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shut up.read/look.than comment or i'llstab you in the eye with a hot salty french fry!
as cold as the moon-JTHM
You had just gotten to this city, and already you felt at home, at ease. You felt as if you had already escaped the oppression of these images, that you had buried those bitter memories away, a long ways behind you. You also, for some reason, were not able to sleep… So, you did what you had done so many times in your old neighborhood: You carefully placed Snoogle in the right outside pocket of your long, black trench coat and ventured out for a soothing, moonlit walk. As you made your way through this new place, having no clue as to where your destination was, you looked up into the night sky. The black blanket was sparkling with the beautiful diamonds of stars. It was not long before you noticed the moon. A white orb glowing in it’s fullness, casting it’s eerie, ghostlike, liquid light upon the ground and buildings, illuminating porches, yard ornaments and stray dogs and cats in the alleys nearby.
As you passed the next building you were torn from your pleasant thoughts by the sound of glass shattering and what sounded like a small child screaming for his parents. You stopped and gazed at the small one story house. You’re heart began jumping wildly at the sight. From what you could see in the mixture of moonlight and shadow, there was an extremely tall, thin figure sprinting away and to the left of the building. As the figure made it’s way towards the building on the left, in the shadow of the alley, it stopped. The figure’s eyes gleamed maliciously in the glare f the moonlight and you knew it was looking directly at you. You gasped for breath as you realized this, and instinctively took a step back. Just as suddenly as the figure stopped, it was moving again. It entered the equally small building to the left.
You turned and ran all the way back to your house, not even daring to look back. As soon as you entered the front door and had it securely shut behind you, you locked all seven locks and proceeded to lock every other door and window in the place. Panting, you slipped out of your coat and removed Snoogle. “That was really ********’ weird. I…That thing…Snoogle, it scared me! I haven’t been scared that bad since… it happened…” You said looking down at the little black dog in your hands with his floppy red ear and blue button like eyes. Now don’t be so quick to judge. You don’t even know who, or what it was. You never now, you two may actually get along. You were not at all surprised that he replied. He began talking to you as soon as the man in the black suit gave him to you. You were 7… That was the same year, the same night that you lost your parents. Actually, the same man who gave you Snoogle was the one who you saw brutally murder them. To this day you still wonder and ask yourself, “why didn’t he kill me instead, or kill me with them?” “Well, I guess I could introduce myself tomorrow… but now, I think I’m going to have another attempt at sleeping. It's 2:00 A.M! Thanks Snoogle, G-night!"


You turn in the comfort of your bed and feel the piercing glare of sunlight hit your eyes. “Damn sun…” You mumble to yourself as you force your emerald eyes open and pull yourself onto the cool carpet of your bedroom floor. You drug yourself across the room and fumbled with the door handle, finally managing to push the stubborn door open. You trudged into the kitchen and opened the fridge. You pulled out a carton of Orange juice, and a loaf of bread. You popped two slices into the silver toaster on the gray counter and poured yourself a glass of OJ. You ate your breakfast in silence, beings you left Snoogle in your room. You reentered your bedroom and took your clothes from the closet. You then head to the bathroom. You change, then glance into the crystal like surface of the mirror. You sigh as you place your hand upon the cold glass. “I wish…” You stopped mid sentence as you felt the burn of tears. You shook your head and began to brush your long, straight, multicolored hair. You walk into the living room, grab Snoogle, put on your trench coat and stuffed him into his pocket. “Well, let’s go be social…” You say with a sigh as you turn the silver knob on your front door. As you step onto your porch, you are bathed in glaring sunshine. Cheer up. It’s such a beautiful day. Snoogle says as you again let out an exasperated sigh. As you step out onto the sidewalk you notice the many stares you are getting from the people driving and walking by. This was due to the simple fact that you had just stepped out of house number 666. “Typical.” You say to yourself as you head for the first right turn of your street. As you round the tall building that lets you know you are on the right track, you notice the two houses from the night before: House number 779 and the house to the left that looked more like a shack with its boarded up windows, house number 777. This house gave you shudders and chills so you look away. You see a little boy on a trike riding between these two houses and smile a little to yourself. You make your way over to him and notice his HUGE brown eyes. “ Hello. My name is_______” What’s yours?” You ask as you kneel down to eye level with the small child. “Um… My name’s Todd, but you can call me Squee. At least, that’s what the crazy neighbor man calls me.” He replied with a little hesitation and his cheeks turned bright red. You spot the child’s teddy bear that was gripped tightly between both hands. “And who might this be?” You ask pointing to the grayish-brown bear. “That’s Shmee!” He said with much more confidence and a smile. “I have a friend like him. His name is Snoogle.” You say as you remove him from your pocket and show him to the little boy. He just stared with his wide eyed stare. Suddenly you realize that this was the little kid screaming last night. “I heard you screaming last night. What was that all about?” You ask, changing the subject. “Oh… That was the scary, crazy neighbor ma—“ WHUMP! The child screamed and ran into house number 779, leaving the trike behind. You stand up and look at what now lay beside the abandoned tricycle. It was the body of a man. He was lying in a pool of blood and both hands had been removed at the wrists. Beside him, his busted glasses were sitting in the grass and you also notice that he had a pencil rammed into the back of his head. You lean down to further investigate the body. “ASK A DIFFERENT QUESTION!” You gasp and look up towards house number 777. All you can see are a pair of glaring, menacing eyes. The same eyes from the night before, and once again, they were fixed onto you. You scramble to get up and run as fast as you can. “Oh s**t!” you say to yourself as you sprint towards your porch. When you finally reach your house, you tear the front door open and slam it shut behind you, locking all 7 locks and doing the same with every door and window in the house… In your haste to leave the ghoulish scene you didn’t notice that the man’s expression softened as he spotted you…


