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View User's Journal

Life is an adventure
Live a Little
A day to day experience...


The journals' have been down lately so I'm just gonna cram the last two days into a list of 10.
1) I Saw Dan again! heart Yay!
2) Some n00b named skip_it was trollin and peevin everyone off at the W.T.G. thread. I asked Forb to take care of her....and he did....just not as I planned for him to.............. stare
3) Yesterday, Shadow_of_Despair pulled me into the shadow world, which I'm just findin my way out of this mornin. sweatdrop
4) I'm well on my way to gettin one of the fishin hats I've been questin for! mrgreen 75/100 white peebos!
5) I've saved about 8k gold as of now with that Firey Kimono in my sights!
6) I Will start turnin journal pages into chao comic pages! xd
7) I've been havin a cravin for chicken for awhile now.......
8 ) My finals are comin up soon...I'll be walkin the stage and gettin out of high school for good.
9) Two new gaian items have taken everyone by storm. An angelic, and demonic guitar, when you have both strapped on your back, It's looks like you have two very different wings. Cool.
10) I was so hyper that I couldn't control myself.

Now as for today.......depression.
just all of you.....JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!!! *the aura turns a deep red, nearly consuming her*
this...this ISNT HAPPENING TO ME! *the aura starts consuming her very slowly*
*passes out while it consumes her almost completely* this....isnt...gonna...happen
*wakes up just as soon as the aura consumed her completely* this is how im gonna have my punishment.....pain and torture
*talks to koopa in her mind*everybody has hatred...and punishments....just like im gonna go through now....its pain and torture for me...cause i didnt do my job....in time.....
It's ok..........i just need.......i need to go lay down.........

She kept goin on about bein takin bein taken while I was depressed myself. After awhile, I asked what the heck was goin on with her.

Crazy Koopa Kid
Crazy Koopa Kid

im being punished....for somthing i didnt finish......on time........
the task i didnt finish was...that i had to murder...somone...and i didnt do it....on time.......im a murderer.....but i dont do it anymore.......
d-don't go......
i have to.....its my punishment.....its taking me.....i have to leave now....goodbye.......
will you be back?

I never go an answer....

Crazy Koopa Kid
do you want to talk about it?,I'm here if you need me,just please remember that..Thanks
Thanx man. You such a good friend. I'm just a little depressed. On top of that, my family hates me right now because of a big fight we had, and it's seems like people were upset with me here. I appreciate the concern though.
Welcome,and I doubt I am,I just care,Your family wont hate you forever,they still love you,even if they wont show it yet,and if people were upset with you being there,Screw em(I woulda said F%$ck...but Never know who could be watching these ninja )and I'm always concered,It's what I am xD

Someone else came to me.


first of all, you're not the reason people on here are mad and dont convince yourself that....they're mad for their own reasons not because you did something....i blame myself for a lot of things (that's a triat i get from my dad...lol) and it almost always ends up i'm not the one to blame...secondly...people get in fights all the time...the best thing to do is say sorry to your family and get things worked out so you can talk to each other civily and explain to each other what got you mad and why you're sorry....unless you're not sorry....but you obviously are because if you weren't sorry, you wouldn't feel like a screw up....keep in mind that fights are healthy for relationships because they build foundations for what people do and dont like so the fight wont happen again....does this make sense? it's all a jumble from my head...sorry >_<
thanx. that helps. alot. I'm just gonna lay down for awhile before i talk to my family. thanx for everythin.

I don't feel like sendin you guys off like I usually do. I'm leavin........ crying

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.Ah, Catnip. The spice of life. Chika thinks so too. Forb doin better with what happened last night, and In.Al. changed his guild name from 'The rebublic of Chase' to "the hard core guild". Very......imaginative. Knuckledragger got a new revolver. He's either really confident with guns, or doesn't like me, because he was doin all this dangerous stuff with it knowin that I was sittin right next to him. I was too into him spinnin his gun in every direction though. Not too out there today. I'm finally gonna start questin for my Kimono, and it is E-X-P-E-N-S-I-V-E! Oh well, OH! Dan was online! I was so happy!! He's depressed on whether he's goin back to college or not, and he's gonna start gettin the cat stuff! heart I got him started already a while back with the cat tail. sweatdrop

See ya another day, God Bless, and go play Dr Mario. Tis a classic of the puzzle world if one have ever sence one. mrgreen

