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Life is an adventure
Live a Little
A day to day expericene. 2

Well, It's been a crappy day, mostly because i can't help forb with the bump thing, and even if i could, the forums are not workin, the guild ones are, but the rest..........*sighs*
Gaia has more bugs then Super Man 64.
Sango, a friend of mine, started an rp thread, and guess who gets to be koga's admire, Aimee! heart I love koga, so bein the girl that want's to marry him will be fun!
Today is a seriously crappy day for a reason. Forblarion, the gaian i've had fun with the most here, is leavin. Yes........i'm extremly upset. I think it's my fault.......Tis a dark day. I have six friends here that i keep very close to me, and he's one of them. I'm hurt. More info on this next time. I'm gonna start a new page because this one is strecthed. *sighs* and then there were five..................at least......i hope not......


blaugh *pokes Koopling with his vine*

scream *scratches his vine*

gonk cry



*sighs* Koopling is seriously not happy about me gettin another kiki kitty. I don't know why, she should be. And runnin into Samanosuke_Akenchi Wasn't exactly helpin. He has a robotic dog now. I don't believe I donated to him to help him get that! gonk If only I knew. He threatened to feed Koopling to the dog, then left.
I got to see an old friend. Meatwolf. And as usual, things got out of hand. One minute we were talkin about drivers ed, the next i was chasin him through a casino. We went back and forth tryin to do damage to each other, that was until her fired 5 rounds at my face. I remember fallin, but after that, nothin. I have no clue where he is now. but my head hurts.......alot..........
in other news, Forb's in a bumpin contest. I'm supposet to help, but i'm not sure what i can do.
and last, but not least, I opened up my own arcade in shanangans! mrgreen The Koopa Arcade! I is happy, yesh. Skull, Chazu someone else all liked it! I'm hopin more will. 3nodding

Ok. It's mornin and DS is startin to get some teeth and spots mrgreen He's still playin with Kooplin, who right now isn't happy at the thought of gettin a brother. I spent some time with Forb today sweatdrop He's startin to scare me. More than Ususal.
Now I was at the thread today, and Samanosuke came to me right after i used link's shield as a sled, and broke it while hittin my head.

hi koopa!! how are you??

fine.........i think....

listen ive been thinking that i wasent going to run around chasing you or playing too much...

Huh? Ok. Why?

i was being childish...

but it was funny. xd

yeah... so i decided im not going to chase you anymore or koopling...

*throws her arms up* Whoo! I win!

instead of chasing you... im just going directly to kill you!! twisted

......game over..... *gets on the defensive*

*takes a fish out* come to me now!! *takes a knife out* here its fish!!

.........um......No, I'ma fight. NOT WORKIN!!!

come you know you want to!! *takes another fish out* here kitty!!

*mouth waters* gonk Ooooo.......not fair........ *takes one step forward and stops* No.......not gonna give.

mmm its fish!! *samanosuke takes out box of cat food* mmm 2 fishes and a box of cat food mmmm...!

*doesn't move as her stomach growls* Low blow man.......What are you tryin to do? Fatten me up?

well yes and eat you... *samanosuke takes out a can of cat n*** umm!

*stops movin* Nope. Resistin.

*samanosuke takes out a gigantic fish* umm this would be nice to eat!

gonk ...............THAT'S IT!!!! *runs over and grabs the big fish and starts eatin*
whee I heart fish!

muhahaha!! gotcha!! *samanosuke creates a force field sorrounding both* muhah! and soo for you to not escape! *samanosuke pulls a lever thats beside him* yes! the force field starts hovering into the sky* now you cant escape me!

