Netto Hikari42: :O What's new with the infamous Kiwi?
Quiouii: ::runs around the room with cape swooshing behind:: I GOTTACAPE!
Quiouii: And I have to finish memorizing my lines for tomorrow. @_@
Quiouii: And my VWS homework.
Quiouii: Stupid vocabulary words. = =;;
Netto Hikari42: Does Kiwi need help with vocab and lines?
Netto Hikari42: Hirun has the play here... *points to Lit. Book*
Netto Hikari42: :O And over here....
Netto Hikari42: *click*
Quiouii: Hmm....
Quiouii: In my book, nmy part starts on pg. 721, where Anne spills milk on Mrs. Van Daan's coat and her and her mother get into a fight.
Quiouii: What for?
razz Netto Hikari42: :O Vocab, and I have that part.
Netto Hikari42: XD We're on Act 2.
Quiouii: XP Oh.
Quiouii: We're in themiddle of Act 3.
Quiouii: ^^;;
Netto Hikari42: :O Wow.
Quiouii: XD I think I'll go get my book.
Quiouii: "Anne you must not behave in that way."A
"It was a mistake! Anyone can make a mistake!"
"I don't mean that...." Or something along those lines is where I start tomorrow.
Netto Hikari42: :O My book has all the play in 2 acts :O
Quiouii: o_o
Quiouii: oooooooohhh
Quiouii: waiiit
Quiouii: I"m sorry.
Netto Hikari42: :O Scene 3?
Quiouii: We're at Act One, SCENE 3.
Quiouii: XDDD FOrgive me. lol.
Netto Hikari42: I was wondering about that! XD
Quiouii: X33
Quiouii: Lesssie.
Quiouii: ::skips to Vocabulary workshop::
Quiouii: Synonyms #1. Inconstant, fickle, unreliable, vacillating.
Quiouii: hmm.
Netto Hikari42: "It was an accident. Anyone can have an accident"
"I don't mean that. I mean the answering back. You must not answer back. They are our guests. We must always show the greatest courtecy to them. We're all living under terrible tension."
Quiouii: Yup!
Quiouii: Ok, I'm Mrs. Frank..
Netto Hikari42: Gotcha.
Quiouii: ..So, if you could, type everyone else's lines?
Netto Hikari42: :O Sure.
Quiouii: PLEASE paraphrase- there's no need to type out EVERYTHING.
Quiouii: :3 Thank you veyr much,. This is such a help.
Quiouii: Now, shall I continue from where you left off?
Netto Hikari42: [she stops as MARGOT can hear blah blah blah]
Quiouii: Now, I'm foing this memorized, so what I say maybe a tad different, yadda yadda)
Quiouii: ...This is why we must control ourselves. You don't hear Margot getting into arguments with them, do you? Watch Margot. She's always curteous with them; never familiar. She keeps her distance and they respect her for it. Try to be like Margot.
Quiouii: ((X3))
Netto Hikari42: ANNE: And have them walk all over me, the way they do her? No Thanks! XO *angst angst*
Netto Hikari42: (XD)
Quiouii: XD
Quiouii: I'm not afraid of them walking all over you, Anne. It's the other people I fear for; that'll you'll walk on them. I don't know what happens to you, Anne. You're wild, self-willed-- if I had ever talked to my mother as you me....
Netto Hikari42: Anne: Things have changed. ; People aren't like that anymore. "Yes, Mother." "No, Mother." "Anything you say, Mother." I've got to fight things our myself! Make something of myself! *rawr*
Quiouii: ::hopeless sigh:: It's not neccisary to fight to do it. Margot doesn't fight, and isn't she--- ::is rebelliously cut off::
Netto Hikari42: ANNE: [Violently Rebellious] Margot! Margot! Margot! That's all I hear from wonderful Margot is... "Why aren't you like Margot?" *mean*
Quiouii: ((Margot says something.. Anne says more stuff and scurries off to her room. X3))
::sigh:: Let's put the soup on the stove...If there's anyone who care to eat. Get the bread, Margot, from the shelf. (or something like that)
....I don't know how we can go on living like this. I can't sy a word to Anne- she flies at me!!
Netto Hikari42: ANNE: [paying no attention] I say a lot of words here, yet I feel the urge to not. :O Whoops.
[rushes off sobbing and badly spells "throws". bed. You go to a stove :O]
Quiouii: ((See previous post. XD))
Netto Hikari42: ((XD))
Netto Hikari42: MARGOT: She'll be out in half an hour (paraphrase)
Quiouii: And, ::points upwards towards the Van Daan's room...e r..... attic... o.o;; :: ....I told your father it wouldn't work.... But no.... No.... He had to ask them, he said..... He owed it to them, he said..... Well, he knows now that I was right!!! These quarrels! This bickering!!!!!
Netto Hikari42: MARGOT: [with a warning look] Shush. Shush.
[buzzer sound and everyone gasps :O Oh-noes.]
Quiouii: ::GASSSSP:: Everytime I hear that sound, my heart stops.
Netto Hikari42: MARGOT: [goes to a door] It's Meep. (:O With a new spelling!) [knocks] YO! DADDUMS!
Netto Hikari42: [Mr.Frank emerges]
Quiouii: ((ok, so Mr Kraler comes in now, right?)
Netto Hikari42: Mr.Frank: KThxbai. [goes to door] HEY! GET YOUR BLOODY LISTS!
Quiouii: LMAO!!!!
Quiouii: ::takes list from Margot::
Netto Hikari42: MARGOT: I'll get my books. :O Lists...
Netto Hikari42: Margot: Meep's here. [gets books]
Netto Hikari42: VanDan: [goes down stairs] Is it... HER?!
Netto Hikari42: Margot: Yeah. Duh.
Quiouii: XD
Netto Hikari42: VanDan: OH BOY! SMOKES!
Quiouii: (9I'll take that as my cue XP))
Quiouii: ((except I forget what I say here.. o.o;
wink )
Netto Hikari42: VanDan: She'll be fine. _; She only ruined a coat.
Quiouii: Oh! Right!
Quiouii: "I can't tell you how unhappy i am about Mrs. Van Daan's coat. Anne should never have touched it. ::whiny::
Netto Hikari42: ((:O Good))
Quiouii: (after your last post. XD) Is there anything I can do? ::kiddishly::
Netto Hikari42: VanDan: No worries.
Quiouii: ((^o^ Thank you!))
Netto Hikari42: [turns to meet miep. :O OMFG. IT'S NOT MEEP! RUN!... err. It's Kraler. Yeah...]
Quiouii: XD
Quiouii: Mr Kraler!
Netto Hikari42: VanDan: How are you Mr. Kraler?
Margot: This is a supprise.
Quiouii: When Mr. Kraler comes, the sun begins to shine!! ::dumb blonde tone::
Netto Hikari42: VanDan Man: When is the Meepster commin?
Netto Hikari42: Kraler: Not tonight. *doom*
Quiouii: WOuldn't you like a cup of coffee? Or, even better, will you have supper with us?
Netto Hikari42: [Kraler goes with Margot and Frank and Anne. Shakes hands]
Quiouii: (( ><;; oh right...))
Quiouii: ((One of today's vocabulary words is 'pithiness' oO))
Netto Hikari42: Frank Guy: Mr.Kraler... *drivel drivel*
Netto Hikari42: ((Pithiness? I've heard that word before... somewhere.))
Quiouii: ((Short, but in-depth... something along those lines..))
Quiouii: "What is it?"
Netto Hikari42: Mr.Kraler: Really big paragraph here. I feel bad for the person who plays me. Ouch.
Quiouii: XD
Netto Hikari42: Mr.Frank: Of course.