I got around to makin another banner. I'm not gonna over do this. All of my freinds that I've seen are in a really good mood. h.o.t., a gaian that charges for avie pics, finally got mine done. It costed me 800 gold, but It was well worth it! Check it out!
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I luv it! It makes me look like a bad-behind! Everyone will see it! I'll make sure of it! twisted
Speakin of...*clears her throat*
I met a girl, MInty_Mint was her name. She looks exactly like me, only her hair is green and her eyes her yellow. She's pretty cool too. We look so much alike, well besides me being a little taller, minus the ears. Here's a pic! blaugh
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I got to play around on the guild today. Yellowkitty, one of my sisters, spryed Delta, a brother, with a hose while i was layin nest to him. I took off after her as she flew away with her butterfly wings. As I blew fire at he, chika came in and Demanded to know what was goin on. "Uh............nothin?" That was my reply. Delta told her everything. Yukino joined today. And I got to kill a cow! She made steaks out of it and we ended up with 25 steaks each. mrgreen
I went on another trackin quest lookin for aleeah, Forb's wife. I wanted to meet her, and forb said that he hasn't seen her in who knows how long.
I found her and got her to talk to forb. They seem so happy. Aww.....gag me. rolleyes Oh, and she know's that I'm her pet.
Inuyasha_Alchemist, or Chase, got his own guild and sent me an invite. He had a post up sayin that he needs banners, so I made him one with sonic the hegdehog on a scateboard with the guild's name next to it. He loved it. said it was funny. lol
I stayed at Forb's house out of boredom. We played around ticklin each other, he did Jar Jar Binx impressions, and I got hungry and went to snag a fish by the river, instead, i get chased by three wolves back to the house. I ran straight in and hid behind him. The wolves followed me in but Forblarion turned into a wolf and killed two. I headed for the door. The last one took bite of his arm. I didn't hesitate to turn around and smash into it with a body slam. He took over from there. Poor guy was hurt though. I mean, so was I, but he was really hurt. I tended to him and stayed with him late into the night.
As I watched the moon from his window, he woke up and told me to leave. At first, I was unsure why, then I remembered, he turns into a wolf on two occasions; One when he's on the defencive in a fight; and two, when the moon's full and he has no control over himself. I ran out of his house. He turned completly into a wolf and naturally came after me. I immediately headed for the tree tops, but he was knockin down the trees like buildin blocks. After hopin from tree to tree, he finally came up there with me. I froze for awhile and fell through the canopy. From there, I blew fire along the ground to create a fire wall and rest in relief. He jumps through the blasted thing and comes after me again. I kept runnin until I came to a dead end. A canyon wall. He closed in on me, sure that he had me. I couldn't go anywhere. I yelled out to him, thinkin I could reach him. Just then A cloud moved in front of the moon, cuttin off it's rays from my poor friend. He turned back to normal for a couple of seconds to tell me run. I didn't hesitate to run this time. When the moon shined once more, he turned back into a wolf and got side tracked by a wonderin deer. I climbed back into the canapy and watched over him. He chased down and devoured the dear as if it was nothin. Then sniffed the air. I realized that he caught my scent. I headed back down the tree took off for home. I rushed in and locked the doors, but i knew they wouldn't hold, so I headed out the window and back into the woods. He came to my door and started bangin on it, then tore through my house. I climbed a tree and waited for him to pass by below, the minute he did, I jumped onto his back and grabbed his ears. Call it an act of bravery or stupidity, but I did. He tried so hard to throw me off, but I held on as tight as I could. Forb ran along side of the trees tryin to brush me off. I fell to the ground and tried to run again, but he grabs my tail and pulls me in. At that moment, he changes back to a human again, and I land on top of him.
Koopa, you gotta bring me inside and chain me down before i turn again.
*pants* Will that even work? From what I seen it won't.
Thats why I said chain me up. It will not work, but at least ill be inside and away from any other humans or animals, well besides you but you can hide upstairs then.
He was pretty banged up, by I did as he said. After tendin to his wounds and then my own I chained him to his couch and headed upstairs.
Well, take care of yourself, cupcake....
That's what he said right before he turned back and started pullin at the chains. I barracaded myself in up stairs and setup just in case he came up, which I was expectin at this point. That's when he said
wait a second *yells for koopa* koopa koopa, get the vile in my backpack real quick. A mad scientist found a new way to stop wolf growth for one night but its only experimental, can you please go get it
Um...........*gets an idea* Sure! *grabs the vile but doesn't go downstairs, for she knows it's not safe, instead.........* Oh Wolfy! Come and get me! *then runs in the room upstairs*
He chnaged back and like any wolf would, he charged after me up the stairs. When he busted throught the door I was waitin for him with the vile in a sling shot. "Sorry Forb", I was the last thing I said before I shot the vile into his mouth. He breaths in and the vile breaks on the back of his throat. Slowly, he turns human again, rolls over and lies on floor. I put him to bed and got him to lay down. Then, while he went to sleep, I left for home, beat up and exhausted.