Crap........But i gots fish! heart

There's a lesson to be learned, I'm weak when it comes to food. gonk But i can't help it. I'm just a meat lover! He left shortly after trappin me. With him gone, his force field was weak and easy to break. blaugh That situation appealed to the cat in me.
Now, for the koopa side of me. twisted

It started when Dracona and another girl were talkin about the undead, given that Dracona's a vamp. They were pullin in civilians and eatin them. I was a little bewildered. At least until Rex Raptor came in. He almost died today......

eek Ok. you guys are scarin me now......



what what?

stare *pins him to the ground*


xd Ok, I just want to interupt real quick. That was Link who said that! He loves to see me beat up on others for some reason. Ok, I let it finish. Startin with the scene after he got away from me. whee

la la lala la la sing that happy song
la la lala la la smerfing all day long! blaugh

*hits him in the head with a rock* I didn't do it. rolleyes

stare your not off the hook! twisted your done!*pulls out a large sword and a magnum* twisted

I thought you said you don't carry weapons. *starts to walk toward him*

when did i say that?

*starts to walk faster* When we first met

ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!well........*throws the unloaded magnum away and puts his sword back*.....DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN!*starts sprinting*

*stares at the magnum* They were fake?! I for i minute i thought he was fightin back *chases after him* twisted

ahhaha... sweatdrop ...about that uhhhh............crap! sweatdrop bye!*now runs at his top speed*

*Throws a catnip bag past her as she runs by*

*Takes off after Rex, then stops and pounces on the bag of catnip link through* n**!

thank god link threw that cat n**!
link:thank you!

*pets her*
You see, you just gotta be nice...
Now lets see, how am i going to get that bag back...
*Ponders and Ponders*

stare *growls and hugs the bag*
Rex: You ain't off the hook yet, but for now, relax.

ya, about that being nice thing


eek f-fire balls! sweatdrop what did i do to deserve this?

well, at least you know now that you make a good chew toy. twisted


*laughs and continues to play with the bag of catnip Link tossed*

while your accupied i'll try to leave*starts to tip toe past her*

*grabs him by his foot with her tail* Where do you think you're goin?

sweatdrop ahha.... sweatdrop ....uhh no where!

Got that right. *tugs on his foot and sends him crashin to the floor* twisted

why do you pick on me?

Cause it's fun, for me anyway. Hm......i wanna try somethin..... twisted

l-like what? sweatdrop

*dumps the bag of catnip all over him* twisted

blah! this stuff is nasty! huh! n-now what are you doing?

Gettin the steak sauce....

eek NO! YOU ARE NOT EATING ME!*tries to get up but is tied to a tree*why me! crying crying crying crying crying crying

Hmm hmm. Just cause......where did i put that steak sauce?

*hands her a flamethrower* he won't taste good raw twisted

i can't be burned. i'm fire proof!

Thanx anyway knux, but raw's good. twisted

Dragonaaaa! could you help me out here! KOPPA'S GOING TO EAT ME!

dra'c'ona and no she wont i'll make sure of that


gonk NO FUN!

you can have fun just no eating him or excessive pain

But i'm hungry!... fine..... *mumbles to herself*
Rex: *Unties him and brushes the n** off*

yuck..... i think i ate a piece of cat n**!*stumbles over a rock and lands on his butt*its good to be free! blaugh

stare Laugh it up while you can.............. twisted Beacuse I can still do some damage *forms a fireball in her hand*


dont antagonize her or i'll let her get you

Dang.....forgot......... *makes the fire disappear and stomps hard on the ground, makin the earth seperate under him*

*jumps onto george's back*oh ya! see, it's good to have a large pet!

*tackles him to the ground* twisted Gotcha!

all right.... george could you......*george is sleeping*.......g-george nows not the time to be sleeping*george is still sleeping*oh no! sweatdrop

He he he. *drags him off toward the shadows by the collar* twisted

stare *is watching* Kooooooooooooopaaaaaa....... nothing too damaging

I be good! 4laugh

oh no you don't!*pulls out a bag of n** and throws it in the opposite direction*

Mew? *chases the bag* 4laugh

Thank god for the n**!

*plays with the n** happily*

now i'll try to.....*accidentally steps on the bag of n***..... eek .....oh crap!

*growls angrily and grabs him by the neck* stressed

oh boy! this won't end well!

*lifts him by the neck and squeezes his neck hard*

*starts gasping for air*

KOOPA!!!!!!! DOWN! NOW!!!!!!!!

