Kaeru Anchikasai (Retired) |
Username: luvmonke Character Name: Kaeru Anchikasai Age: 24 Gender: Male Race: Freak of Nature Appearance: Kaeru is 5'10" and weighs 160 pounds. Body mass is built up of lean muscle meant for sharp quick actions that pack a punch. His skin is of a hazel color and his jet black hair is spiked. His attire is always a deep green hooded jumpsuit and dark olive boots. The only hint of weaponry is abnormally large light pink arm wraps that are fasted above his sleeves. Kaeru’s posture is reminsent of L from Death Note as he seldoms stand straight at all, tending to haunch or squat instead. Personality: He is a simple minded and light harded fellow who has no aspirations towards things of a mechanical nature. He perceived things well but rarely focuses on what is in front of him. Without anything to hold his interest his tongue wanders as well as his mind.
Attire Green Jumpsuit: A tough semipermiable material which allows for great movibility and allows ones skin to breath. It is most reminiscent of leather although certain areas such as the joints, chest, back, shins and forearms are reinforced with a small amount of non conductive metal alloy. This serves to give the jumpsuit more resilience that it seems to have a first glance.
Weaponry: Kenshite (Tongue Wraps) : Once a sword that is no more the Kenshite is a pair of think arm wrappings Kaeru carries around. It retains the ability of its former self to stretch to lengths beyondIt has one other special characteristic, the blade can heal itself over time. It is alive, so if by some chance it is broken or damaged, the Kenshite can heal naturally (ie as anyone else would, over time). They now serve as steel guantlets with a constantly moving surface. He can still manipulate his blade in this form allowing him to unwind a piece of it to form a smaller blade or whip attached to his wrist, both hands together can make a much sturdier sword. Kenshite (Original Tongue Sword) : This is one half of the Gift of Kerokage, the other being the Green Jumpsuit. The weapon appears to be a normal thin doouble edged blade. However it has three active forms that are anything other than usual. Form1: Does nothing to the appearance but give the blade a reddish hue, begins to drip as if soaked like a sponge and soften the look of its edges. In this form the blades can adjust its length from its normal 2.5~3 feet up to 15~16 feet, gains free movement and can stick to objects much like an actually tongue would. It is generally used solely for long ranged combat or blade to blade. Form2: The blade rolls up from Form1 appearance into a swirl and the hand guards bend up to the sides and go through the center. It appears like a large paint roller except not the larger and not as wide as compared to its length. This form is used like a mace and gives blunt damage spinning as a result from contact with other objects. Form3: The blade becomes more flexible but carries the general appearance of form1, wrapping around a body part for better defensive and offensive capability. It has one other special characteristic, the blade can heal itself over time. It is alive, so if by some chance it is broken or damaged, the Kenshite can heal naturally (ie as anyone else would, over time).
Physical Abnormalities: Slime : Present in many attacks and on its armor, this entity does not really have any offensive characteristic. Its a thick sticky substance he can move in and out of his body alllowing him to be uninhibited by it. It tends to harden after long expsure to the air making it good for his armor but bad when it gets on his opponent. While on his opponents it causes them to loose flexibility/ maneuverability overtime as builds up obscuring their movement. Can be removed by wiping it off for 2 turns after being on their body and afterwards must be cracked into pieces which wil then fall away from the body. Blood toxins : His blood is more acidic and toxic than usual a kin to the frog’s toxins used to ward off predators. It is not of the same strength of a snakes toxin but does allow protection from minor and medium sized poisons as well as causing a numbing sensation to the skin anyone who is comes in contact with and a slight burning when in contacts other blood. Its not a weapon but protection/ defensive capability Legs : A frog can jump about 20 times their length, which for someone of Kaeru height case translates into 116’ 8’’ give or take a few feet. Now since he is not actually a frog, his leg strength is only about 3/5 of that or about 70 feet of maximum height. Now imagine for a second someone with that kind of leg strength kicking you in the gut, that’s got a hurt even though their speed may be diluted by their own armor the power is increased by the armors toughness. Legs like that can definitely be considered a weapon. (Essentially he can jump astounding heights and leaps (not run) at great speeds) Mouth : His mouth is both a asset and a weapon. Along with the normal uses like chewing and the like, he can extend his jaw to unsizely proportion to store small objects and performing offensive techniques. His two slime based blasts and his sonic below are quite dangerous. Add this to the abnormal length and flexibility of his tongue makes his mouth quite dangerous. Slime : Present in many attacks and on its armor, this entity does not really have any offensive characteristic. Its a thick sticky substance he can move in and out of his body alllowing him to be uninhibited by it. It tends to harden after long expsure to the air making it good for his armor but bad when it gets on his opponent. While on his opponents it causes them to loose flexibility/ maneuverability overtime as builds up obscuring their movement. Can be removed by wiping it off for 2 turns after being on their body and afterwards must be cracked into pieces which wil then fall away from the body.
