For a while- and my Gaia friends can verify this- I have been gleaning any and all gold I have been able to make, putting it towards what you could call my "Dream Avvie Fund". Tonight I have made a milestone. Indeed, I have achieved my long sought after goal. 3nodding
Thanks to the combined help of Gaia users Talon Endbringer and Raidenovtich, my dream has been realized.

It's been a long time, but well worth the fight. And now, since my quest is finally put to rest, I vow to help others in reaching their dream avvie goals as well!
Well, that's the good news! Now for the random, odd events that have baffled me in my life. Said event took place last night at work. Now, every once in a while I close the store at night (what happened last night and tonight). That means I also take manager rules, dealing with voids and returns/exchanges.
Last night I dealt with a spaztastic old woman of the ripe age of about 90. She looked harmless. In fact, she entered the store with a charming, wistful smile. However, once she realized that she had to verify some information and give me her phone number her innocent persona flipped around, revealing a much more sinister side of her.
I can't believe a woman of that age still insists on pouring out a constant stream of vulgar babble, cursing and swearing, making the air blue and thick with her raging rants.
In fact, she was scaring me and the cashier working with me!
It was insane. I tried to calmly get through to the woman, but she continued with the relentless barrage of swearing, her voice rising to a panic level. I finally, disgusted and ashamed of her behavior, typed in my own information and handed her the money. With a forced but all the while earnest smile I bade her a good evening. What happened next I couldn't believe. I nearly keeled over when she meekly replied with a, "Thank you. You have a good evening as well".
So, the point of this issue is this: 90 year old women, no matter how saintly and charming they seem, can still become swearing, spiteful bullies in the blink of an eye. Er, wait, is that the real issue? Oh, heck, I don't know. All I know is that one event scared me to no end.
Then again, I look back at it now and laugh my arse off. In truth, sure, she had a bit of spit left in her but don't we all want to be a bit wacky and off the wall when we become grizzled and gray? I know I sure do. xd
heart Peace out, ya'll! heart