What A night! My goodness.
See ya another day, God bless, and go play Mario Kart Double Dash. Use Wario with Bowser. That's my best combo. rolleyes

I was trackin Forb to see what he was up to. I ended up at a weird thread. The minute I walked in, a chain leash appeared around my neck. Like I said before, the wierd crap always happens to me. It was a tread where girls become pets for boys. Doesn't sound right, but worked perfectly for me, being that I'm a cat. So, I got a tooth ache tryin to bite the freakin chain, but it wasn't any use. I met another girl who was a cat. She was claimed yesterday but stays there in an attemp to run away. At the same time, I didn't have any of friends of the male persuasion online. Is that a bunch of bull or what? So I had to contact......Ugh. Forblarion. He got me out, but he milked it for all it's worth. He even started pettin me and everythin, but i like the pettin, just not from him. Couldn't resist though. Thus that cat part of me. He carried me out to the wecome to gaia thread i'm always on. I had my claws diggin into the ground the whole way there. This was not only embaressin, but just plain wrong! crying
I cried. Not like screamin afraid of something cryin. More like a silent miserable cry.
Why does the wierd crap always happen to me!!!!!!!!!! Then wanted to talk to me alone. This is the part where he rubs it all in my face. At least that's what I though. He broke the colar. He seemed concerned but I still don't trust him.
But he's milkin the pet thing. He calls me cupcake. scream GIVE ME A REASON I SHOULD TAKE HIS FREAKIN FACE FOR SAYIN THAT! ..................................because he a cat eatin wolf. That's why. But it ain't gonna stop me after awhile. twisted the perve was gettin a little happy with pettin me, so i scratched him. He smacked so and I bit him. The dolt then tries to tie me up. While he went to look for a paddle, i bit throught the ropes and ran. He came after me, but not as the love-struck human, and a rabid wolf. I knew I was in trouble now, he yelled at me, "This time koopa, I won't be so forgiving!"
yep, i'm dead.
But i ran straight into the woods. I looked for a place that I can hide in, but he yelled into the forest that he had to go. I was so relieved that i took a nap in the tree I was climbin at the time. I've crossed him. The next time we meet is gonna be hectic.

Yumi, a friend of my that likes to yell N.I.P., has ice powers i never even knew she possessed! It was cool, both of us breathin fire and ice at the same time. mrgreen

I showed Dracona, who I recently found out was a vamp. Took me by suprise, but I did get to see her fly around with bat wings, that was cool.

Aku is dressed as a teddy bear! I couldn't help but to hug him! And it's confirmed. He likes me. Big time. But i told him to slow his role.

I got in touch with Dan today! crying I still miss him.

Oh, yeah, met forblarion later that night. He's cool again. and he has a wife! I wouldn't know the way he flirts around. I went over his house, had dinner, got goofy off of catnip. Catnip! that reminds me! Today was the day that the Feline Family Guild was launched! CHIKA AND I AND JADEKAT ARE SO HAPPY! And get this. I'm a crew member. I started makin banners! Oh yeah! I made three today, and I got a better reaction than what I planned. So i might make more another time.

Back to forb. I have a colar around my neck now. I don't mind any more. considering how over protective he is with girls that he's found of, It's a good thing. and I got him to propose! NO, NOT LIKE THAT! I got him to say that no cats will be harmed by his hands, or fangs any longer. He's gonna be a body guard. One of his friends thought he turned on him, but forb doesn't care anymore. I'm glad! It's ironic. the cat that almost caused him to go to war with all felines is teh same cat that got him to love us. ME! I'm proud. He walked me home and stayed for awhile. Good thing I cleaned up today. mostly rolleyes I still had a few fish bone's lyin around, but it's all good. We became friends tonight. After talkin for awhile he decided to stay the night. I pulled out my old makeshift bed and we both turn in for the night.

See ya another day, God bless, and go play Crash Bandicoot Warped. I still like Tiny the Tiger! blaugh

No. Forblarion didn't get a hold of me. But at the same time he did. Today he told me........crap......he told me that....he likes me. Not Oh you're a good friend likes me. He LOVES me! I don't know what to say. Lettin'em down nice isn't exactly my style. I just had to though. The way i saw it, it was either face his heart or face his fangs. I'm so confused. He's like the 3rd person to say that they love me! What The Heck!? What Is It About Me That They Like!? I'M NOT DATABLE MATERIAL!!!! *starts bang head with the journal then hears a ripping sound*
eek Crap, now I ripped my journal. Hold on stressed ...
*Tapes page together*
Ok. I'm fine. So! I finally got around to givin my friend that 1k I promised. And I........cannot pull away from this subject that easily. He blew in my ear! gonk
He said, his words...


no i dont hate all cats, there are select few i like, but i didnt say like about you, i said i love you *blows in ear* thats right, *pulls her in for bigger hug*

gonk gonk gonk gonk gonk gonk gonk gonk gonk gonk gonk

I went along with it. For awhile. I still felt like he was gonna pull somethin.
And Inuyasha_alchemist wants to hang with the intimate hangout, I'm being overwhelmed....
I sat with him. We got to talk about gettin married, but i wasn't havin it, i did tell him about the other two that asked me. He wasn't hearin it, and wanted names. For my friends protection, I didn't tell Forblarion his name, but i wasn't hesitant to tell him of Meatwolf. He didn't like the fact that another wolf had eyes for me. He called me HIS GIRL. Then demanded a message. Why do I feel as though i'm livin that same situation that Kagome from Inuyasha lived through with Koga? I refused, but his skin began to tear. Did have a choice? I see where this is goin. Just as I feared. I either be his mate or his meal. Typical. Let's just say that this ended with me leavin in one piece. This is gonna get interestin over the next couple of days.