Sword Techiques Form1 Slime Slash - Seeps slime from one edge as it slashes for a 3-foot wave that somehow keeps its shape while traveling. Form2 Slime Splatter – When it spins ie whenever it attacks it leave a slime residue.
Spells Tidal Swamp (2 versions)a. V1 Swamp Overflow - Kaeru slams his hands on the ground and the essentially uncorks the ground allowing swamp water aka slime to spill forth in a 5 foot radius. This layer of slime slows down his opponents but allows him to move frictionlessly. b. V2 Swamp Smog - Kaeru excretes extra slug from his hands and then slaps them together, affecting the nearby air molecules in a 5.5 foot radius forming a kind of smog like affect. His obscures his opponent’s vision with a mist but has no affect on him. Sea of Tongues (2 attack patterns)Stabs Kenshite into ground and thus summons a mass of mini tongues to attack the opponent these tongues are nowhere near as durable as Kenshite but they make up in numbers. a. A1 Wave – tongues come from one direction and continue to move in that direction as they point diagonally to stab victims, after about 15 feet they recede back into the ground. b. A2 Pillar – tougues come out from under the victim in a 6 feet diameter full circle to stab from below, acting as spires just thinner and denser. Lasts around 30 seconds before receding. c. A3 Bind – tongues form a 6 feet diameter hollow circle around victim and all lashes out one after another in an attempt to wrap themselves around and thus hold their target down. Vertical reach is about 4.5 feet. Slime Bullet (2 versions)He dropps his jaw a bit before doing each of these attacks. The same attack can be done in succession pretty quickly with to up to three coming out one right after another. a. V1 Sludge Bullet – Unrolls tongue to released what is essentially a large slime ball, acts the same as any other medium size water projectile would. b. V2 Fly Bullet – Same as Sludge Bullet but takes a little longer to release and in the center is rolled up fly carcass compressed but his tongue. Thus it acts like a water projectile but when it hits a magic negator the carcass continues though acting like a medium sized rocks. c. Sonic Bellow - Basically a big burp that causes minor air damage and can slow down and blow back small projectiles. No really affect on opponent except blows back clothes a bit.
Brief Bio: In the theory scientist currently have they account for the evolution of most species, but not all. One of those species whose existence is not really accounted for is the frog. Generally people believe the propaganda that frogs evolved from fish but that’s just an old wives tale. The less popular but true theory is this: at the time of the dinosaurs a race of gigantic frogs existed. They were the first magicians, among other things, forming wordless spells from the nature around them. Most of these prehistoric frogs were either warriors or mages but there was one who was proficient at both. He was their third and last leader, Kerokage. He was toughest of the gigantic frogs, feared and respected by all. However he was assassinated just before the comet struck the earth, the only one who could have saved them from extinction. The reason he was killed was for an interspecies relationship he had with one of the prehistoric apes, named Lucy, from which he had his only offspring. This young creature manages to survive underground along with a few apes and mini frogs that repopulated after the comet struck. The blood of this unheard of joining barely made it through the ages but somehow it still survived until today. Besides the frogs of now and this tainted hybrid blood only two other thing made it though the centuries, the legend of Kerokage’s gift and its caretakers. Being a being of such great power, Kerokage could not simply be killed but his power was sealed into his skin and tongue. These were then sealed off with a caretaker whose line evolved over the years into a smarter breed of normal sized frogs, one which could speak the common tongue. Over the years this breed of speaking frogs, which lived isolated from the world, tried to reach out to Kerokage’s bloodline to restore what was rightly theirs, though they did tamper with it a bit. The skin was changed within the last hundred years to make a green jumpsuit and the power of the tongue was shaped into the form of a sword. The caretakers of these ancient artifacts have recently succeeded in reaching out to and delivering these pieces to a true heir of Kerokage in the last few years, giving these items to man named Kaeru Anchikasai. Before receiving this Gift of Kerokage, Kaeru was just an average joe wandering the world without a real purpose, making a living taking on odd jobs. Now that he is a more powerful figure, though he still wanders the world without a real purpose, he now lives a bit more comfortably since he began taking on better odd jobs such as mercenary work.
LuvMonke · Wed Jun 27, 2007 @ 06:23am · 0 Comments |