVE* and seriously, you cannot miss this clock!

OK, the service passage. Note that opposite where you walk in is a
depressible bit of floor, which you will need to remember for later. Walk
down the hall and note the very obvious clock, save if you want, and carry
on down the passage. The first door, which is locked and needs a special
key, is the Puppet Room. Down the staircase and on the left, is the
kitchen - we'll go in there in a sec...

*SECRET ITEMS* Not far from this spot is a cracked wall - directly ahead
of you. Fiona notes that the wall is weakened, so take that as your cue to
kick the living (bleep) out of it and procure your item.

OK, with that done, notice the passage now to your right. Down the stairs
is a piece of a keyplate, but I've solved this one for you (The two halves
make up the word "REST" wink - put your REST plate into the machine.


*RECOVERY POINT* Take a drink from the sink/faucet.
*HIDING SPOT*, technically, there are TWO in this room. There is one in the
actual bathtub to the right of the entrance (this is camera view, by the
way) and you can also very successfully hide in the central closet down
the stairs as well.

This is a key spot, your first Recovery Point, and you'll be glad of it
later. Refresh yourself if you need to, but otherwise, back to the Service
Passage, and to the door leading to the kitchen! Take note of the closet
spaces as well. From left to right: left door is locked. Middle door is
open. Right door is full of garbage and unusuable. Keep that locked door
in mind for later...


OK, not much here, you should go down the stairs but let's make our life
easier first of all. Go past the kitchen worktops, and towards the door
leading to the Dining Hall.

[Dining Hall]

*HIDING SPOT* right behind the curtains - not marked as a hiding spot,
rather like the loos in the restroom - and a pretty one-shot solution
before the big lug susses this spot out, but use it when you need it!

On the table is the second half of the cracked keyplate. Shame we already
did that bit, eh? Oh well. At the far end of this hallway is a door which
we can now unlock, which leads back to the staircase near the Guest Room.
Hooray for us, now we have an unlocked door and don't have to run around
aimlessly! Wallow in this for a second, then return to the kitchen.


Go to the far side of this room, and down the stairs, Run and
ram the boards which make up the (broken) door to clear your way into the

[Wine Cellar]

*HIDING SPOT* should be obvious; there's a big table. Don't make me spell
it out.

OK, down here we find the castle map, which doesn't automatically update
until you have used it as an item. Mind you, not that I ever found the map
much use, but hey, every little helps! There should also be an item lying
around here you might want to pick up. Once done here, time to go upstairs
and into the kitchen.


Cutscene. How in the **** did he hide back there? Can he do the splits or

[Service Passageway]

Another cutscene. Debilitas gets a scolding, and we meet Riccardo, who
looks more like a monk than a curator/keeper. Seems like Fiona has
inherited the castle... well, we're sure getting a nice reception... oh
now see, that's what happens when you get chased about. The lead character
has to collapse. End of the first mission goal, so therefore end of this
chapter. See what I did there? Split each goal and mission into chapters.
I know, I know. ^^

-> CHAPTER TWO - AIM: Find a way out of this part of the castle.

Before we start here with Chapter Two, let me make this clear. Not
everything that is necessary will sparkle or stand out. It is possible to
get lost here for quite some time before you finally figure out what is
going on. Remember - I tear my hair out so you don't have to.

[Guest Room] *CLOCK SAVE* on the left side of the room. *HIDING SPOT*
underneath the bed, obviously.

Aww, that poor dog is tied to the tree. Time to go make a new friend. Down
the steps and out the door.

[The Gardens]

OK, down the stairs and free the dog. As the owner of a rescued dog,
believe me, this one tugs at the heartstrings (And sadly, happens, which
makes it all the more depressing) - Fiona frees the dog... aww. Bless.
Anyway, hmm, time to go back and explore a bit, wouldn't you say? You can
by all means take the passage which you find open on the way back up to
the Guest Room, but you won't be doing much there yet. So we n** through
the guest room...

[Guest Room]

*CLOCK SAVE* on the left side of the room.
*HIDING SPOT* still under the bed.

