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Journal of Gothprincess331
Haunting Ground Walkthrough-Daniella
OK, so we've knocked some sense into Debilitas (finally), and now have a
nice shiny key to progress onto the next chapter. But before we rush off,
there is something which you can do to even the score... we need to head
back to Debilitas' Place first though. You've been there before. The messy
and slightly creepy wooden shed-type building?

[Debilitas' Place]

OK, OK, yes, pity him. Poor thing has the mental age of a five-year old
but the body of a mutant killing machine. He seems to have sussed that
we are smarter than him (No, really?) and as a peace offering he offers
us a smudged key. This key isn't your ticket to freedom... but it's a
nice ticket to kicking a**. Once you have the key... it's time for a
little visit to the Restroom.


Recover here if you need it - perhaps not, but whatever. Remember the one
stall down the stairs which was locked? We can now open it with the aid
of our new friend Debilitas' key! Go down the stairs, follow the path and
on the table lie some shiny new shoes! METAL BOOTS, to be precise, and now
you can do twice the damage when you kick!

This makes life easier later - while Hewie has a foe distracted, you can
sneak in some kicks. Now your kicks are more powerful, the tag-team effort
is a lot more effective. More downtime for your enemies means more goodies
to pick up, so don't be afraid to fight from now on if you have to!

On your second play through the game, this room also contains a Castle Key,
which can be used to get ending C: Dona Nobis Pacem. Use this key on the
castle doors outside the entrance hall.///

Anyway, with that, time to go to the Hidden Staircase Room.

[Hidden Staircase Room]

There is a shiny locked door here. Use your key... or as the cutscene
would prefer... perhaps not... end of chapter. Woohoo!

-> CHAPTER THREE - Aim: Explore Belli Mansion.

Once again, this is a small area really but things can be so easily missed,
forcing backtracking. Anyway. Let's get on with it then.

[Dining Hall]

Cutscene. Poor Daniella. She was made to be the perfect woman, but lacks the
emotions and feelings to complete the package. It's depressing to be that
beautiful but be unable to feel anything. Anyway, whatever Fiona ate isn't
agreeing with her...

[Staircase from Dining Hall to Guest Room]

Ugh. That sucks, Fiona is really not feeling well. Best go and lie down in...

[Guest Room]

Check the bed and rest. Cutscene. Daniella isn't complete... but Fiona is.
Whether it be through a false sense of betrayal, jealousy or just that Fiona
has what she can't have, Daniella breaks the window with her head (Hey, that
is a pretty awesome party piece!), grabs a big shard of glass and goes after
Fiona. Bugger.

We're pretty much done in the castle bit, and Daniella isn't too hard to
outrun, so run back to...

[Hidden Staircase Room]

NOW we can unlock that door! How Daniella got there so fast is amazing, but
leave her alone here and she'll leave you alone... for now. Open that door!

[Mansion - Long Passageway]

Run forward and Daniella will pop up behind you. Yikes! Run to the end of
the hall and through the door!

[Mansion - A Lot of Stairs!]

That's an awful lot of stairs! Run up to trigger a cutscene. Hmm, Daniella
seems to hate her own reflection. While she's busy screaming, press on

[Mansion - Waterway]

Seems we're probably under that well now. Hmm. Down the stairs, check door,
trigger another cutscene.

[Mansion - Luminescent Lamp Hall]

*HIDING SPOT* just after you enter. You can conceal yourself behind the
*SYNTESIS ROOM HOLE* is also here. Use it as and when required.
*CLOCK SAVE* is located in the room with the unlit luminescent lamp.

OK, now we're in the mansion proper. A couple of sparkly items should
be picked up, explore this area. The first turning takes you to the
Giant Mammoths Head Walkway (We'll come to that shortly), ignore that
turn for now and walk straight ahead from the hole (Silent Hill 4
overtones, or is that just my imagination?). On the left side of
the screen is a balcony, which you can use to hide in. On the right,
is an open room with an unlit lamp and a save point. I'd save right
about now, but we're in no imminent danger. Regardless, straight on
from these doors is another door. Use it.

[Mansion - Shaft with Mirror]

There is a concealed mirror here. Note this in case you need to keep
Daniella's mind occupied. Walk through here and into...

[Mansion - Garden Room 2nd Floor Walkway]

See that blue luminescent? Remember how you usually avoid them and
shut doors behind you to keep them from following you? Tough, we need
this one to follow us. Back to that unlit lamp.