See ya another day, God Bless, and go try Spy vs Spy. Only with friends thought. You'll through your controller at the screen if you player 1 player mode.

Haven't seen you know who lately. That's good, but that can also mean he's plannin somthing. Must keep an eye out. ninja
I even made sure to notify the other cats about him. Gotta look out for family. 3nodding
He's been on my mind. You know how you feel like you're bein watched, but you know nothin there? That's how I feel. I want to know more about him. The more I know, the more precautions I can take. See? But I leave it at that for now...
I took a whole day off to relax. Ah. Refreshin. Still, my mind rocks and rattles constantly on what I'd do if I see him again.

There's glitches all over gaia. People can change outfits, people loosing fish (me being one of them stressed ), profiles not workin, *sigh*. Things'll get better. Just hafta wait.

Later on that afternoon. I was havin another spaz fest with tarepanda o_0. He's like a livin cartoon. I got to see what skull king looks like without his mask and stuff on. Not gonna post a pic. It's a secret.

Then, Forblarion came in. I scrambled. I tried to run, too late, he spotted me. When I tried to get away from him, he broke down and cried! O.o I felt as though I would regret this, but i sat next to him and conforted him. We began to talk, when the question "What are you plottin?" came up. He said Wolf Evolution. I was startled, but I showed no signs of fear. No, he didn't turn. He was talkin mostly of a were wolf so powser, it turns cats to wolves. Now, i was alarmed. He's still hooked on destroying cats, he's just mellow right now. And I'm suppose to be confortable with this? THEN, he calls me beautiful? What kind a predator is he? The kind that eats his prey? Or the kind that stalks his prey? Either way, I wasn't likin where this was goin. He said that he changed his diet. Yeah right. Like I'd believe that. I told him that he was plannin on gettin me. Little did I know that there was a second one with sites set on me. Grid Alien. He attacked me. I hid. I don't believe that this crap is happenin to me. I got away. Of course. But Forblarion snuck me from behind. This is it I thought to myself. He let me go. I sat over in a corner. I didn't know what to do. I was scared stiff. Forblarion came and picked me up. He said...something. I passed out. Yeah Not smart but i did.

When I woke....well, I felt better, I can say that. I saw Kirafangs and Chika.
Then It was time for the n**. I was nervous enough for it. I think Forblarion isn't going to attack anymore, at least not yet. He's gonna wait until he has enough reinforcements. Thats what he said. But I think he's givin me a chance to accept him as a boy friend. After what he put me through? Then he scares me. Him and Grid are buds.

So lets recap. I got to know a cartoon-like gaian, Chika doesn't look like a cat which bums me out, skulls eyes remind me of bowser, and Forblarion and Grid alien scare the spit out of me. Just another day and Gaia.

See ya another day, God bless, and go play the NES baseball game. I'm still mad at my sister for creaming me in that game when i was 7 stressed

Not much done today. More fishing. Oh and i saw Flaborion again. But this time. I found out that he can change into a wolf. That scares me for some reason. And with Kirafangs freakin me out with wolf rain pics and D-Man tellin stories of kittens gettin eaten by wolves.... *shudders* I kinda developed and fear for gaia wolves. It turns that Flaborion was just pullin my leg. Stupid jerk. Now he knows that gaia wolves scare me.
Hmm, but if that's the case, why didin't teh man scare me? maybe it's because........never mind.
But Forblarion does turn into a wolf. I just have to watch my back around him. Big time. I think it's safe to say that I've found my arch rival. Did I mention he hates cats? Alive?
Chika appeared. He turned completely into a wolf and tried to eat both chika and me. I grabbed her and took off. We kinda hid a bluffed our way towards saftey, I mean, hey, I'm still in one piece. After he left. I realized chika was gone. I called for her, but no anwser. Dragon and I assumed the worst, but i told myself "No.....No....she's okay....Forblarion didn't .....didn't..." Then we found her in a tree hiding.

This guy's got me on edge. There was already a hostile atmosphere between us, now, this wolf thing pops up..... this could end very badly for me. I've gotta come up with some kinda plan. Something. Other wise, me, chika, and every other cat I know can be in serious trouble.
Man.... I gotta watch my back around him, or else, it'll be the last time I see pretty much anyone. I'm not gonna end up as dog food....... at least......I hope i won't sad .....

See you later, God bless and Go play Inuyasha for PS. I don't even like the PS.

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LIKE IT? It was made especially for me. That's what makes it special.
Oh. Forblarion came back. It was cool for awhile, but the fighting started again. Chika, Blaze and another girl was on my side. While Forblarion had him and some other dudes on his. A war agains't cats may have started today.