You begin pacing frantically back and forth in your living room. “Ok _________. Get a grip on yourself… Calm down…” You whisper to yourself, trying to regain calmness. “Oh ********. He KILLED that guy! s**t!” Your voice began to rise into a high pitched rant. Calm down. Snoogle added in, “Don’t you think I’m trying! He killed a man! Jesus!” Silly girl. You’ve seen this before. This was a new voice. It was not Snoogle. “What…No… Not again! I won’t let it happen again!” You scream as you grip both sides of your head, grabbing handfuls of your hair. Suddenly you hear maniacal laughter. It seems to be the same voice as the first time, but then another voice chimes in. soon, you are listening to a flurry of voices all laughing at you. “No…” You say as you feel everything slipping into darkness, “Not again…” You whisper as you fall to the floor with a soft thud, and all the voices disappear. You wake up lying on the floor of your dim living room. You pull yourself up and decide you had had a nightmare. “It’s not happening again. It won’t happen again. I’m fine. I’m in control.” You say as you walk into your bedroom. That’s odd. You think to yourself, I thought I closed this door… hmm.. oh well. Guess not You decide that you just forgot to close it when you got home and plop down onto your bed. You sigh as you roll over and look out the uncovered window. You see the moon sitting high above the buildings watching over the city, along with all the stars twinkling. You smile and let your heavy eyelids fall over your eyes…

~Time Lapse~

You are torn from your dreamless sleep by a noise in the closet. You snap your eyes open and sit straight up in your bed. You look around the room as your eyes adjust to the dim light. You stopped at your closet. You sat still straining to hear anything. You didn’t hear the noise again. It had sounded like a thump. You shrug to yourself and lie back down. As you close your eyes and begin to drift into sleep you hear another noise. This was a crash and it seemed to come from behind you. It sounded like a glass shattering. You open your eyes again, roll over and sit up. You scream. “Oh… Oh dear… Please do quiet down.” You hear him say in a surprisingly gentle tone. Standing at the side of your bed was the tall, thin man from house number 777. You stare at him with wide eyes and you scream again. “God Damnit!” He shouts and you see him raise his arm. The next thing you know, you feel something hard, and blunt hit your head. You start to spin into darkness again and before you can even say anything, you feel yourself collapse and strong arms embracing you.