[Mansion - Shaft with Mirror]

Make sure the blue light is following you. And press onward.

[Mansion - Luminescent Lamp Hall]

*HIDING SPOT* is still behind those curtains.
*SYNTESIS ROOM HOLE* is still here. Use it as and when required.
*CLOCK SAVE* is still located in the room with the unlit lamp.

OK, now for the fun bit. Lure it into that room with the unlit lamp
in the middle. The aim here is to get the luminescent to collide with
the lamp, lighting it up and revealing a passageway for us to go to.
Once done, back to the Garden Room.

[Mansion - Garden Room 2nd Floor Walkway]

Run around the walkway, and open the door. Admire the lush greenery
from above if you have to.

[Mansion - I Want My Mummy Passage]

I deliberately bring your attention to the strange feature of this
passageway. Beside you as you enter is a closet which you can hide in,
although it's not great and I wouldn't recommend or list it as a
hiding spot. Further down the walkway is some sofas - on which sits
a mummified woman! Ick! Not nice. But pointless. Anyway, just beyond
that is a red door (can't use this door now), a vase (you are kicking
these things, right?) and a staircase we revealed with the aid of our
little blue stalker. Down the stairs, is a door. Hmm... the logic of
this walkthrough compels you to go through this door...

[Mansion - Fenced Off Room]

A fenced off room. Hewie will probably start growling here, but ignore
for now. In the first corner you approach is a door. Woohoo! Now we're

[Mansion - Restroom with Passcard Machine]

*RECOVERY POINT* is at the sink/faucet. Mmm. Water.

OK, this room is more than just your recovery point. First of all, there
is a picture on the wall in here, a wordsearch of a sort. The clue comes
later but it isn't very hard to clearly pick out the words.

Go to the passcard machine, and make three passcards. One should be
called "SALT", one "MERCURY" and one "SULFUR" - spell SULFUR correctly,
this one had me for a little while since I'm used to spelling it as
'sulphur'. We have three passcards, we're fully recovered, and we're
ready to roll. Let's go!

NOTE: Special thanks to Lisa Johnstone for this info. In this room, you
can open the shutters for a little cutscene. Problem is, Daniella will
chase you after this scene.

[Mansion - Fenced Off Room]

Go straight ahead to the other door in this room.

[Mansion - Red Light Passage]

*HIDDEN ITEMS* Hewie will bark at the red light on the branching path
of this hallway. Check it for an item.

OK, we're not doing much here, just passing through. Ignore the branching
path and go straight ahead.

[Mansion - Relaxation Area]

*CLOCK SAVE* at the clock beside you as you enter.
*HIDING SPOT* underneath the sofa. Of course.

Hopefully Daniella isn't chasing you, if she is use the hiding spot
provided. Daniella, I have found, has an evil habit of hitting Hewie
when she can't find you. Nasty piece of work, that Daniella. Anyway,
when the coast is clear, or otherwise, then take the Mansion Map from
the table (WOOHOO!), and return to that branching path, the door here
is locked from the other side (and should remain so until I say so).

[Mansion - Red Light Passage]

Take the branching path.

[Mansion - Merry-Go-Half-Round]

This is truly messed up. But not much to do here except take the door
opposite you.

[Mansion - Serpents Hallway]

Hewie will growl. Notice the picture on the wall - we have the three
keyplates now, so we're good. Down the stairs. To the south of you
here are two vases, and that locked door. DO NOT, and I repeat, DO
NOT UNLOCK IT YET! Doing so lets Daniella in (this is if you haven't
met her here yet), and we don't want that. The stairs to the left,
going down, head to a puzzle we can't yet solve. So go north and enter
that door. Oh yes, there's a luminescent here. Make it follow you into
this next room.

[Mansion - Fury of the Serpents]

Fire bad, OK? There's a door here we can't unlock yet, and a lamp...
oh wait, we know what to do here already, right? Luminescent hit lamp,
open safe. Sorted. We have a Film Reel.

Next is the serpent heads. This is pretty straight-forward but first,
grab the torn note from one of the serpents mouths. Read it if you
must. Not necessary since I'm taking you through this, but hey, knock
yourself out.

