Most people know of death and disease. But do you really know how it begins? Or do you just go about your day hoping you stay healthy? Well I was on the other end. I went by each day thinking it was the worst. It started two years ago. I was always being beaten up or kicked down. I never cared about it. Then I knew why I was sick or in pain. When I turned 16 it all changed. We moved to a new town and school. Everyone was nice and no one beat me up. I loved it, but my body didn't. After so many years of torment my body started to just take it.

I got up as my usual routine. Go get breakfast, get dressed, and then brush teeth. It was monotonous how boring my mornings were. As I got ready to leave I tripped and fell. Then my leg tightened up. It wouldn't move. I cried in pain for help. Finally my mom came and rushed me to the doctor. This was not the first time I was brought here. The doctor did a full scale check-up and found that it was a Charlie horse. My mom began to scream. "I have taken you here every time you got hurt. This is the last straw. I'm not going to pay anymore bills. It cost me 93 dollars to find out you had a Charlie horse that lasted 5 minutes." She stormed off to the car and I hobbled over and hopped in. "Sorry." was the only word coming out. She just glared at me. She dropped me off at school and reminded me of my detention. As she pulled away she warned me of anymore false alarms.

I walked to class and sat down. I was already half an hour late. I began to jot down notes from the board. After class finished I went about my normal day till lunch. I got this sharp pain coming from my sides. It hurt ten times worse when I inhaled. So I tried to not walk fast or breathe deep. I snuck to the phone and called my mom. This was the reason I got detention in the first place. She picked up and screamed for two minutes about me getting detentions. "But mom when I breathe or move to much it really hurts." I tried to sound hurt. "I don't care if your bleeding out your eyes never call again!" The phone slammed and hung up. I dropped the receiver and walked back to lunch.

I made it to fifth period. Today was yet another lovely assembly about nothing. I writhed in pain and tried to pay attention. Kids tried to get me to go to the nurse. I knew what would happen if I left. So I just said no and continued to watch. It was over and I almost crawled to class. I made it to the hallway. Everyone was looking at me like I was a freak. I got to the bathroom and began to scream in agony. I head someone tell me to suck it up. I turned and no one was there. I just laughed at it and washed my hands. The voice got louder. "Suck it up. It'll be over soon." I got real worried. Was I going insane? "Where are you?" I shouted. The voice sounded closer and more sinister. "In YOU!"

I took off towards the hallway. It was crowded as normal. Around this time all classes let out. I clutched my side as the pain began to worsen. The voice was yelling now. "I'm almost free. So close." I starred as my ribs were bleeding. Everyone just stopped what they were doing to watch me cry. I got on my knees and screamed. Then a rip sound came from inside me. A red claw ripped out of my stomach. "AHAHAHAHA!! I'm FREE!" Out came this little creature no bigger than a cat It was all red and blood dripped off of it. It jumped the rest of the way out. Everyone screamed and ran around. The monster turned to me and grabbed the collar of my shirt. "Well. I guess your body did do well to create me." I was shocked. "What are you? Why are you inside me?" The little thing let go and walked on his hind legs. "I am a Dishphel. I live inside of people and feed off their anger and pain." It laughed and began to grow a foot. "See your body was full of hate for those who beat you up. But your body loved pain." He grew another foot and was able to fully walk on its back legs. "See you're a masochist. You love this stuff." I slowly got up and stood there. Blood was falling from my wound. I looked at him and screamed. "I'm not one of those. I'm normal." I was almost in tears. He grew some more and then walked up to a girl that was crying.

"You are worse then just being a masochist. Your a sadist as well." Its claws extended and he gutted the girl. A grin grew on his face as well as mine. "See. You love this stuff." It grew some more. "That's why I love you. Your the perfect home for me." It put his hands on my shoulder. "I'll kill everyone here then I can crawl inside of you and no one will know." I laughed and walked up to some of the jocks. "So you'll kill them and then crawl inside?" It jumped over me and slaughtered them. "Simple no?" It ran off and killed some more. I sat down and waited for my death. I looked at my cut and it was smaller then before. I was being healed. I laid back and fell asleep from the loss of blood. I awoke two days later.

I looked around and saw I was in a hospital. "What? What is going on?" I saw my mom come in. She was crying. "Son. You're okay." She hugged me. "I heard about that killer that went through school." I was confused. "What killer?" She sat down. "You know that madman that killed everyone and stabbed you." She got up and walked to the door. "Well you need your rest." She closed the door and a rolled over to see the window. "Well I guess I am insane." There was a quick flash and the creature smashed my window. "I'm back."

Copywrite 2003 Zach Baker