You wake up and your head feels like it’s going to explode. You find yourself sprawled out on a hard, dirty, wood floor. It had dark stains but you couldn’t distinguish what they were from. You push yourself up. “Where the ******** am I?” You ask yourself. You begin to stand, but quickly fall to the ground again with a thump. “Ow…” You moan. You hear a door open and a voice, as if from a television maybe? You decide to crawl since you feel dizzy, and begin to crawl towards the source of the voice. You crawl through a doorway and find the man sitting in an old, dirty recliner with his knees pulled up to his chest and a twisted grin played across his lips. He appeared to be splattered with blood. He was focused on the television set across from him which, for some odd reason, had bunny ears on the top. You were close enough now to hear what the announcer was saying. “..Had spared no one, even going so far as to kill the roaches in the kitchen. Police arrived to find him still in the restaurant, covered in gore, eating a taco. The killer, however, escaped, disemboweling one officer with a plastic spoon/fork. There is no explanation for the rampage. One sickened officer was quoted as saying…. “It was wacky.” At this final comment, the man’s eyes suddenly had an insane quality about them and he dug the fingers of his left hand into the arm of the recliner and tore three long gashes in the dirty material. “What the hell?” You say as you try to put everything together. Apparently you said it louder than you intended because you had caught the attention of the man in the chair. He turned his gaze towards you and smiled, a little more friendly this time. “Oh good. You’re awake!” He exclaimed happily as he rushed over to you and offered his hand. You hesitate for a few seconds, but decide to accept his gesture of help and friendliness. He begins back towards the chair and you try to follow him into the room but once again, you fall to the ground. He spun around and returned to your side. “Here” he says as he pulls you up and puts his arm around you. He leads you to a sofa that is almost as dirty as the recliner. “Sit.” He says as he sets you down onto the surprisingly soft cushions. “Where the hell am I?” You ask as soon as he sits down again. “Oh. I’m sorry. You’re in house number 777.” He stands up again and walks back over to the sofa. “My name is Johnny C, but you can call me Nny for short. Who might you be?” He bowed a little as he introduced himself and you saw another attempt of a friendly smile work its way over his mouth. “OK. My name is _______. It’s…um very nice to meet you Johnny.” You reply with a nervous smile. “The pleasure is mine.” He says with another bow. “Um… Johnny, may I imply as to why I am here?” You ask as you begin to shake. “ Well, surprisingly, I did not bring you here to kill you, nor did I bring you here to be drained of all your blood so as I can paint The Wall.” At this he smiled and you swallow and stare at him in disbelief, your jaw dropping just a little, “Actually, you are here simply for the fact. Well, It gets awfully lonely all by yourself here. You are not like those other people. You’re not…unpleasant like most of them are. But, above all that, you are a witness.” He finishes with a smile. You feel the frustration and fear of confusion. “A witness? Witness to what?” You ask in a shaky whisper. “I saw you the other day. Out here with little Squee. You saw what I did. What I did to that surveyor man. I couldn’t let you go after seeing what I had done.” He replies as if your question was something that you should already know. The image of the man lying dead in the grass suddenly came to your mind and you just shook your head at the memory. You look off to your left and quickly bring your gaze back to Johnny. You smile as you notice that he is still staring at you. This begins to make you nervous, so you shift your position. “I’m sorry.” He says as he notices you move, “It’s just…I’ve never seen a person as beautiful as you. I find all people repulsive, ignorant little thorns… But you’re different. You’re not like them…You’re beautiful, but in a good way.” He stops and you see him blush a little. You blush crimson and smile at this compliment. Suddenly, you feel yourself being swept up onto your feet into Johnny’s arms again. Then, he pushes his mouth into yours, and begins to kiss you. Gently at first, but he soon gets rougher and you have no choice but to kiss him back. At first you feel a wave of repulsion and fear, but as this passes you feel content. You feel his tongue work its way past your lips into your mouth. But as his hands begin to travel upward, and under your shirt, you push him away. This, causing you to lose your balance forces you to fall down onto the couch again. He stands there, looking at you, blushing crimson himself. “I’m sorry.” He says as he sits down on the couch next to you. “I….I couldn’t help it…” He says as he averts his gaze to his feet… “I have some… business to attend to. Stay here” He says suddenly getting all-serious. He stands up and vanishes down a flight of stairs. You sit there staring at the stairs not knowing what to do…