Aww man! This thing just doesn't get it, does he? Come on Fiona, a good
kick in the right place is all it takes... aha! Dog attack! Even better!
Learn how to order the dog to attack, and it'll scare Debilitas away for
now. We will now be traveling with Hewie, and Hewie might take a bit of
time to train up. The key is - praise him every time he gets something
right, and scold him when he doesn't do as he is told. It does not take
long for Hewie to get the message and become an extremely useful asset.

Technically, now you can enter into "combat" by ordering Hewie to attack.
Remember that if you want him attacking, to urge him on and then praise
him. This, in conjunction with certain items, can wear your foes down,
and even knock them down! When KO'ed, search them once and once only for
items. Then get your butt outta there.

OK, Fiona is alive: check. Our new friend Hewie: check. Fiona's chest -
check. I mean, ahem, sorry, umm, yes, shall we move on? Let's get on with
the important bit now. Back out into the gardens.

[The Gardens]

Right downstairs, and to the left is a barred gate. It's blocked by a box,
but there's a hole to the right of the door! Hmm, Hewie sized too. Send
Hewie in by hitting UP on the right analog stick, and then he'll allow you
access to The Training Ground.

[The Training Ground]

*Hiding Spot* is opposite the vase - in the bushes. Fiona in a bush. Yes,
there are more joke oppertunities in that than I can take... *faints*

This is in for the sake of completion. First of all, there is a ball on
the ramp - the shiny object. This toy can be used to play with Hewie and
apparantly improve his friendship level. Also, you can command Hewie to
attack the straw dummies - one will reveal a secret item. And the vase can
also be smashed for an item. There is a big gate here, but it's jammed, so
no way out there then... darn. Anyway, back into the gardens.

[The Gardens]

Time to return back up those stairs, remember that door which we saw in an
earlier cutscene? Now we have Hewie, we can investigate that area. So, um,
do so.

[The Castle Entrance]

First thing we come across is a pile of rubble Fiona can't climb up. Order
Hewie to "Go!" and he'll scramble up the rubble and grab the Broken
Marionette. Now we can open the door to the Puppet Room. But first, carry
on through here, grab the sparkly item and check the doors at the other
side of the bridge to realise that you're not getting out that easily. We
COULD go back to the puppet room through the kitchen, which is undoubtedly
quicker, but there is an alternative... back up to the Refinery, the room
where the golem moved.


Out the door to the balcony.

[Balcony and Sealed Up Well]

*HIDING SPOT* still under the bench.

OK, I'm not being stupid, of course Hewie can't climb down ladders. But
remember that sparkly from earlier? Get the camera properly adjusted so
you see the sparkle, and order Hewie to "Go!" - he'll leap over, get the
item, and drop down to the area with the well. Go down the ladder and
remember to praise him for this death-defying act of obedience. Now we can
n** into the Service Passage.

[Service Passage]

*CLOCK SAVE* is still obviously at the obvious clock. Obviously.

OK, this is where you best hope Hewie plays ball. Remember that bit of
floor which sinks when you walk on it? Yep, we have Hewie now, so walk on
it, make sure Hewie is on this switch, and order him to STAY. If he
follows you, scold him and repeat until the pooch gets over his selective
hearing problems.

OK, to the door now. Use the Broken Marionette to open the door. Quirky
variation on the usual, bog-standard key. I'm almost impressed.

[Puppet Room] *TRAP*
*********** * Trap Puzzle * **********************************************
With Hewie out on that switch, there should be a gate right in front of you
that is raised. Go through it and hit the lever to deactivate the trap. DO
NOT, and I repeat, DO NOT walk on the section of floor with the eye before
you deactivate the trap, or you will be killed.

Once this trap is nulled for good, call for Hewie and praise him. Time to
move on, I would say.

[Telephone Room]

*HIDING SPOT* is under the chaise.