I met someone else called Zolo of the East. At first, chika and are were startled by him, but he's pretty cool. I think. It was, besides the fight. Pretty much a borin day. Oh well.

Have you heard of the rollback? Yeah. Affected me big time. My lunar cloak, it went missing for awhile, my zorro mask, 1,200 gold, gone. Just like that. My cloak came back out of nowhere. Thats a plus.

See ya later, God bless, and go play Sonic 3. It's my favorite sonic classic game. heart

stressed Ya know, Gaia is actin really screwy lately. This whole pie database, and chocolate database, and sushi database......This is getting to be nothing but a bus load of crap.
Out of boredum, I made a bumpy! blaugh
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Ain't he cute! heart
My little nephew decided that he wanted to join gaia. Huuuooo! As if he isn't in my fur enough! His name here is Gee Unit. Yeah. I know. Don't tell me.
Got into a fight...again...over catnip...agian.....the victim? Forblarion.
Dragon got two cats now, and it's really easy to see which one is the evil and powerful tikki. The other is ikkit. Adorable, and pure. And can summon catnip when she wants. Today was fun.
I learned that i can breathfire today too.
The only other thing i have to add is this
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Aren't they cool looking? They claim to be opposites, yet they act so much alike. It's cool.
Dragon and I talked alittle more, then i decided to get up. It's about 1:30 right now, so I'm headin off to bed.

See ya another day, God Bless, and go play tetris. Only true gamers can fall inlove with this game over and over again.

Dan is leaving tomorrow..... cry
It's not like he's leaving gaia, but by moving to a place with a computer running on a dail up connection....let's just say that this sux! Besides, I kinda............ um......nvm. Not important. He's cool. The bestest friend i have here. We'll stay in touch. I finally found meatwolf, but he didn't insult me, do anything perverted or nothing. He was, depressed. It wouldn't been any fun the reek the revenge that I had planned. So, nothing happened.
On the lighter side. We're about 6k or 5k away from getting our guild started. Yes I'm happy! I even got some people to join. Dan just donated 1.5k and I added yet another 300 to that to send in about 1.8k which brings us up quite a bit. Now I just gotta wait for the word from Chika.
Oh, yeah the new out fit! Here it is!
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I already got the mask. The kimono and the hat are the most expensive items, so now, I'll go for the kimono. Plus i'm getting a little crowded with fish, but that's because i haven't decided which hat to go for. Well, I decided to get this one, User Image but it will require 100 black biters. *sigh* this is gonna take awhile....

See ya another day, God Bless, and go play Rachet and Clank 2. I heard it was a players choice....

"Ah. The air is crisp, the breeze is cool, the pancakes are burning.........BURNING!?!? HOLD ON A MINUTE!
*goes and shuts the stove off*
sad crap, so much for breakfast......"
Yeah. Crappy mornings. Who doesn't get them once in a while. Right?

More talking with friends, and I finally got a picture of myself uploaded here! Yeah, I'm happy. biggrin I gonna have a page all about me. Hmm. Is that concieded or is that ok? Oh well.
I talk to Dan and he has five more days. NOOOOOOOOO! crying
You know, my friend, Dan, only thinks like a scuz, but refuses to be one. He's a gentleman. 4laugh
Killed a shark today because there was a bag of cat n** in the water where it lived. So guess what i had for lunch? blaugh
I've decide to go for a new look now, but I'm not sure about the details yet so I'm going work on the kinks first before i quest. I've also decide to go for two of the fishing hats! More details on which two next time.....

See ya another day, God bless, and Go play THUG 2, that's TONY HAWK UNDERGROUND 2, aside from the cursing, it's preety destructive blaugh

Hi......don't mind me........i'm just........tired..........i've been tryin to earn money for the lunar cloak i dream of.........and then, i have to earn extra for this cat family thing. But guess what!
I GOT IT! I FINALLY GOT THE LUNAR CLOAK! and to top that off, i sent a huge donation in. I'm sorry happy right now. But, there is some bad news. Dan, teh_man, one of my bestest friends here, is leaving. sad I don't want him to leave. crying I still have Inuyasha_Alchemist, but Dan's going bye bye. *sigh* Even though I almost killed him yesterday. Won't go into details about that one. But I made a pic of me and my feline sister recently showed me how to upload pics. I did a Gamer 4 Ever pic. It worked and now you can see it on the table of contents. Yay! By the by, fishing is starting to wear on my nerves. But, i shall remain happy!

Haven't found Meatwolf in awhile xp . Got a plan for him though when i see him. twisted

Oh yeah today....
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was a catnip day.

saw my friend dan. He's acting wierd. I mean perverted scuzzy weird. Not like him. Maybe it's because he's leaving.

