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Bombay's Random Writings
Random randomness from the mind of a wierd little person. That would be me.
RP Profiles - WoW Charries
Please go here to view the game-stat profiles written for these characters.



Name: Ghail
Title: The Forsaken Shadow
Age: 21 when he died
Race: Forsaken Undead
Class: Warlock
Profession: Tailoring
Likes: shadow, darkness, blowing things up, sewing, summoning, being in control of himself and the situation around him
Dislikes: 'The Light' and anything holy, the elvish cities, Dagtal, most living existance
Brief Physical Description:
Brief History: Ghail grew up in Darrowshire, located in what was once Northern Lordaeron. However, he was born in Andorhol. His family were merchants, mostly trading in textiles and tailoring, and traveled often between Andorhol and Stratholme, stopping anywhere in-between. One night, when Ghail was still very young, his family was set upon a band of Syndicate thugs that roamed the area. Everyone was slaughtered except Ghail and his older sister, who had whisked him away into the night at his mother's behest. Unfortunately, she was struck with a poisoned dagger. A strong individual, she was able to leave the area and make it all the way to Darrowshire, where she sought out her uncle in hopes that he might help them.
She reached the little tower outside of the village in which her uncle stayed; however, she died at his doorstep, only able to recite what had happened to their parents before the poison took what was left of Ghail's family.
The man, a hermit of sorts practicing all forms of dark magics up in his quiet little keep, would have normally turned the children away; but seeing them as his sister's, he took Ghail into his home as a mere curtousey to her memory. Ghail's life with his uncle, however, was not a fun one; when he hit five, the boy was constantly subjected to quite a few of the man's magical experiments. Most of them involved being polymorphed and then flamed to see how much damage the spell could take before it wore off.
On one such occassion, Ghail managed to escape most of the damage and ran into Darrowshire to hide. Here, he ran into two children, one of which was a priestess-in-training. She sought to help him, but since she did not have the power to do so, led him to her mother, who was the town's healer. Ghail was leery, of course, to accept such assistance, considering his uncle's practices; the woman would not take 'no' for an answer. He was kept there for several days, as he would not tell the woman how he had come about such injuries, or speak with her at all.
His uncle's experiments continued, but every time one would fall on him, Ghail would escape to Darrowshire, where he had made friends with the little priestess and her twin brother, who was studying to be an alchemist and a mage, like his father. He found some solace in their company. He grew up with them and their family, feeling as if they were his own.
About the age of 18, he was on his way to Andorhol, as he was accustomed to doing to retrieve herbs for his surrogate father, reagents for his mother, and textiles for himself, when he ran into another young priest. This one, however, required his assistance, as the boy was being attacked by a rather nasty wolf, the territory of which he had stumbled into accidently while looking for his own herbs. This little rescue blossomed into yet another friendship, one that Ghail would cherish much more than the one he had developed with his family.
Though hesitant to speak with Israzhiel, this new priest, it was unavoidable on the walk to Andorhol. They spoke of professions and future goals, or family and friends. Isra was different from Malendler and Zhuriin, his quiet and shy demaneor cute in its own respect.
After their first encounter, the two met several times on Ghail's monthly trips between Darrowshire and Andorhol. <more to come>
- Ghail's only family, before and after the plague that took his life, are Malendler and Zhuriin, a mage and priest he grew up with in Darrowshire.
- He likes to sew when stressed, nervous, or angry and when he has nothing to take said negative emotions out on
- Ever since his death, he's been looking for Israzhiel, a young priest of Andorhol he knew back before the plague claimed both of their lives. Unfortunately, he's also nervous to find this priest, as he knows he had changed quite a bit and things will never be the same between them.
- Ghail can be one of two things toward others; both are very negative. When faced with certain individuals, he can be cold and inpersonal, and to others he can be irritable and threatening. Normally he comes off as a menacing force, power-hungry and single-minded.


Name: Miikail (last name pending)
Title: Holy Blood Knight
Age: Young for an elf
Race: Blood Elf
Class: Paladin
Likes: protecting others, mana potions, blood thistle, fruits and vegetables
Dislikes: the Scourge, humans, night elves, arcane magic (because of addiction), meat
Brief Physical Description:
Brief History:
- Miikail does not eat meat; he finds it to have a disgusting taste.
- He has a small addiction to mana potions and blood thistle, but has been trying to avoid the stuff as it impedes on his attention span
- When faced with arcane magic, he normally gives the caster a warning (if friendly) not to cast it again. His addiction is just as strong as most other blood elves, he merely has the strength of will to ignore it as much as possible. If it's forced in his face, however, he tends to react violently.
- Normally a very noble and polite individual, Miikail is known for a calm nature, normally one of understanding. Even if he dislikes a person, he may still hold a certain respect for them if they deserve it.
- Miikail has an interest in what happened to during the Plague and is often found wandering the areas around Scholomance or the Western and Eastern Plaguelands. He also has a deep respect for Lady Silvannas.


Name: Jadae Bladespinner
Title: Death Blossom
Age: 19*
Race: Troll
Class: Rogue
Profession: Leatherworking
Likes: death, destruction, poison, blood, daggers, stabbing things, the color green
Dislikes: people telling her she's a troll, humans, small fuzzy animals, being interupted when she's 'playing'

Brief Physical Description: Rather small in physique, Jadae is the definition of 'looks can be decieving'. Narrow shoulders, wide hips, and a tiny waist and limbs, she looks as if she should be at home baring children for some lucky troll. However, Jadae is a loner and packs a massive punch; being small and lithe is a job qualification for her chosen profession.
Her azure skin sports only a few visible scars, though most are hidden beneath the heavy leather jerkin and trousers she wears. Her clothing is adorned in spoils of her kills; anything from teeth and claws, to scales, hair, and feathers, both human and animal alike. All of her garments are light in fabric, but dark in color, making her silent and invisible when she wants to be. The only accessories she really wears is a choker of bone, teeth, and feathers, a few bangles adorned similarly about one wrist, a string of bleached bone beads in her hair, and several earrings. An assassin doesn't need such things, but she finds the little chittering jingle of the items rubbing or bouncing together to be quite a satisfactory affect when sneaking up on her prey, already paranoid and scared witless before the knife even touches their back.