Cutscene. Hmm. Azoth. Interesting. I wondered what it was that Fiona had
that was so important (apart from being the cliche horror victim with big
assets). By this point the big lug will be after you again, so use the
conveniently placed hiding spot that has been provided, and move on when
the coast is clear.

[The Entrance Hall]

The big lug will still be after you, so unlock the door (which leads out to
the old bridge we crossed earlier) but run up the stairs and through the

[2nd Floor Passage]

Run through here and down the long stretch, hmm, that red padding is
awfully strange. Anyway, door here, enter.

[Nursery] *HIDING SPOT* is in the wardrobe/closet (delete where

OK, without a doubt, this is (bleep)ed up. Note the obvious hiding place,
and also note there is a safe-type thing here you can open with a MAGNUS
keyplate. The two items you get here are what Debilitas would normally drop,
so note that Debilitas won't drop them if you get them here! Time to move on
before that big excuse for a... thing, arrives. Out the other door here.

[Sculpture Gallery]

Now that's an impressive piece of work! Check if you want, but while we're
up here, there's an important spot you should remember. In the far wall
from where you enter, in the corner, is a hole. Everything about it
screams 'Don't go in'. Guess what? Yup, we're going in!

[Synthesis Room]

This whole room is a Hiding Spot, Debilitas can't get you in here, but
Hewie can't come in here. In this room are two important things - one is a
spot where you can occasionally find some useful items to aid you in
combat, the other is the large machine. This is where you use Medallions
to synth up some alchemic delights. There are directions of how to use it
in this room, but the goal is to line up as many spots of the same colour
as possible. It requires patience and good reflexes, but it is possible to
make some good stuff here. Use up your medallions, and leave the way you
came in.

[Sculpture Gallery]

OK, moving on, there's a door and stairs going down. We've no real need to
go downstairs yet, so that means we go through the door.

[Old Balcony]

Order Hewie to "Stay", since we're going to have a little accident now. See
the nice sparkly item? Go to it to trigger a cutscene. Whoops!

NOTE: As an extra cutscene, you can lure Debilitas near the shiny item, by
either using Hewie to herd him there or using a Bisque Doll. Either way,
this scene is an extra scene for your movies list and you're Debilitas-free
for a little while.

[The Passage With Fake Doors]

*HIDING SPOT* and thanks to Shaun Sturgess for this one, in the left-hand
corner are some bushes you can apparantly hide in. Nice work, Shaun!

Debilitas may once again be on your case. Not good. There are four doors here,
left to right - the first door takes you into a small office-type room,
the second and third doors are fake, and the fourth door takes us into the
Recreation Room. Which is where we want to go!

[Recreation Room]

Don't hang around here. Opposite where you come in is a door. Unlock it and
go through and we're downstairs from the Sculpture Gallery.

[Sculpture Gallery]

Not that it's important, but that little feature seems rather ghostly and
shimmery. Ahh well, you can call for Hewie now. There's a door down here,
which we're going into.

[Maids Bedroom]

*HIDING SPOT* underneath the bed.
*SAVE SPOT* thanks to Bizzy, USA for this - there is also a clock in this
room that you can use behind the screen.

There's a hiding spot here. Use it. If Debilitas happens to find you, run
back upstairs and use either the hole, or the closet/wardrobe in the
Nursery. Either way, there isn't much of note here - except a painting
which Fiona notices looks like it's painted in blood and raises her panic
slightly. Whatever happens, get Hewie and go back to the passage with fake

[The Passage With Fake Doors]

*HIDING SPOT* in the left-hand corner, in the bushes.

Go to the right and down that passage.

[Dead End - With Bridge Mechanism]

*SECRET ITEMS* OK, not "secret" since you can see the sparkle, but order
Hewie to "Go!" and he'll leap the fence, retrieve the item and leap back
over. Praise him for this.

OK, up the ladder at the end. And then up the other one. This is where I
find most get confused, since this spot up here is empty bar a metal thing
in the corner. Kick the side of it three times to lower the bridge. This
IS important, so remember to do it. Now we go back to the Passage with
Fake Doors.

