It's not fair, your room is all messy and cool, mines just.... clean and boring
So ya! That should be fun! 3nodding
Still no major word from Travis, but I figure, guys always swear there going to call every day and what not, but they never do. I though he would be different, he did call longer then other guys, I just loved talking to him all night! heart but ya, guess that's gone. Then again he is pretty busy, so I shouldn't give him a hard time, but then again how hard is it to take up a phone for five minutes and call, not that long just to say "hi, I don't have long, but just wanted to see how your day was?' kind of thing? But then again I don't know what he is going through, he is pretty busy, but it's not that hard, but then again I guess I'm pretty annoying..
Guess I'm rambling again! sweatdrop I get in these stages where I just start typing what I think bad habit from my writing books, shouldn't apply to my journal sweatdrop
So ya, that was today, Oh! I got a lock on my door today! heart but this morning my dad made me hand over the knife I took from the walk, I tried to act dumb, but he just said he knew I had it concealed somewhere, he was right, and I just had to show off rolleyes so I pulled it out and handed it over cry But ya, all and all today was pretty good! 3nodding