This is my second go around at this entry

The first time I had this thing wrote up was during a light rain storm

And if you haven't guessed already the power went out...

The depressing part was that I was all done and was moments away from clicking the damn post button
It ended up raining so hard (later) the basement flooded.
You shoulda seen me

I was going downstairs to get a pop--
(Dt. Dew to be precise

And because the power was still out I couldn't turn on a light.
(althought I tried anyway as a reflex

So, if you know me well enough you know that I don't walk down the steps.
99% of the time I do a series of jumps down them

Well, when I landed, I slipped. I landed on my butt in ankle deep water.
It was dark and fricken ice cold water.

But I thought what the hell, I still need my dew.
I wasn't about to get nothing out of this ordeal.
So after wading through the water to the downstairs fridge
(thats right we have two

I walked back up the stairs and tried to find a candle.
Found a candle but not lighter (of course

I found matches finally....but I couldn't find anything to strike them on that was rough enough (they were the kind in the tiny box...only with the box missing).
I gave up on that, changed my clothes and waited in the dark for the power to come back on...


That is why I hate rain,


Amused enough?
Well theres more...not really that bad but still.
The next day~
It was Fathers Day I remember... *rippling, hazy flashbackness*
And I had almost forgotten to call my Step Dad...
(oooh there woulda been hell to pay

So, just as the answering machine kicks on and I'm doing my little celebratory dance while waiting for the beep, my uncle walks in (dun, dun, dunn~).
And he, the equvalent of my big brother, snatches the phone, presses end saying, "You've talked enough. I need to make a call".

I was about to pounce and hit redial as fast as I could-
(You don't understand, my step father ALWAYS answers his phone)
Ryan (saves himself by) telling me that my other family members were going to check out his new RV he bought.

Now, Mom told me to take a picture of this and had called me everyday, pestering me to no end to do it.
This was my chance (to be rid of Mothers annoying calls), I thought.

I told my Grandmother I was coming and ran to grab my camera from my room.

Putting on my shoes I noticed that noone was in the living room....the rest of the house for that matter.
Oh no....
I ran outside just in time to see them pull away.

I stood in the middle of the street waiting for them to realise they had forgotten me.
As I expected, they stopped at the end of the street.
I began walking quicky, glad they noticed me.
I saw them open the left window, dump out some cup full of a liquid and then continue on.

I stood the middle of our street in shock.
They had forgotten me

And when they came back they said they had remembered me when they got to my uncles house.
Gee thanks.

And to top it off...
Next time I called the step dad, he answered.
We had a boring talk about work and then he put my mother on.
She asked about the RV for the umpteenth time and droned on....
And Ryan had a field day when I walked back in the house.
"What did they forget you?" he joked

When I stayed silent he cracked up laughing,
"Buhahaha! They really DID forget you?!?"
He still makes random comments from time to time,
"Don't worry. I still remember you."

Yesterday, I got to see my cousin Chris.
He was here with his baseball team.

To my disappointment....they weren't very much to look at.
All of them were very tall though, thats one plus.
Arla says Chris is pretty 'hawt' and amazing because he survived the West Nile virus....
But he's damn shy.
Even to me, his cousin.
So I know he's safe from Arla, lol

That'd be pretty cool to say though, "Yeahhh, well that should be no problem. I survived the West Nile virus."

Although, people might kinda be like, " got rid of it though....right?"
*inches away from you*
This is prett~eh long.

And I better make it pretty and then save the damn thing before we have a freak power outage on a clear sunny day.


Community Member
I loved how they stopped and dumped the cup out, not noticing you.
But, awww
-hugs poor you-
You just put emoticons in there to make you look cute.
;3 jk, love.
Awesome stories, glad your summer is sounding awesome
<3 Lily Pad.