Right, these serpents have open mouths. Three heads, three keyplates.
Bottom left, Salt. Bottom Right, Mercury. Once these two are in place,
examine one of the heads and use the Sulfur keyplate, and Hewie leaps
into action. Praise him like you should. The fire is now ice, order
Hewie to stay and climb the ice pillar.

[Mansion - Library]

*CLOCK SAVE* at the far right of the room, next to the door out of

Wow. A lot of books. But first, pick up the carelessly placed shiny
item (Mmm.) and walk to the back of the room. Walk right, until
you're behind a rusty ladder. Fiona can't climb it, and neither will
Hewie (lazy dog), but there's a shiny object on the top! Hmm. I
wonder if kicking it will do any good... kicking it three times...
BINGO! One Saturn Key. Leave this room using the normal door method.

[Mansion - Wooden Walkway]

Straight-forward walk to the other side, nothing more nothing less.

[Mansion - Mammoth Head Room]

Literally, MAMMOTH head room. Gross yourself out by walking over its
trunk, and note the room in the background. We'll go there soon.

[Mansion - Luminescent Lamp Hall]

*HIDING SPOT* is still behind those curtains.
*SYNTESIS ROOM HOLE* is still here. Use it as and when required.
*CLOCK SAVE* is still located in the room with the unlit lamp.

We're back here. But we want to be back at the Serpents Hallway.
If Daniella gives you grief, sick Hewie on her and kick her as well.
Or hide, your choice. Either way, back to Serpents Hallway.

[Mansion - Serpents Walkway]

We now need to go down the staircase on the left side of this hall.

[Mansion - Jupiter's Test]

OK, take note of what the placard reads. We need to go check out the
room to the LEFT now, so lets do so. Down the stairs, use your key
to open the door.

[Mansion - Room of Truth]

Examine everything closely. I'll give you the solution as well soon,
however doesn't hurt to understand what I'm talking about. Well,
OK, DO NOT EXAMINE DANIELLA! (She gets about a bit sharpish!) Doing
so will make her chase you with a new weapon - a red-hot pointy
poker. I believe this does more damage than the glass shard.

OK, examined everything? Good. Back to...

[Mansion - Jupiter's Test]

OK, we now take the right-hand staircase and open the door down there.
Use the key. Yes, it's mirror image, which should be the biggest clue
to solve this puzzle...

[Mansion - Room of Deception]

OK, first and foremost, DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING YET! Just glance around
the room and drink it in. OK, figured out what to do yet?

First and foremost, DON'T open the closet. Daniella is hiding in there
(HOW IN THE !?&$ DOES SHE DO THAT?!?!). Basically, you check the items
in this room and are given the opportunity to examine them further.
There are six items here - three are true reflections, three are the
same. Closely examine the wrong item and the door locks shut, and by
trying to leave (which you eventually must) you're treated to a grizzly
little death scene. Hmm. Not nice.

The three items you should examine are:
1) The chessboard, is a true reflection.
2) The wax models.
3) The hourglass by the side of the burning fire.

Each time you examine the right item, you get a little scene where
something moves. The red doors, usually blocked by walls, are now
accessible, and a patch of water we haven't yet been to is now
crossable. Leave this room now, and return to the Serpents

[Mansion - Serpents Walkway]

Remember the door leading to the Merry-Go-Half-Round? Go there.

[Mansion - Merry-go-Half-Round]

The whole thing has rotated a bit. Take the other door.

[Mansion - Torture Chamber]

*HIDING SPOT* will really creep you out. It's in the Iron Maiden,
the metal thing with spikes. Hit the lever to lower the spikes,
then you can hide in here. A big thanks to everyone who pointed
out that YES, Fiona can die in here - a bit gruesome perhaps, but
required if you want a complete movies list eventually... ick.

Anyway. Shiny item ahoy! There's a corpse in a chair - you can
examine it and try and take the item, but it's no good. The thing
is possessed and will resist. So, we need to exorcise it. Ooh look
behind it, coloured floor panels and four flames to extinguish!

The combination requires both Fiona and Hewie standing on coloured
panels. In this order: Red and Blue, Red and Yellow, Green and Blue,
Green and Yellow. Watch as the corpse is well and truly exorcised
and take the VENUS KEY from it. We'll use this later. First, we
explore a bit more. Return back to the Red Light Passage.

[Mansion - Red Light Passage]

Take the branched path back to the Merry-Go-Half-Round.

[Mansion - Merry-Go-Half-Round]

Take the other door.