In related news, I scratched up one of my own friends, Ryoro, for messing with dan, but didn't recognize him because he had a new look going on. I felt so stupid and so sorry when i realized who he was. sad
In even closer related news, Mai's head was bleading and we're all like "you ok?" and "what happened?" Me dan and Ryoro were worried, but she's ok.
Got into a fight. Yeah. Some guy named knuckledragger. I had someone cat with me at the time and the cat was shot at. The owner was dragon, and she wasnt too happy about it. So we kicked the mess out of him. Tikki the cat turned into a rather marvelous creature but they're okay.
It was fun. Had a fight over catnip. Oh. And dan bought the last items of hi new look. Wait til you see what he's going for next mrgreen . Here's a hint; He was overjoyed today because a dear friend (thats me) bought him a cat tail. wink
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See ya later, God bless, and go play Donkey Konga. I don't even like Donkey kong, but i reccommend it. xd

New month, fresh new start! And a new idea! Chika. My long lost Kitten Sister, said that we have a feline gaia family out there, and we might be putting a guild together. I hope we do I can't wait! whee
Coming back for a moment, I'm just learning about these wierd fishing hats. I want one, but i'm only getting one. Just, which one? Which would you recommend? Gah! You probably don't even know what I'm talking about. If you don't but would like to find out, check out the gaia fishing forum room and look for a sticky call OMG!....HOW MANY FISH FOR THAT HAT! Something like that.

See ya another day, God bless, and go play Boogerman. Okay, never mind, the game is like 'Sega Genesis' old, and it's disgusting as heck.

4/30/05 continued...
I went multiplayer fishing to take my mind off the meatwolf incident. By the way. My friend chika says that we're gonna jump him first chance we get. Anyway. I made my own dock. The Kitty Korner. Three other guys ended up joining in. But the end of about 1 and a half hour, it was just me, my friend Aku, and my other friend Golden_Avatar, or GA for short. We goofed off until me and Aku left to chat. I got to cheer up my friend dan. Peeved off on of two twins. And Had my self a good ol time. But the next time i see Meatwolf, All heck will break loose twisted

See ya later, God bless, and go play neopets. Seriously, I've been hooked for years now.

More fishing. Most of it alone. Talk to some of my friends. The usual. The highlight of my day was that I finally got some decent furniture to furnish my house with. Now, if I can just get some black wall paper and a chair and a table, I'll be fine. I decided that i like my look and will only add a lunar cloak and a kiki kitty plushie.
I went to see a frie- a person i know today named meatwolf. Yes, the same guy that asked me to marry him. After that visit, i will never be the same.....
His dialouge is in green and mine is in red.

Just saying hi. It's been awhile.

*pokes* gimme a dollar!

Wha? I don't have a dollor! I spent the last of the money I had on a gallon of milk!

&& man some people...just...heartless crying

I'm not heartless, just broke sad

crying you could have saved it and givin it to me crying

Ok, I don't know whether to feel sorry for you or laugh.

gonk dont you love me?!
*runs off to take a quick shower*

define "love" sweatdrop

*runs back in nekked and does a lil nekked dance for her*
Will you have my behbehs?

gonk MY EYES!!!! THEY BURN!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
*runs away screaming*

o.o;;; was it too big for you to handle?

*climbs the nearest tree*

*accidently pokes her in the arm with it as he turns to face her* oh sorry bout that...hey its not my fault its so big...

scream GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!!!!!!!!!

o.O; wow some people just cant handle it i guess...

*continues to cover her eyes and hang on to the top of the tree*

no...just no clothes yet...thats all...

Well, go somewhere! I've been mentally wounded for life by you! crying ( I feel sick.... )

meh your loss...

*barfs over the side of the tree*
The only thing i lost today, was my dignity, *urp* and my lunch..... xp

and great pleasure....dont forget about that...

I've found no pleasure out of that, you probably did, but I didn't stare

it wasnt what i did but rather what could have come of it....
*leaves for movie*

gonk I don't think I wanted to know what you meant by that.
*jumps down from the tree and starts to stagger awkwardly back to her house*

I will have this on my mind everytime I go to talk with him, if I ever do again. Uggh. I'm starting to feel sick again. xp Sorry I can't send you off like I usually do. I'm gonna go find a friend to talk to or lay down.......

No cat n** today. I'm just sitting in class. Bored.
Someone sent me a guild invite today. I'm guessing super mario man, but I'm not too sure. It was a Mario guild *shudders*. I hate Mario. But i do love the games, so I accepted the invite. Besides, I wanna see their reactions when they find out that theres a Bowser lover in their midst. twisted
Learned something new today! It's called a pink link!
Pink links are links that are usually in pink! lol
Ok seriously, if you find a link, click it! You get 1k gold, that's 1000g just for finding a clicking it. I've already found 2! The first time, I didn't know what the heck I did, but was still happy biggrin
This time, it was a link talking about the new fishing game. Which by the way, I think is awsome.

