lolz I'm so dumb. Last night at like 12:00 I went into my younger bros room to watch my older bro play this video game. When I went in my freakin lil bro threw a boomerang at me!! So then I took the boomerang and threw it back then picked it up and started attacking him with it. At the end of the boomerang it is scratched up and so he took it and scratched the end of it on my arm. It didn't even really hurt but to annoy him I screamed super loud. Apparently I have a very painful scream though I am so quiet XD That freaked both my bros out and hurt there ears, but it didn't stop my bro, so I screamed again ^^ Finally we were done fighting and I was just watching the video game when my mom goes hurry Cliff (big bro) hurry someone's at the door (we were like in our pj's except my big bro). So he goes and answers the door and it is our neighbor..who freakin lives down the street!! She said she was in bed and she heard me screaming so she wanted to make sure I was alright XD How embarrassing!