[Mansion - Fenced Off Room]

We're now behind the fence. A vase is just asking to be kicked
here. Hewie is growling... Daniella is here. But she isn't armed.
This is one of those occasions you DO want to speak to her. And
I still don't get how she does these acts of teleportation. That is
rather unsettling. Anyway, seems the master of the house asked her
to give you an item - ********* Perfume. Yeah, Daniella creeps me out
too, so lets get out of here sharpish. Back to the mummy hallway.

[Mansion - I Want My Mummy Passage]

The red door, previously blocked, is now open. Go through it.

[Mansion - Connective Passage]

This passage branches off to the right - and takes you back to the
Luminescent Lamp Hall. Goody. Less running around. Anyway, ignore
that for now and press straight ahead, and open the door here.

[Mansion - Chimera Room]

This is the room we could see from the Mammoth Head Room. There's
an item in the Chimera which we want. Cool beans. Now, there's one
more door that we can open now... whatever you do, don't go to the
Shaft with Mirror... we sorta lowered the platform... return all
the way back to the Fury of the Serpents.

[Mansion - Fury of the Serpents]

We can open that door now! Do so, Daniella may have finally
snapped back to stalking you now...

[Mansion - Mandragora Garden Room]

Thanks go to Frank Kortland for e-mailing me about the
*HIDING SPOT* in this garden, located in the lower-left corner of
the screeen, just south of the purple Mandragora bed. She may come
back, but it's certainly a BIG help and saves on using any panic
reducing items.

Also, more thanks to Hima from Thailand for pointing out that while
you can hide, while you have the Mandragora in your grasp here, that
there is a very real danger that it will give away your position.

Anyway, moving on.

Ooh, that's creepy. For those interested in such things, that is
a Mandragora (no need to call it a plant) - a sort of mythical
root vegetable that sleeps underground, and has an unnatural scream
when removed from the comfort of its resting spot. Castlevania
players will of course already know this - it's been in plenty of
the recent games. It's a plant, as far as I know a mandragora is
otherwise immobile and can't do much at all.

Also worth noting here, for those interested, this is NOT the first
time Capcom have borrowed something from Castlevania. Clock Tower 3
fans will remember the statue which cries tears of blood - also a
nice feature in several Castlevania titles. Ho-hum. Not that I am
implying anything of course, just worthy of a mention I think.

Anyway, let us move on, shall we? OK. Remember that perfume that
Daniella gave us? Use it on Hewie, and he'll guide you to the
correct place to pull out a Mandragora (The white one, although feel
free to take another and use it in place of the white one later...
again, this is required for a complete movies list, so feel free to
do so if you really want to) - it will scare the bejeezus out of
poor Fiona and attract Daniella to boot. Not a good combination.
Hide or run, take your pick! Note that the mandragora sometimes will
scream, which gives away Fiona's hiding position...

[Mansion - Serpents Walkway]

Stop, turn to the right and run forwards, pick up the item shining
brightly and open the door.

[Mansion - Shaft Bottom]

This is the walkway from the earlier shaft which we lowered. We
can cross the water whereas we couldn't beforehand. So do so.

[Mansion - Graveyard]

This is most CERTAINLY a graveyard. Creepy place to keep your
skeletons. Anyway, our main focus of attention is the big and
proud mausoleum-monument directly north of Fiona. Check the
black door for a fright - cool, eh? It wants something. Maybe
it would like that mandragora we picked for it? Listen to the
crunches and the screams... animal or vegetable, that isn't a
very nice way to go. Anyway, that arm is no longer blocking
the way... like it or not, we're going in!

[Mansion - The Crypt]

By far and away the most entertaining puzzle, purely down to
it's blatant simplicity. There's a golem, like the one we
moved in the refinery. It moves forwards when commanded by a
keyplate, but engrave a series of letters on the plate and it
will turn Left (L) or Right (R).

There are four ways the golem can go and get results:

RRR (3 Rights)
- The golem will extinuish the flames, revealing an item.
(Magists Medallion)

RRRR (4 Rights)
- More flames extinguished and leads into the garden. Not
much here bar an item and a good shock moment if you can
stomach to examine the oven burning... *shudders*

RRL (Right twice and a Left)
- This is your way onwards. But before that...

RRLRR (You get the drill)
- Takes you down underground, out the other side and into a
Great Library.

[Mansion - Great Library]

*CLOCK SAVE* to your left as you enter.