But............ok. *releases him* stare

*takes a deep breath* y-y-you tried to kill me!*runs and hides in a corner*

So I did. If Dracona wasn't here......

Yeah....still cattish, but that's the first time I ever thought about actually killin someone since the day i met Forb. I felt...........good........now if i was like that with Samanosuke. sweatdrop
later that day, i was hyper as heck off of catnip, and shadow of sugar. Vamp takes out a container full of blood and sugar, chugs it and joins me a shadow. mrgreen shadow left and i hit a tree. hard. vamp was still goin though.

Fishin, fishin, fishin...........one of the main things I love to do most in gaia. Only this time, just like last time, it's with forb. We chatted and did the usual. Jokin, rpin, chatin. Samanosuke was on earlier. He was good, more or less anyway. Turns out, he's quite the ladies' man. xp Oh yeah, he flirts with other girls and tries to kill me. I'm hatin him. On the lighter side, i won 3000 tokens at the slots! blaugh heck yeah i'm happy. I'm startin to like them, but there's a prob. I have no clue what to get from the prize section. sweatdrop

Today was fairly decent.
Chased rex around alot. mrgreen same old. same old. News is flyin around about Skulls weddin. I cannot wait!

Samanosuke came back and threatened me to give up everythin i onwed or he'd kill me. House, furniture, gold, clothes, Kitty.....
Yeah right.
He surrounded me with demonic dogs, but Koopling's tail started to spin like a propeller, and she grabbed my paw and took off into the air, he flew after us and placed a force field around Kooplin, then took her and locked her in a safe. I fell to the ground amongst the dogs. He said to decide what to do quick before the dogs swallowed me whole. I stalled and made it look like i was decidin, but i was really tryin to figure out how to get out of that one. As the dogs were about to attack, he called a retreat and let Kooplin out. I looked puzzled, but realized that he got a call and had to leave. Lucky me! blaugh But the next time we me, both me and Koopling will be in trouble.

Forb took me to the casino today. I wasn?t abandoned. Forb was leavin as I was comin in, so he didn?t see me, and then the Casino staff would let Forb back in because the house was packed. I got kicked out anyway for wettin the carpet. I hate slots?..but we went back. Since the slots weren?t payin like he hoped, we decided to go fishin. We fished in bass?ken lake, but it was way to easy for me. He asked where I usually go, so I told him ?at durem?. We headed to durem, even after I warned him that the fish were hard to catch, but he did anyway, and set up the dock, ?Guess who Loves Koop?????ME!!? We goofed off and he was strugglin to catch somethin, while i was well into my second bucket. blaugh He had to go, because he was bein pestered. He wanted me to tell him "i love you"
I was reluctant and stubborn as ever, but i said it. Then yelled "You know how i meant that!" Then he left. I felt like I've gotten soft. But only with him.

Pest control!! My pirahna plant, DS is in serious trouble. These bugs are comin in my house, gettin in his pot, and eatin his roots, the poor thing is still just a nibbler, he cant fend him self yet. gonk I've been killin the bugs, but if this keeps up, my little guy wont make is past 4 weeks.

Forb wants to get me another kitty! With him? It's like havin another child with me. I don't really like playin mama cat, but it excites me for some reason.
me, a mama cat.
speakin of, I can't imagin how i'd look with at least the cat ears and tail on any more....that's sad....

I've been ignorin this journal.......that'll change stare

First off, Samanosuke, the one that has the fire sword i want and falls asleep on my head...he called me somethin interestin.....Lunch....yes...lunch...I've been avoidin him, but he had me trapped at one point gonk
Quick question. Since when was this Hybrid at the bottom of the food chain? I mean, c'mon!
Forb is still insistin on makin me a wife, but is happy at me bein a pet. mrgreen I like the attention.
OK. I know i told you that teh man, or dan, is gettin married.....now listen to dis.......SKULL'S GETTIN MARRIED!! AND HE'S ALREADY GOT A KID!!!
xd xd Him and dancin tuna's gonna have a weddin. I'm invited!! Gonna breakout the dragon gown, and my brand new gold locket! mrgreen
Here's a pic of the happy family!
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Speakin of gold, I got a shop up and runnin, the name? Randomiser, same as my neopet's shop. I've been sellin!

