Saturday, September 1:
So, stuff wasn't happening in my life for a while. Last Friday changed all that. My last Journal entry, ya'll know I said I had planned to make it on a much 'happier' note. Well, you'll be tickled or even somewhat pleased to find out that, yes, life is becoming quite on the enjoyable and merry side.
First off, the reason for my happiness was in partly caused by this being my second day off out of two. Michael came over somewhere past the noon marker. He brought over his cards and games, and we started off in a duel. Our last score, before he had to have a dueling hiatus was 1-1. Alas, it's not much higher and much more one sided; his dragon deck beat the crap out of my Harpie deck. I still had a blast. Each time I duel him I'm getting better, and I'm starting to think up some pretty cunning moves. Problem is, I often times don't have enough rounds to execute said cunning ploy. Still, it's a blast battling him.
He let me borrow Final Fantasy Tactics for the PS1. I can't tell you how cool (yet surprisingly difficult) that game is. I was afraid to play any of the Final Fantasy games like that. Still, after getting used to the controls, it's easy to get lost within the game play and plot.
Later that evening, my half sister arrived. As I stated before in the previous entry, she was planned to come down. She brought her husband with her, along with her stained glass supplies. As promised she went about teaching mom the fine art of the trade.
Weird event of the day: My dad went to get Michael. He also brought with him a box. He's not a MGS fan, so it was strange for him to randomly have the hunk of cardboard. Well, it was a present for me from my uncle Michael (not the same as the first Michael mentioned- confuzzlin', huh?). Inside was a massive deer skull with random bits of collar bone and femurs. Next to that was a smaller skull... with fur still attached in some places... full teeth and... remains of... eyes. gonk Dear lord, I love the bones and skulls (I have a a small collection of raccoon and chipmunk- great art studying materials) but the one with the funk STILL attached makes even ME wanna hurl.
On Sunday she left. During he stay she made the greatest food. She's part of the South Beach diet consensus, and I was at first wary of what some of the food was sounding like. However, I must admit that it was fabulous! It actually gave me more energy than I was used too- and this is good, considering the fact that I had gotten over a three to four day stomach virus that kept me from keeping any form of food in me. I actually lost two pounds within that time period, and my stomach itself shrunk. I was becoming starved without meaning too, and now, to this day, I have to take it easy eating to regain my former (healthy) glory.
heart Peace out, ya'll! heart
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The long forgotten lore of my life
When I feel like it I'll update with my thoughts, views, nonsensical ramblings or events. Just another look into my chaotic enough life. I never know what's going to happen.