Yay finally back on the computer. It's about time, I didn't know what to do with my free time! Do homework, yeah right!! lolz. Well soooo many things have happened lately I don't know what to talk about or maybe i don't feel like typing it. Well I will talk about the play -backstage, oooooohhhh- hehe. Ok well when I did the play Music Man there was this older guy and ya know he was really cute he was seventeen and everything. I really liked him, we talked a lot and I kinda thought he might have liked me. One of my other friends in the play, uh, let's say her name is Mary, she was happy for me and every thing. Well in this next play Oliver, I find out that Mary likes him too and he likes her back (so people say, he hasn't actually said anything). Ok I'm the type of girl that if you betray me, make me mad, all that stuff, you will pay. Well one of my friends at school is also in the play, an she doesn't even really like Mary so she was helping me. I was flirting the best I could with him, which I was good at. At first Mary didn't show her jealousness but then as it went on she started to get more and more. So there would be times when I would be talking to him and she pinch me SO hard saying I was being too loud or something. Then she made me come outside with her even thought I didn't want to and she was like "I'm not leaving you to alone." I didn't blame her though, I would do the same thing. It's not like we have a chance anyways, she's 13 and im 14. My mom would freak. So we got him to invite is hot friend to the play and we can just fight over him and this time it would actually be possible for me to date the guy! I sound like a jerk but it's a girl thing XD