[The Passage with Fake Doors]

*HIDING SPOT* in the left-hand corner, in the bushes.

Ignore that one door I mentioned earlier for now, and run past it.


There is a hole here Hewie can go in, but not yet. Run forwards, and up the
ramp, into another area.

[Tunnel with Holes]

Halfway along is an area to the right - examine the holes for one of those
cool cutscenes, and get a letter to Fiona. This is from a guy called
Lorenzo, and he seems to want to help by providing you some details of
what to do. Anyway, press onward.

[Gate Area]

There is a lever here, pull it to open the gate (note this can't be done
while you are being chased). This takes you to the Courtyard-type area we
went to earlier, but we have no need to go that way now. See those
flowers? Stand next to the hole and order Hewie to "Go!" - he'll go in and
retrieve some Fresh Flowers. Now we have these, we can go back to the
Passage with Fake Doors. However...


Remember that Hewie-sized hole? Order Hewie into it. He'll stay there it
seems until you order him out. So now for that door we haven't been into
yet in the Passage with Fake Doors...

[The Passage with Fake Doors]

*HIDING SPOT* in the left-hand corner, in the bushes.

Only one we haven't been in yet. the far-left door. Enter.


*CLOCK SAVE* on the north side of the room.

OK, this is another puzzle. There are lots of butterflies flying around
some dried flowers... and a vase right next to where you enter. Seems
obvious really, but use the Fresh Flowers on the vase and the butterflies
will leave the door, another one of those puzzles which is obvious when
you've done it. Save if you want and enter the door we just cleared.

[Laundry Room]

*HIDING SPOT* and the whole room is a hiding spot! If Debilitas is chasing
you, then close the door and push that crate across. Sure, you're stuck in
here now, but then, Debilitas can't get to you. Which is a good thing.

Check the sink for an item, it doesn't sparkle but it's not exactly hidden.
There is a ladder here, go down it.

[Laundry Room - Down Below]

Ahh, so THAT is where Hewie is! Order him to "Go!" and he'll retrieve a
Study Key. Nice work boy, we'll praise him in a minute.

*SECRET ITEMS* In the back corner of this room is some rubble and a crack in
the wall. Kick it to reveal an item, but also a piece of Magnesia. This
doesn't do any damage from what I can tell, but it can give Fiona a scare.
Anyway, we're now done here. Time to return to Hewie.


Call for Hewie, praise him, and head back to the Gate Area.

[Gate Area]

Now, further on here is a ladder - which is fine, but if you're feeling
daring, ignore for a minute and press on.

[Old Hut Area]

*HIDING SPOT* underneath the bench, not the best hiding spot but we'll
take it.

There is an obvious wooden hut/shed here, with a burning brazier outside
it. Not that I get off on asking for Lloyd Grossman's help but, "Who would
live in a house like this? David, it's over to you..."

And thank you, Lloyd. Now, for our home and studio audience, though not for
our Fiona, here's whose house it is.

(Hint: Debilitas' house)

Go into it.

[Debilitas' Place]

There isn't much here bar a few items. You should get a Beef Jerky, which
is a good thing indeed, but I wouldn't spend long here - it's a total dead
end and getting cornered here is not good news. Back to those ladders.

Note: Shaun Sturgess points out, if you DO get cornered, there is a doll
next to the shrine that can be picked up and used in a pinch.

[Gate Area]

Order Hewie to stay, and go up the two ladders, and into the room at the

[Music Room]

Ahh, nothing like a good piano, eh? I like a good tinkle of the ivories
myself (bet you didn't know I was classically trained wink ) - there's an
item here, a locked door which leads out into the Walkway from earlier,
and a swivelly telescopic thing. Use that thing and turn it until you see
it click. That's one thing done. Now, out the locked door and into the


OK, remember I said there was a study here earlier? It's just before the
spot we met our dear friend Debilitas. Go in there.


