I haven't made an entry in a while, and for a good reason.
Just want to catalog some events that I might not remember in the future, so I can peruse them later for my own amusement, not for yours.
So this semester at Uni hasn't been my best. I think it started with getting FFXII just before the start of semester, and just went down hill from there. Awesome game by the way, ending was a little disappointing, but that aside. Yeah, I've just been lazy and unmotivated. The History subject I chose, although useful, was the artsiest History subject, all about abstract meanings and interpretations and interactions with History. Geneology, heritage, memory. There was some actually history in it, which was good. I learnt more about Australian history, but also urban history, which is actually quite interesting, but then that could've been helped by the fact that we had an awesome lecturer for that part of the subject. Oh Seamus, will I ever be graced by your ridiculously obvious Irish heritage again? One can only hope.
So I've probably only just passed that subject. German was also a bit more frustrating. Having Axel as the language instructor was no good for my learning style. He didn't really set any homework or dead-lines, which is usually what keeps me going. He's hot, and good when it came to the cultural component of the course, but yeah, language teaching is not his forté, clearly. Oh well, the exam for the cultural component was a joke, and the language component was almost identical to the practice one we'd done the week earlier, so that was alright. I think I'll be fine for German.
Genetics, again I got poor grades from a terribly written research assignment which I should've spent ages on but in reality only spent about a week on. It was probably my best effort, but given it's a science subject, there was just so much that was expected of us to cover, and I just couldn't do it in that week. I did have other work to do, you know. Otherwise, I dunno, again I think I could've done better. Some of the lecture material did go straight over my head, but I'll have to clear that up for myself later.
Molecular Biology has been alright. Most of the assessments comes from the practicals, which all-in-all make up about %30 of the subject. Those were too easy. The mid-semester covered more material than I was lead to believe, but considering I still managed a Distinction for that, and that made %40 of the subject. Now just the exam, so I can easily pass the subject, because I don't think the exam is a hurdle requirement, not that you'd like to fail the exam anyway, after doing so well for the rest of the subject. But god, something like 34 lectures to cover before THAT exam, dunno how I'll go. Sometimes, those lectures were just full of SO much detail, it was ridiculous. Here's hoping I'll remember all the important stuff, that they decided to pick out and ask us about.
OK, so clearly, as always, Uni has played a major role in shaping my life. I haven't been able to go to the Tudor on Wednesdays at all, because I've also picked up a German production. Still doing that, we're just taking a break over the exam and holiday period. It's been tiring, having that at 5pm on a Wednesday, after having already been at Uni from 10am. Two almost back to back labs. It was painful, and quite a trial. I'd never done a production before though, so I thought I might as well just give it a try. Gotta stick it through now.
Wow, I think I've made a good new friend in Sarah. She lives just around the corner, essentially, which is good so she's not far. We've especially bonded more in the last few weeks, as we've had a mass of German assessments that all seemed to coalesce into one big week of unending pain. Those German's really now how to work you.
Oh and there's also Stefan, who can forget him? Hopefully a new good friend who I'll have to get myself closer too, because I still don't get to see him at Uni very much. One can only try.
And well, Amy's 21st the Saturday just gone, that was fun with most people in their 1920s regalia. Show offs! And I was no exception. Had fun, yeah. I dunno why but Chris still makes me uncomfortable, and Kyle FRIGHTENINGLY uncomfortable. No fun there. Dunno how I'll deal with him, but we'll see how we go. I should probably just tell him to back off, as opposed to just trying to avoid him all the time. Not that Amy made it any easier by giving him my MSN WITHOUT my consent. b***h.
And Anthony. Well I'm meeting up with Anthony tomorrow for lunch somewhere in the city. I'll have to organise where exactly, because I'm still not sure. We'll see. God, that boy confuses me. I dunno if this is a date or just two friends meeting up. I would have thought nothing of it until he actually used the word 'date', so I dunno what to think. Could be anything.
Haven't been working much, but at least I HAVE been working, because this time last year I didn't get any shifts between holidays periods, so I'm lucky, even though it's only been like 4 or 5 shifts since going back to Uni.
Our central heating didn't work when winter finally decided it should set itself in. It took a while to set in though. Yeah, and stuff.
Well that's most of what I can think of now. Enjoy.
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WellzY's Whimsical Wank World
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