Quiouii: I'm going to go see Cirque du Soliel this weekend!
Quiouii: FUN FUN FUUUN!!
Quiouii: ::drools:: Kiw is a Ciruqe du Soliel FANATIC. @o@
Netto Hikari42: Oooooh.
Netto Hikari42: ... :O Whazzat?
Quiouii: Oops..
Quiouii: XD
Quiouii: Cirque du Soliel is a French cirqus, which originated in Quebec. Cirque du Soliel in english means 'Circus of the sun', and they are the best performing group EVER! @_@ They aren't like the stupid circuses of everday- they have no animals, just these awesome acrobats and intense storylines to go with the acts.
Quiouii: Total AWESOMENESS! ^____________________^
Netto Hikari42: :O Sounds better than the pathetic Ringlin brothers.
Quiouii: You can probably rent the DVD/VHS of their last tour, "Quidam" at your local video store. ^^
Quiouii: XDDD I should hope so1
Quiouii: *!
Netto Hikari42: (The guy with the tall hair scares me
wink Quiouii: XDDDDD
Netto Hikari42: *; )
Quiouii: ::huggles him:: Heee roccksss Kiwiii'ss ssooccckkss.
Netto Hikari42: I'm serious. His hair makes him looks like a used cigarette.
Quiouii: This shall be the greatest experience of my puny fourteen year life. @o@