If you didn't come in here earlier, there should be a shiny item, a board
explaining things about Azoth and Luminescents, and a locked desk. Use the
Study Key and get a refracting mirror. We'll need this. Anyhow, return to
our dear Hewie now, who is by this point howling out loud. This is not
good, it attracts attention. Either way, we've got to go back to the old
balcony, just off the Sculpture Gallery. Not hard to find the way back.

[Old Balcony]

Shiny item here - command Hewie to "Go!" and he'll get it for you. Good
boy. Praise him for his efforts, and then go up the ladder - you can order
him to stay, but by not doing so he'll more than likely meet up with you
soon. Failing that, leave him in the Graveyard area. But you won't have
him to get the item. Your choice. Up the ladder, we find the bridge we
made drop earlier. Cross it and open the door.

[Hidden Staircase Room]

This is one pain of a puzzle - not that it is hard to do, it should be
pretty obvious what needs to be done - push blocks back to their normal
resting spots. It's just rather time consuming, and as such Hewie will do
a lot of barking. Push the blue block out first a bit, then push the green
one down to it's normal place, running around the stairs to slot it into
position. Push the blue block until you can run around it in the gap in
the red line, and push it down towards the blue line and finish that up.
The last two reds blocks should be straight-forward from there. Your reward
is a hidden staircase (Hence why I call it the "Hidden Staircase Room".
Genius, really.) going down. There's a locked door up here too, which
we'll come back to later. Anyway, back to those stairs...

[Room of the Swivel Mirrors]

There's a door here you can unlock to go back to the graveyard - Hewie will
likely be dutifully waiting for you here. If not, find him. Anyway, back
to this room.

There are another two swivel mirrors here - and one requires that
refracting mirror we picked up earlier. Like the mirror in the Music
Room, line them up until the two mirrors click, and watch the scene. Mmm.
Door. Wonder where we go now?

[Spiral Staircase]
*CLOCK SAVE* is once again sticking out like a sore thumb.

SAVE HERE! Believe me, the next few areas can try your patience. I highly
recommend that you save here. OK, do that, and run down the stairs. At the
bottom, notice that there's a plaque on the wall - you'll need Hewie for
this bit. Oh dear me, this is the stuff of nightmares...

[Hall of Darkness]

Welcome to the biggest ***** of all. Take the utmost care here, because it
is so easy to die here it's almost unforgivable. But the solution is a
no-brainer if you read the placard just a second ago. Order Hewie to "Go!"
and stick to him like glue, walking through him in necessary. You'll need
to do this twice to clear this area this time. If you fall, you hear a
sickening squelchy crunchy sound (eww) and the game over screen.
Thankfully, we only just saved... or did you? Oh well. Clear this area and
we get onto a boss fight. On the other side, Hewie can also find a hidden
item. Thanks to Prelude2Disaster who e-mailed me this information.

[The Chapel]

Wow. Nice and spacious. Gotta be a catch - of course, boss fight. Run to
the goddess statue at the end of the aisle, paying note to the two levers
which you can't do much with now - you might wanna use them soon.

Anyway, check the statue and examine further for a key. Before we can
whoop, and wager our guesses as to what door this opens, we're rudely
interrupted by Debilitas, and he doesn't seem happy. Or is he? I can never

This is courtesy of Bree o'Neill. And it's a truly odd one. When Fiona uses
the door, it opens into the Hall of Darkness. When Debilitas uses the door,
it opens into the Chapel. While a minor point, it's good to see Capcom
getting it wrong!


After much thinking, I decided to play this fight out
as if going for the best possible ending. So... here's
a clue as to how to beat Debilitas...

By far the most entertaining and satisfying way to get rid of this
menace, it also requires some good timing. Debilitas will charge towards
you a lot - use this force, and time it just right so you run/dodge out
of the way so he hits those levers instead! Yep, they're holding that
priceless antique up. Repeat for lever number two, and watch the most
gloriously satisfying cutscene so far. Think he got the message?

ALTERNATE STRATEGY courtesy of Garry Hogg
Gary notes that actually Fiona can break the levers here herself, and
while it takes a few kicks, it's a slightly safer method if you don't
like the idea of being headbutted by Debilitas.

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