Oh yeah! The casino had it's grand openin yesterday! I, oh course, was there, but tired quickly. I've got tokens and tickets to sell, or maybe i should keep the tickets....
Chika has dissappeared. She went to AWOL. I went to check it out... It's cool, but i have way more freedom here in gaia. Besides....Forb and skull, and dan, and the rest of my friends wouldn't be there....but i'll be visitin. 3nodding
Vamp is the richest newb ever, that i know anyway ninja He's loaded, and I'm partially resposible. I didn't donate, but i introduced the gaia avatar dresser upper thingy. He wore it out.
and last but not least, dragon and i talked about FLCL and Paranoia Agent. biggrin Luv'em both!

mew *bats at DS*

*tickles the kitten with a vine*

Those two are really enjoyin each other's company. That's good. It's my first few days out of school for good. blaugh

I met a guy called thelilvampboy or just Vamp. MythicalArthur is also a vamp, he creeped me out talkin about the kinda blood he likes to drink. I was hopin cat or koopa wouldn't come out of his mouth. He tortured me for a bit, but said that he wouldn't hurt me. Yet. Later that day, he was bored, and a says "Just bored, I'm plannin to steal blood from koopa domokun " I headed straight for the exit. He was lookin for me. He came up behind me the creep. I ran so fast that i almost dropped Koopling. Shadow surrounded me with a cage made of dark energy. I hated the cage part, but it was either that, or get bit by vamp, who was gettin the snot beat out of him by another girl. xd He disappeared again and shadow let me out of the cage. I was still nervous as heck, but it didn't seem like he was comin back, so started talkin to shadow.

Now, Shadow and Kirafangs are goin out. they make the cutest couple, but seperate them........and oh boy. Kira won't stop talkin about Shadow, and Shadow freezes himself to keep girls from touchin him. When i brought up Kira, he was all blushy and....it was funny.

Teh_man is goin nuts over this weddin thing, and i'm feelin it. Turns out that this socalled nikki he loves is Omini, the girl who said i can't get over my self. That makes me angry for some reason, really angry.

Forb lemme know somethin that clears up why he acts the way he does, though he has aleeah. They aren't completly married! And it might not work out because she ain't feelin him, and I'm on more then she is. So, he want's me. Not happenin, It's even slim on chances for Dan to sweep me off my feet at this point..................you did not hear that.........

Ricky, or razjr, went to get his permit....and failed!! blaugh
Oh, gerald, or gee unit, is gettin into gaia. Embarressed? Yes. Yes I am. He came in sayin "HI RETTA HA HA HA HA!" i wanna kill him.......

phew. Sorry about that. Just a little excited. mrgreen
Ok. As far my friends go, Dragon got doll's ears! Made me think of her cats. Speakin of cats, I'm so close to gettin that kiki kitty now! blaugh I'M GONNA GET A KITTY! I'M GONNA GET A KITTY! .........sorry lost my self again. A.I.'s been gettin on my nerves, freakin scuzz, more than forb! That's bad! Speakin of pervs, Justin (Miroku), a friend from school, is now in gaia. twisted I'm gonna have some twisted fun with him. gonk As soon as I find him.
In more news................ crying TEH_MAN'S GETTIN MARRIED!!!!!
He asked if he was bein mean since........ya know what? Let's just drop it. He's gettin married. End of story.
Later that day....
Sup! I have even more reason's to be happy! First off, I'm not standin in the hot sun at my school for grad. practice anymore. Second, Forb sent me 3k so i was finally able to get my kiki kitty! Now the namin was hard, i couldn't think of anythin. Meanwhile, he was strugglin over what to do with Hylian, they are not gettin along. In my opinion, M. Hylian's out of line. I mean, I know forb can be annoyin, but Hylian's just attackin him now. I'm gettin sick of it. The fight was settled, so now their cool. For now. Oh, and the kitty? I'm namin it, Koopling! Yes. Koopling. Either that or Pyro, but Pyro doesn't sound like a girl's name. She's adorable, and started wrestlin Tikki at first site. Nice.
Now i'm broke again. I was gettin pulled in different directions today, and to make things worse, I'm broke. I know i said it already but, I have nothin, not until i sell all these fish anyway.
Forb loves Koopling, He should, after all, he helped me get her.
*pushes her food dish to Koopa's feet*