You are torn from your dreams by the sound of shattering glass. You sit bolt upright, thinking that someone was breaking in. Up on doing this, you realize that you are not in your own bed or your own house for that matter. You frantically search the room over with your eyes, then smile at your own stupidity. “No one’s going to break in.” you say, half laughing to yourself, “This is Johnny’s house.” You settle back down onto the sofa and listen for any further noises. You hear Johnny’s voice, but what he’s saying is confusing and makes no sense. “I’m going over the stars.” “What the ******** is that supposed to mean?” You mutter to yourself, wracking your brain for a solution. You listen closer, straining to hear anything that would suffice as an explanation. You hear him say something else, but you can’t make out the words. “Time for something new!” These words were loud and clear and just as confusing as the previous statement which he repeated, softer this time “Over the stars.” And you could tell that he was crying. Waaait!!” “Who the Hell? There’s someone else alive here?” You say to yourself as you hear the distinctly different voice. You lean away from the couch a little bit, listening, silent. “Don’t do it!” “Killing yourself is not the answer!” “What the ********! Who the hell is that? Who is he talking to?” You soon got your answer as you hear Johnny’s voice scream back a reply. “Like Hell it isn’t Nailbunny! You don’t know what it’s like! You couldn’t even imagine..” He started to mumble again and his voice dropped. “Oh s**t!” you say as you scramble off the couch and rush towards the doorway to your left. You were suddenly surrounded by darkness and realized this was the wrong room. “oh god no!” you scream as you run back into the living room. You hear Johnny yelling again, but you are so worried and frantic that you aren’t even paying attention to the conversation anymore until you hear another voice. You run through three more doorways, but found no one. Finally y you decide to go back to the living room, giving up when you hear no more arguing, and you begin to cry. As you re enter the living room you hear the TV. You look up and see Johnny sitting on the couch laughing with a box of chips in his hands and a dead rabbit with a nail in it’s stomach laying next to him. You feel anger well up inside you as well as fear. “Who the Hell were you talking to? I thought you lived here alone.” He suddenly stopped laughing and gazed at you. “Oh… that was just Nailbunny and Psycho-Doughboy… Wait a minute! You could hear them?” He said as he stood up and grabbed you by your shoulders, “Um… yeah… why wouldn’t I be able to hear them?” You ask suddenly filled completely with fear. “Because… usually nobody… never mind.” He said as he let his grip on you go and his arms fell limp at his sides. He walked through the darkened doorway on the left, and you heard a door slam shut. You just stood there, staring into that darkness, sensing that this poor man was like you… In some way, you were alike… With a sigh and against your better judgement, you decide to follow Johnny and see what he’s doing. “He seems to be bothered by something… Maybe, I can help him.” You say to yourself as you walk through the doorway. You see a gleam of metal in the middle of a wall on the right and decide it’s a doorknob. You cautiously grip and turn the silver ball and gently push the door open, almost afraid of what you might find. You notice that the room is lighted by a naked bulb hanging overhead. As you step into the room, you see Johnny leaning at a window, gazing out at the moon and stars in the night sky. You take a step forward and hear something squeak. You look down and notice that you have stepped on a doll filled with what looked like worms, rat-tails and entrails of something small. Okay. Whatever. You think to yourself as you make your way past the rest of the dolls strewn on the floor. When you reach Johnny, you reach out and lay your left hand on his shoulder and whisper his name “Johnny..” He tenses up, spins around and pins you to the wall. He jumps off and away looking slightly embarrassed, “Sorry… I’m… a little bit jumpy… I’m not around people very often…” He says softly and slowly as if he doesn’t know what to say. He leans against the wall and slides down, lowering his head and averting his gaze to his hands as he hits the floor in a sitting position. You sit down next to him and lay your head in his lap. “Johnny. It’s okay. I understand.” As you say this he begins to stroke your long multicolored hair. You turn so you’re facing him and you smile. He smiles back and you sit up and sit on his lap, your arms up around his neck. He hesitates but wraps his arms around your waist. You both sit like that for some time, laying each other’s heads on your shoulders. You move your head to look at him again, and you find yourself looking directly into his beetle-black eyes. You feel the heat rise to your cheeks and know you are blushing, but you don’t feel too silly as you see that his cheeks have been splashed with crimson themselves. You smile again and look down at your feet. You suddenly feel your chin being gripped gently by Johnny’s hand. This forced you to look up at him. As you moved your head you felt his lips brush against yours and you close your eyes, but feel their presence retreat. You open your eyes abruptly, a little irritated. You see that Johnny is still blushing, his face redder than ever and he had a expression of utter embarrassment played on his face. He looks up, realizing you are staring at him and smiles a very nervous smile. “I’m sorry… I—“ You pushed your mouth into his, cutting him off. He hesitates for a few seconds, but kisses you back, again working his tongue into your mouth. His embrace on you grows tighter as you both begin to get more passionate as does your grip around his neck. He turns you around so your back is against the wall. He then climbs on top of you and begins to travel over your body with his hands again. Half of you wants to push him away, but half of you doesn’t want him to stop. This half’s will was stronger apparently as you do nothing to make him stop.

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