This is a neat little puzzle too. Your aim is to find three
books here and put them back in their place. They aren't too
hard to find, two are in the open and one is concealed under
a trolley of books, which you push out of the way.

Examine the books, three authors. This bit requires no help
because it is so straight-forward: put the right book back in
its rightful place, and the bookcases slide to reveal a path!
Cool! Climb the ladder to the side of one of the bookcases,
and follow the path. Open door.

[Mansion - Projection Room]

You got a film reel earlier. Grab the shiny item and use the
reel on the conveniently placed projector - basically, Fiona
has been filmed. Hmm. But the last bit is MOST interesting...
remember those symbols. Or well, I will remember them for
later use.

Cutscene time, where we learn what Daniella's motives are.
Fiona has the essence of life - it makes her complete, human,
whole. Daniella does not have Azoth, and as such is not
complete, whole, or indeed, human - just a walking, talking
and psychotically deranged doll. Get out of this room.

[Mansion - Great Library]

No time to save! RUN! Back to the crypt - a place so creepy
that Daniella dare not follow! (She obviously has more than
a few braincells, I wouldn't go into the crypt! Heck no!)

[Mansion - The Crypt]

OK, down to that last place we haven't explored yet... whew.
That was a heck of a side-track, but interesting, no?

[Mansion - The Impossible Stairs]

Ignore the chanting freak. Up the stairs, order Hewie to go
and get the shiny item, and out the door.

[Mansion - Red Window Hallway]

OK, back to normality (Silence those giggling at that
intentionally cheesy comment.) Three other ways out here,
two darkened doorways and a door right up the top, beside
the red window. Let's check the door first...

[Mansion - Examination Room]

*RECOVERY POINT* at the sink in the far corner of the room.

Err... this is just going BEYOND wrong! Take the item, use
the recovery point if you need it, and take note of the
cabinet. It would provide a useful hiding spot... but the
thing seems to be locked. Damn. Anyway, time to leave.

[Mansion - Red Window Hallway]

OK, walk south a bit and take the path right, and through
the door.

[Mansion - Machine Room]

This machine seems important, has a description if you
examine it - back to that at a later point. For now, we're
just passing through.

[Mansion - Dark Row]

*CLOCK SAVE* is a bit far down the hall here, but since the
hall is nigh featureless, it sticks out a bit.

OK, carry on through the cells, save at the clock (would be
good to save now), and onward down the stairs.

[Mansion - Combination Lock]

This is the room we saw in that film earlier. Remember the
combination? Well, if not, I'll jog your memory.

1st Symbol, rotate to the left once (two half circles)
2nd Symbol should stay the same (Whole circle)
3rd Symbol, left or right twice (Half circle & two quarters)

The water has drained from behind that door. We're going in!

[Mansion - Well Well]

Another well thing. Joy. Downstairs is a locked door, so
we're going upstairs! Take this door.

[Mansion - Crossbow Man Puzzle]

Some people make a right meal of this puzzle, but it is so
straight-forward it's silly. You can only walk on certain
panels on the floor - command Hewie to "Go!" and follow him.
It's pretty easy and you get three chances to make a
mistake before you get a death scene - most will never view
this one unless they decide to kill Fiona on purpose. Anyhow,
examine the crossbow man's back, press the button to make
100% sure he is deactivated... and lets press on!

[Mansion - Great Library Catwalk]

*CLOCK SAVE* is on the right side of the catwalk.

If you go left, there's an item waiting for you. Then go
right, and SAVE HERE. Not that there's a boss fight
coming up or anything. Ahem. *cough*

[Mansion - The Observation Dome]

A nice, subtle blue glow masks that you're coming up to
meet Daniella in a showdown. Head upstairs and forwards to
see Daniella go ker-aay-zee.


Daniella is a surprisingly easy boss... you just need
to time things right, that is all.

In this room is a circle and four pushable blocks, with defined paths.
The aim is to keep Daniella busy while Fiona pushes the blocks. Fiona
can't order Hewie while pushing, so this requires knowing when to let
let go and order Hewie about some more. The liklihood is good that you'll
knock Daniella down (I did, easily), in which case grab the item from
her and continure pushing. Once all four blocks are in place, and the
circle is glowing, get Daniella to walk over the circle. I don't know
whether to laugh or cry because Daniella's tale is so sad... get the
Mars Key and let us leave this place...

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