Hiya all!
How you been?

Submitted to the HP craze?
You know I did.
I went to the movie premiere but not the book *tear*
The movie was...eh, rushed.
If you blinked during Sirus' death you were screwed.
And as for the book...
It was good.
My character survived, yay!
But she did mess with my twins :<
Why JK, Porque mi?!?

Had the ND state fair here.
It was fun as usual.

Peeps who entertained me:
Brittney who is, if possible, unluckier than I am.
Arla who is, if possible, more cynical than me.
Chris who is.....related to me....and SUPER tall.
And his friend Garrett who is, if possible, more shy than me around strangers.
(he came around eventually)

My usual bedtime was 5 am. We slept in till 2 or so too, it was nice...
We played Guitar Hero 2 and the new 80's one.
Arla and I pwned.

It really depended on the song but -not to toot my own horn- the majority of the time I won.
But in all fairness it wasn't by much when I was playing Arla.
We'd play so much my wrists would be sore the next day.
We also went outside at night.

We would go in the backyard and play with any glowing or flashy thing.
(suprisingly there were alot)

Arla was confined to a blanket in the middle because she is (newly) allergic to grass.
Chris was making fun of her for something and she couldn't reach him to get a slap in...but she could reach the bb gun.

Ah, that was entertaining.
He ended up hiding behind a tree and not coming out till Arla handed Brittney the gun who was trying to hit the metal mail box.
(which eventually she hit and it rebounded and hit her arm)

I played with my flashy glider thingy with Brittney...and with her aim....it ended up in the tree.
No worries, Chris climbed it.......and Garrett thoughtfully shot him out of it...so "he'd get down with it faster".

Hey. It worked. Smart man, Garrett.

We went to concerts too.
The craziest was not Def Leppard like I thought it'd be.
But Big and Rich.
Arla had a thing going on with the DL guitarist.
He even through her a pick.

...but a rabid fan girl snaked under her legs and snatched it.
Later Arla chewed me out too:
Chris- You didn't get the pick?!?
Garrett- *silent*
Teal- Thats depressing even for me.
Brittney- I saw her try.
Arla- I did more than try, I dove.
Chris & Garrett- Dove???
Teal- Dove. Right over the four foot fence.
Arla- Hurt my tummy....*grumbles*
Chris- Where were you Teal? You were right there too!
Arla- You shoulda stepped on her hand.
Teal- ...excuse me for saving you from a broken nose!
(I had grabbed her around her middle and lowered the down further without having her fall on her face)
Brittney- But it would have been worth it though...wouldn't it Arla?
Arla- .....yes.
Teal- Oh, forget you then! *grabs Garrett and goes on the Zipper*
Arla- *in the distance* I love you Teal!
Teal- *grumbles* Bright one...could've bent down and put her arm through....

But Arla deserted me at the Big & Rich concert.
Snuck her way up to the very front.
I was five away.
A stupid woman, I'd say 20, and her boyfriend were trying to get through to the front too.
The thing was that they were tall.
Noone wanted them in front of them.
Naturally, the girl picks me out of the thousands of other people near us to push past.
I want it known that I didn't want to be standing for this concert.
I didn't really like Big & Rich much but Arla made me promise to stand down there with her....but she left me.
So, I was already crabby.

She rammed me hard (and in my side/stomach too).
Hard enough, and quick enough, to get me pissed.
Normally, I'd just block them from going in front of me...
But this girl...oh, she messed with the wrong girl....
She had assumed I'd fall or at least move enough to get past...

She got an elbow and a knee (same time) shoving her back.
Which was a reaction I had, I wasn't even thinking...I was just mad.
When she realised she wasn't moving forward, but actually back, she tried to use brute force.

I got mad(der) when she tried that.
I shoved her hard back into her bf while yelling, "BACK OFF!!!"

The girls behind me laughed and congradulated me.
I smiled and went back to looking ahead and mouthing the lyircs.
Still over the music I heard her say:
"You didn't make it."
"That girl was tough."
*boyfriend laughs*
".....and mean."
I had to chuckle too.

I'm a mean concert girl.
What can I say?

Arla's smallness didn't help her at the Def Leppard concert though.
She was sucked into a mosh.
I was woo-hooing and looked over to Arla to tell her I actually knew this song...
And she was partially gone.
Only her left leg and left braceletted arm waved out.

I heard her yell 'screw it!' and dive in further.
(Yes, she dove alot at that concert)
I couldn't see her so I crumpled up my empty baked honey-glazed almond bag

And hit Chris....he didn't turn around...
But Arla must've seen him anyway and she grabbed onto his shoulder.

He turned around, "Arla???"

"HELP ME!!!" she screamed relatively well over the Def Leppard lyrics.
He easily picked her up and put her in front of him in safetly.
But Arla...*sigh*
She wasn't happy with Chris' view and 'dove' back into the raging crowd to me.
Her arm stuck out and Brittney and I pulled her back.

We were worn out.
Even typing it, while seeing the flashbacks in my head wears me out.
I think I'll retired for the nite.
But first I must check....
Have you learned anything from my ordeals?
Meh? No???
Silly gooses!
The moral of my chapter is things aren't what they appear!

(Geez! It was so obvious)
You never know when you might accidentally pick the wrong 'innocent' looking girl at a concert to bowl over and get your butt handed to ya.
I'm not saying to pick a tough looking person to bowl over either....
Then you'll get more then your butt handed to you.

Enough sharing my wisdom.
Ciao all!
Community Member
And Arla... xD that's all I've got to say <3