Brief History: Jadae was born to a family of trolls that loved to travel. Unfortunately, their traveling days brought them to a terrible end in the Ghostlands when Jadae was only a few months old. A band of scourge that had wandered too far from the Dead Scar, where they seemed to spawn endlessly, happened upon the small family. Jadae narrowly escaped the same demise as her parents when the Blood Knights of Silvermoon City arrived to drive the undead menace off. They took Jadae into the city, though they didn't know what to do with her. She was, after all, a troll in an elvish city, amongst a race that was barely accepted by the Horde at all.
She was merely kept amongst other children that lost their parents, a sort of orphanage hidden from the rest of the city, until she was old enough to wander off on her own. That came quickly, and she was soon wandering the streets of Silvermoon, acting as any Blood Elf would, as if she was one. She even held a small need for arcane magic, though it was only a pyschological adaptation.
Wandering the streets, however, landed her into quite a bit of trouble. Jadae found her curiosity getting the better of her, particularly around merchants. She started stealing things, lifting them off tables and carts as she passed. Her first item stolen was a small silver ring she was interested in; the man grew angry when she picked it up to look up and tried to scare her off. Jadae never put the ring back and merely ran off with it.
These things caught the attention of the rogues of the city, and she was quickly drafted in to start learning their ways. Of course, she found no interest in their causes and merely did as she pleased, though she did enjoy learning what they had to teach. Soon enough she had learned everything she wanted and left Silvermoon to persue more knowledge in the ways of killing. She had been sent to Orgrimmar in hopes that the thieves there would put her into place, but that didn't happen. Their objectives were not her own, either, and she quickly left when she found she had learned quite enough from the corrupted trolls and orcs.
It was around the time she visited Undercity that she recieved a letter telling her of an assassin's guild. It interested her and she wandered up to Ravenholdt Manor. These men and women held her interest quite well and she took to learning from them as much as possible, in hopes that she could become powerful.

- Jadae grew up believing she was a Blood Elf with a very strange skin complection and short ears.
- She considers herself a bit of a vampire, as she has an affinity for the taste of blood; she often bites people for the fun of it.
- She refuses to use anything but daggers and possibly fist weapons, if they have 'sharp pointy blades for stabbing', as she likes to stab things and watch them bleed; hearing their screams makes her giggle.
- She enjoys skinning things and normally sports products of these sessions as her armor, managing to put it all together through some leatherworking skills she learned from a few blood elves.
- Pickpocketing and poison-brewing are her favorite pasttimes, and disrupting said pasttimes normally results in a psychotic Jadae
- Jadae's 'last name' comes from the fact that she has a liking for spinning blades around her fingers when she's bored or when someone is speaking to her that she doesn't want to listen to.
- Despite being a troll, her accent is very light and her speech is more geared toward that of the Blood Elves

"Oooo ~ Funny 'ha ha' or funny 'stab stab'?"

* human years; I'm not sure on the life span/expectancy of a troll


Name: Raevynn
Age: N/A
Race: Darkspear Troll
Class: Shaman
Profession: Cooking
Brief Physical Description:
Brief History:

- Reavyn is a very spiritual individual, and is often found meditating, communing with the spirits, or bettering his connection with the earth. He puts aside a little time every day to commune with the elements.
- He doesn't 'sleep' per say, but puts his body into a resting state as his mind remains open for visions and messages from the earth and ancestors.
- Reav can be quite friendly and easy to get along with. Nothing seems to bother him. If anything gets past his serene outside, it is often squelched, and any further problems are taken to the elements for assistance if it seems required.
- He prefers to speak Troll over Orcish, though he does know Orcish.


Name: Israzhiel
Title: The Holy Shadow
Age: 18 when he died
Race: Forsaken Undead
Class: Holy Priest
Profession: Alchemy
Likes: helping others, 'The Light', music, herbs and potions
Dislikes: death, disease, thinking about his past
Brief Physical Description:
Brief History:
- Before the plague he was a very optimistic priest of the Light and always enjoyed helping those he could, feeling it his purpose in life. In death he attempts to keep these qualities, but it gets harder as he sees more of the world that he has been brought into. He will never abandon his hope, however, or his belief in the Light.
- He was once Ghail's lover, before the plague, and seeks to find him, though knows he is not yet strong enough to venture the path Ghail has walked.
- He takes solace in his herb gathering, thinking about the better days of life and the things he used to do
- The plague took his lower jaw, and so Isra is forced to speak through telepathy, a skill he was talk from one of the priests in Undercity upon his awakening.


Name: Laurosara Felosial
Title: Nature's Claw
Age: N/A
Race: Night Elf
Class: Druid
Profession: Herbalism
Likes: nature, peace, defending what she thinks is right, animals
Dislikes: the war between Alliance and Horde, those who would create disturbance where there is peace
Brief Description:
Brief History:
- Lauro has an understanding of the Horde, as she is friends with a Tauren hunter as well as a Forsaken mage. This causes her to be very defensive of them when others speak badly, or with little respect, of them.
- She has a deep connection with her mount, Whitepaw, and loves animals
- She prefers to stay in her feline form quite often, as she feels more comfortable with it than her own appearance.
- Her emotional stability from time to time can be quite wavery

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