If you can’t find the words, Perhaps they shouldn’t be said.

If you could go back in time, Do it to make all your wrongs, right!

Your heart and your mind, Know not of one another.

There is no difference between loving and losing, Your heart gets broken either way.

Remember to never live with guilt, For only he who is pure casts the first stone.

Self-confidence is over-rated, It’s like polling your popularity.

Survive only through yourself, You’re not someone else’s dummy.

How can smiling make anyone beautiful? It only gives you chubby cheeks.

Education’s teachers, Need a few lessons.

Heartache is like a hiccup, Only the right remedy cures it.

You can’t just dream it, You gotta be it.

There is always someone with a better life than you, There is always someone with a worse one, too.

Music is the spirit of the soul, So play it loud.

Friends aren’t the glue in life, But the band-aids.

Care for all others- Benevolence is it’s own reward.

Ignorance is NOT bliss, But freedom IS strength.

What do they mean change is good? Look what happened to the Beatles.

To be or not to be ISN’T the question, To be what I want to be or what others want me to be IS!

Take nothing lightly, Everything is said for a reason.

Having four eyes doesn’t make anyone a freak, Think about it, they can see twice as well as you.

Eighteen is when we’re supposed to grow up, What happens if we don’t make it by then?

Cucumber melon is the scent of the Gods, And you will NOT diss it.

Life is a journey- Bring cash for transportation.

Women in fishnets and stilettos are sexy- DO NOT ARGUE!

If you don’t understand something, ask Don’t just sit there criticizing.

The difference between boxers and briefs, Is the difference between freedom and restraint.

Whether you’re guy or girl- Thinking with what’s between your legs always leads to trouble.

Although money is everything, It isn’t all that matters.

How do you tell someone it’s over, Without it sounding like the end?

Trust is something that is earned, Never automatically given.

Never lose you childhood innocence, That’s what keeps you young.