Today, was another catnip day. I made about 1000g just talking on the boards alone. Got me self a nice red blouse too. I met a new friend and got to see an old one dress up as doopliss. Ha! Too funny. Oh the new friend. Chika. Cool girl. She's a cat like myself. Yeah. I'm happy. Even if we did fight over a bag of cat n** only to share a trunk full later.
I made another friend that's kind of an instigater. Her name? Akamatsu Mai. Oh, listen. I asked the question, to Dan (that's teh_man) Can wolves and cats be good friends? He says The discovery channel showed something about a lion raising an antelope fawn, so cats and wolves should get along then implied that i might ask if i liked him or something like that. I said scream Not like that Then asked him why he would say something like that. Then I asked if he liked me?
To put it plain, he doesn't. He has his own girl issues that I will no longer talk about aloud.
Any ways......

Inuyasha_alchemist requested another hangout. Yep, intimate, again. And then, he said something that made me just sit and stare.
I love you
My jaw dropped. I tried to play it off and made it sound like he just told a joke. But he kissed me. He says that i don't get it because i have ADD. I'm just in freakin denile! I don't believe he said that!
Then he said that the bible says to love everyone.
So I though, oh, he ment as friends. I was overcomed by relief. He seriously scared me. I said I get it. You meant you love me as a sister in christ. Nice one. wink

Today is a memorable day for it is the day that the fishing game got an upgrade. Everyone was kicked offline for about a half an hour, but it was worth it. Fishing is now a multiplayer thing. I ended up hanging out with a group of kirby lovers, yes kirby lovers. It was just like fishing, only crowded.

See ya another day, God bless, and go play Knights. I love that game, not the outfit though.

User Image
Check this out! I may not have mentioned it before, but i joined three guilds. One based on boo (you know, the ghost from the Mario games), A chao guild, and I'm an official bumper for a sonic guild! But I got accepted to the guild that i targeted from the start! the Nintendo lovers guild! Thus the picture. Anyway, I came out of the closet about my adiction to catnip in real life in the summer of 2003, but that is a story for another day.

In the guild, there's a guy called Super Mario Man, and he looks just like mario, blue eyes and everything. The only thing he's missing is the mustache. xd Unlike the plumber I hate so much, this guy is really cool! He even thinks my avie looks a little like a female, feline version of bowser. Ha! Fat chance. I don't think it does, but as he pointed out, I'm not gonna get much better with gaian items. I mean, it's not like i'm gonna find a spiked turtle shell in a shop or anything. Oh well.

See ya another day, God bless, and go play Luigi's Mansion, at night, with the lights off ninja


Ok, today, I irked two of my friends because they don't like being called cute. I put their pictures next to each other and asked everyone who's cuter.
Maybe it's the way I said it. I mean even two other girls who were there thought they were cute.
The rest of my day was spent chatting and hanging with razjr. Who tried to get me a cat. Yeah, a kiki kitty plushie. We talked for a while.
Back on the boards, things were getting silly as my friend teh_man teased me with cat n**. Oh, i made a new friend. Hobo Joe! Yes, the name does imply his personality. This site can be boring, but when you hang around the right people, it gets funny and crazy!

See you another day, God bless, and go play sonic DX, i like chaos heart !

"Well, I feel that it is safe to assume that your comments, while humorous and amusing, may actually seem infantile and drole. One should never mock a living being's nature for carma shall take it's toll and strike with a vengence deep than the roots of the old oaks in forbidden forests on the most secret islands of the world. One should look with the eyes of God and the heart of the universe that all men and women are considered bretheren with one another and should not put to shame one's flaws for meer enjoyment."

Yeah, I wrote that early the weird lovey guy from an earlier entry. What I was thinking about, I don't remember, but I do remember that I wanted to say something stupid at the end like "I Like Cheese", but I was getting sick and tired of him calling me a n00b. stressed All day long he did that, which, now that I remembered inspired the message! Ha. I'm an idiot. sweatdrop On the bright side, I finally got my cat set. Now all i need is a red and black outfit, a lunar cloak, the kiki kitty kat, and some trap jaws and I'm set. But, i made a promise to a friend that I'd help him out so he comes first.
People! Be Kind to your FRIENDS!

Here's something else that happened today..
Crazy Koopa Kid

Crazy Koopa Kid
Crazy Koopa Kid
Crazy Koopa Kid
*Gasps*KITTY!!!*Turns into Anthro black cat and stares* eek

Meow!!*waves whee *

Roaw! *scratches face*
MYA!? eek *Sheilds face from further attack*


I'm weird, don't mind me... sweatdrop

See ya another day, God bless, and go play God of War. Seriously good game. Nice graphics, awsome story, bad behind but cute protagonist........
Rated M for mature

Ah.........Its a fine day.......for online journaling. whee
Seriously. I've been working on this journal only to realize that the navigation is kinda complicated. So.................................................I put in a table of contents. Yeah, I know. There's an archive, but to go into the journal, and the first page you see is the table of contents that uses actually words for the links instead of random freakin numbers. It's so much easier. I also found some cool ty pics. An I sold about 110 fish and got over 1000, pieces of gold. Yeah. I'm proud. You know it.

