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Here's my journal, I'm trying to keep it a daily one, so some days may be weird :sweat: So, I'm either going to put what happend that day, or if it was boring, enter some of my thoughs or how I feel, sometimes just about a person I know, so ya, Thank
Trains scraps.
Today was kind of a lazy day, we did a bit, but it just felt like one of those nice and slow days. First we went to church today, we finally got mother to go, but when we got there, she insisted in sitting in the back, actually she didn't insist, she demanded, she stopped in front of it and waited for us to get in, so Tony went up to the side oh the aile, I behind him, then dad, but then mother stayed all the way on the other side, so we were on one side of the bench, and her on the other. She would sit near us. Now, I'm a bit okay with sitting in the back as long as we were to sit as a family, but for her to demand that we sit in the back, the very last row, being separated from the rest of the church, then separate from us so that we are no longer a family was enough for me. So Tony and I moved up to the front of the church, like, within the first eight benches. It was a nice church day, we had another new speaker, and he was nice. So after that instead of are usual after church routing of going out for food, we had to go home, since mother said it was bad. So when we got back, Dad, Tony, and I all went out back to saw up some of the scrap wood we had around. The first one was a long basic one and I wondered where it came from, as he sawed a piece off I flipped it over, and noticed a sky and mountains were painted on it, it was the back to my dads train layout. I felt kind of sad, we took he train room apart in the beginning of the year so that little Barry could have a room, it use to be a train room with trains going all around, all along the wall, my dad use to always work on it, making mountains or parks with lakes, rivers and tunnels, and so many people and farms with animals, when we were little Moe would sometimes sneak in and jump up on the farms, and then when we came in all the sheep in the fields would be knocked over or the people playing would be sleeping blaugh We use to call her catzilla when we caught her sleeping on the farms and such. I could remember sitting there and watching the trains go by and through the tunnels or into the mountains, wondering which tunnel they would come out of, It was all on a giant L shaped table, so it was about are head height when we were smaller, so we would be eye level with the trains. We would sometimes just sit down on this old couch dad had in there and watch the trains go round and round, listening to the sounds it made. We loved it when we were on trips and we got to pick out the little animals for dads farms or new roads and houses for the towns, and a few times a whole knew building. He build everything, the mountains he would get a bunch of styrofoam and cut it into the right size, cutting out tunnels and such, then he would plaster it all and paint it with meticulous details, the he would punch little wholes for the trees he made or glue some bushes on, and sometime had a little house, he always had something fun to look for, like a car that slid down the mountain with a small avalanche or Batman's car inside of one of the houses garage. It was sad seeing all the tracks that Tony and I would sometimes clean, or mountains upside down, just white on the inside instead of showing all their meticulous details, all the hard work and long hours my dad would work for just to have the colors right, or the trees in the right spot. I remember he promised me that he would set up a small circus so I could have a run away elephant in the forest by the river, the one by the first mountain. He never did get to it. Looking at it all upside down, seeing all the wires that would move the tracks and lights, to see how they all connected, with twisty ties here and there holding them togeather. On the side, there were plenty of buttons and switches that we loved to mess with, just to see what they did, now they just made a silent click sound. Nothing. It use to move tracks or lights, make sounds and music, we loved to just push or flip, and see the whole train turn or go backwards, making the train go to the mountains or towns, now, just nothing. I kind of sat there for a bit and flipped them up and down, in my head remember which on did which, seeing the train go backwards or into the mountains. I took some off, just to keep in my box, they still seemed special to me, like maybe they could still do something, change something. We would always change the trains or see how many we could get on the track, I wonder where they are now? Sitting in a box somewhere, waiting to come out on a tack long gone and run down those long tracks now taken apart, or through those foresty mountains, now white and bald. I can still see him bending over the track and putting the sheep back up and a train would go through the mountains, Tony and I would always try and see under the train set to see where the hidden tracks of the tunnels and mountains went. Now it just laid there, smashed and in pieces, just a memory of are childhood, gone.
We filled the trash can with scraps, but still had some left, but as my dad was about to saw a piece of the track, he sawed the wire, he set it down so we started to put everything away, but then I saw a bright flash and a loud 'kkkzzzaaapp!' and Tony jump/runs over to the trash cans, turns out he poked the open wires, it was so funny, but why did I find amusement in his pain? We finished up then went inside, but then Tony and I asked him to take us to the movies, to see Transformers, on the way we stopped at the hamburger stand, then went to the movies, it was a great show, still liked them better when they were animals though. After that mother wanted me to pick up some shirts for her, so I went anchor blue and got her some, on the way back Tony and dad wanted to go to the hamburger stand AGAIN! rolleyes man, so I sat in the car and waited, anyway, went home and took a shower, had dinner, and right now it's about 6:40, so it looks like I'm not going for a jog with Travis tonight, oh well, woof! Night!

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