Oh boy, okay for starters Goldy was suppose to start walking with me this morning, but she was late meeting me at the corner and when we finally got to my house at 5:30 to start walking, turns out she forgot her instrument! O.o! She said Mrs. Daily didn't say anything about bringing it!! IT"S BAND! So she went back for it, now, it took me 5 minute to get to her house and back, after waiting for half an hour I told Tony we should just go. No, he had to be a bish and wouldn't move! So when I finally got him to move he insisted that I had to carry his saxophone! I'm already carrying the baritone! O.O!!! People hello! So about around the electric plant Tony gets mad that I'm not carrying his saxophone and turns back, I walk a bit, the realise mother is going to be pissed if he shows up home, if that's even where he goes, so now I have to turn back to.. dang, I had to have her drive me, and then when she told woody to shoo before we left, Tony tried acting like it was one of the Seven Sins and she should go to hell! Man Tony! So we finally get to school, 7:00 band practice and all, march march and all that, I get back, change out of my music shirt and jeans into a red plaid skirt and gold/skulls shirt, I got LOT of compliments, except from Chris, who was pissed and asked why I never wore that when I was with him and why I wore it for Travis o.O Well, he did say I looked sexy and nice in it and all that, so I guess that's a point? Still, don't like how he did the whole -why the hell didn't you ever where that for me?- thing.. *hides* well, he also gave me a letter in band where he apologized for beating and abusing me mentally and physically and 'taking my down the road of evil and away from god' and all that, but I just still can't seem to forget all that... I guess with time, I forgive him, just can't.. you know? I do, mentally, but my body just can't seem to forget it, and I see that in all my actions, maybe that's why I walk, cause that one car incident? So after band I walked around, talked with Joey and them, then off to A.P. U.S. History, I had my taperecoder! ^^ so I recorded it all and kicked back! blaugh I sat next to Onyx, okay so for lunch I find Travis, but he can't go anywhere since he has to give D.J. her Cd's.. so I hang with Cessy and them for a bit, then go back to my spot, grab Michell and go back, finally got Travis to go to our normal spot and ya! heart I just love Travis so much! ^^ I know I always say that, but it's just I still can't believe I'm with him! heart I just feel so special when he holds me! heart I still don't really know how to act around him, it's just, grr! even thinking about him! heart I just wish there was some way I could show or tell him how happy I am! just grr! There's not words for it! It's kind of frustrating! sweatdrop but I love him so much! 3nodding Just, how he does everything, just being around him, when he just comes up behind me and hugs me or even if I start getting shy and pulling back, he just kisses or bites me! heart just grr! It's like woof! blaugh heart I just feel so lucky, like, it's just so great! grr! He has a cross country run today, I wonder how he did? Hope he wins! ^^ I'm sure he will though, he's Travis! blaugh heart So then I went to my A.P.E.S. class, Kat, Onyx and I improvised very well if you ask me! 3nodding We had to demonstrate the whole 'what not to do' skit and everything, so ya.. Then we had two test! o.O after that Joey and I went out, grabbed two drink and some water at Fosters, then off to the library to study! He's fun to study with, he was so fascinated by my recording of the lecture, it was kind of funny, but I know he was joking, and that Dog that's always there? It is definitely part coyote! Just by watching the way it walks you can tell! 3nodding So ya, we studied a bit, then I went home and just did homework in my room, Travis didn't call yesterday and ignored my calls, so I wonder if he will call tonight? *crosses fingers*
My stress has gotten worse, I don't feel it, but my body is shutting down, in the past I have mind locks where I get so much pain in my head that I have blacked out and fallen to the ground, just out, and I've had it mess with my back and such, but now it's in my leg! So I'll be walking and then BAM! hurts like hell, and I have taken a lot, I almost want to cry, I can't walk for a second and I just try to walk it off, but it won't go, it's getting kind of scary. I don't like it. In my last class I broke out in a hot cold flash and Onyx was freaking out, turns out my face was a bit red... guess it's something... So ya, mother is taking me to a doctor sometime this weekend to check my stress levels and all that and my organs, good thing it's a three day weekend, hope they don't take me out of school for a bit like last time....
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Here's my journal, I'm trying to keep it a daily one, so some days may be weird :sweat: So, I'm either going to put what happend that day, or if it was boring, enter some of my thoughs or how I feel, sometimes just about a person I know, so ya, Thank
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