See ya another day, God Bless, and Go play Ty the Tasmanian tiger. 1 day after i first played it, I started speaking with an australian accent. whee

Oh, hi. I've been fishing like crazy today. Ha, I'm hooked! blaugh Get it?! HOOKED! HA HA HA, ha heh heh, ooooooohh, okay not funny....
Even in Animal Crossing, my main money maker was fishing. In real life, I fish like crazy. I mostly like blue fishing and fluke fishing.
I got to furnish my house today redface but it's kinda homely right now.
And on top of that, I've got my eyes on a nice little prize called the lunar cloak. mrgreen

See ya another day, God Bless, and go play Kirby's Air Ride.
My favorite stars is Dragoon and the Shadow star....

I've made quite of bit of friends here. Especially, inuyasha-alchemist. He's like the Bestest friend I got on this site so far. He was there for me from the beginning. Oh yeah! My chao thread that i started blew up, I tell ya. theres over 100 votes! I'm so happy! And it lead me to joining a chao guild! Heh. I don't know about you guys, but I had no idea that so many people liked chao!

See ya, God bless, and Go play Sonic adventure 2: battle. Say hello to your little chao for me! 3nodding

I've been fishing crazy. Oh yeah, lots of fish. And meatwolf's not mad at me anymore. I grew a tail and claws! Now if only I can find the ears, maybe i should check out this market place I keep hearing about. With all the fishing i've been doing, i definetly have enough money. oh well, goodbye people.

See ya another day, God bless, and go play Animal Crossing. Psst, if you want, I've got some sweet codes and tips on that game. ninja

Just another day.......
Its late.........
I'm highstrung off of hot chocolate......
And I am currently obsseded with chao at the moment.
Yeah. I have no life.
Well, nothing to do but check the boards and grab the old rod.
Oh, I started a board about chao. It's gonna die like the other ones i started. Just wanted to see if other people liked chao besides me.

See you another day, God Bless, and Go play Ice Climbers. That was one of the fiirst video games I've ever played. crying I weep for the classics.

Upon entering the town around 10:20, I found out something. Darkstar Skater, I think he likes me. All I got to say is
Ewwwwww! gonk Don't get me wrong, he's a good kid, cute too. But hes like 13 and I'm seventeen. And on top of that, he can't watch his mouth for a split second. That's wrong. I first suspected that he likes me at the hangouts. It was always an intimate hangout. But still, it's kinda interesting talking about this, since I never do. Anyhoo...

I got a house. It's completely bare, but at least I got a house. I'm actually gonna put a wish list together. Starting now.

Wish List
cat ears
cat paws
cat boots
red fore head jewel
anything else that might look cool.

Saw my friend, Dark skater, but this time, i know him as his other personality, inuyasha-alchemist. The name is cool. And we hung out again. With the intimate background. Ho boy! sad

I met a weird guy named meatwolf. Ha funny. He asked me! To marry him. this is what happenned:

will you marrie me? o.o;;

Wow redface You're asking me? To Marry you? *giggle*
redface Iguess there is only one answer to that redface
scream Heck no! Are you out of your freakin mind!

pfft fine your loss! *walks off*

Bye xd

Well I'm out, see you another day, God bless, and go play Mario Party 6. If no ones home, no one can hear you scream into the mic wink

4/13/05 - 4/14/05
I'm fishin, and chattin, and makin friends, at 2 in the morning. And, I grew hair under my neck and down my front side. Step one in my plan. Actually, step one was learning how to get around this freakin place. Oh well. I'm tired. I want my hot coco. So, i'm out.
And this thing? domokun It's domo. I don't know what the heck a domo is, but i kinda grew found of it. Yeah Domo!
domokun domokun domokun domokun

See you another day, God bless, and play Legend of Zelda (NES). It's a classic.

Well, it's my first day (not really). It seems sorta confusing. So far I like the freedom. But I don't like the fact that I look like I literally came off the street.

*sigh* Looks like I have a lot of work to do.

It took a lot of courage, but I finally got up to introducing myself while lookin like a street rat. Instead of being mocked, people actually helped me. biggrin That's actually relieving.

Later that night:
Well, I bought a fishing rod and bait, and i have a feeling thats what i'll end up doing here mostly.
Anyways, I met another nintendo lover, Dark Skater. Kinda cute. Christian too.
I told him that an out fit he had on was hot. He writes:

okay thanx *gets hott, loosens tie*

Pathetic. Then, we're in this "hangout" thing, and he wants a hug. So, we hug. Then he wants a kiss. I kept myself from cursing him out. But other than that, he's a nice boy.

And, I'm still trying to figure out what this thing is. arrow domokun

Oh, and I got a new out fit, but it gives me a homely, cave girl look. Good. By the time I'm done, I will be walkin on all fours and purrin.

Oh well, I'm out. See you another day, God bless, and play Mario Sunshine, Bowser's hot.

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