*sighs* Lemme wrap this up. For the last bit of news, I somehow ended up as the head of the Feline cat family guild. Must get to the bottom of this. It may be-
*bites Koopa's foot*

OW! You little- I must go.

Today, was a crappy day for me
The good news? I got to spend time with Chika, who changed her name to imperfect~perfectionist and died her hair brown.
The Bad news? I'm in a body cast.
I got into another fight today, but this time, I bit off way too much more than i can chew. Chika went demonic, and i found out that i can change too. I grew in size and had spikes on my tail. We were goin up against Icingdeath. He turned into a massive dragon and we duked it out. there were witches, domos, i got lost in all that, but afterwhile it was just me, chika and him. He trapped us inside this world that was pitch black and there were people screamin there. Chika got a little nervous, but i was enjoyin myself. He didn't like that. We fought until he became this huge monster and had me and chika trapped. He smacked both of us, puttin Chika on conscious and makin us both change back to normal. He's more powerful there. I got up and kept comin, trash talkin all the way. He finally grabbed me and told me to surrender, but i wouldn't. He snatched up chika and told me to give up or he'd kill her. I had to give up. I wasn't scared, even though i was really banged up, but i couldn't let him hurt chika, i gave. He turned back to normal and made an attempt to heel myself. The internal damage is fixed, but external? I needed a lot of bandages. sweatdrop Right now. I'm home, restin. Chika is logged of somewhere, and Icingdeath is workin. I'm glad all thats over. But i gotta admit.=, mrgreen that was fun.......................
forb's gonna freak if he finds out what happened

Its late, but i logged on anyway. After checkin on burnt_foot, i checked up on the little master, forblarion. He was forcin himself on me, when i scaled a tree, he pulled off my pants by mistake. I sprayed a small ember at his face so he wouldn't see anythin, then ran home and changed. He though that it would be better if he dropped his pants aswell. Not helpin. He put his pants back on, but he was actin wierd. I knew why. the moon was risin. I headed out as he began to turn. He ran off after deer, while i headed for a cave. I hid in the darkest corner, but he still sniffed me out and charged straigt for me. I jumped on his head and ran for the cave mouth. He grabs my tail and pulls me back. That's when i blew a small flame on his hand to let me go. Then headed for the river and jumped in, after splashin water at him. I didn't want his whole body to catch fire. He came in after me, but i powered upstream. Guess it's the koopa in me. He caused a tidal wave. I powered through easily, but fell right into his hands. He grinned, howled, and dragged me to dry land. Then ripped my clothes off! Before he did anythin, he got this weird look and backed away. A cloud covered the moon and he changed back temporarily. I covered him with my lunar cloak and tried to get him outta there. He ran into my home yellin somethin, but i didn't catch it. He's starts jokin around and he could change back any minute. He hugs and holds me, while the moon's comin out.

Inuyasha_alchemist visited me. You won't beleive this.

whats up black and beautiful?

I'm fine. What's up with you?

not much, just horny to be honest... blaugh

....................too much info.....

how big are your titties? im serious I have to know these things. dont think I am a bad person, everyone is horny once and a while.

.............you don't expect me to answer that. do you?

yes, please miss sexy, also c** hangout in my guild bar...

No-I won't answer that
Yes-I'll come to the guild.

are they small or big or medium, you dont have to give me the cup size...

Drop it already!!

crying Please! they are small arent they

*growls at him* WILL YOU CUT THAT CRAP OUT!?!

maybe its the wrong time of the month to ask...lol

You're gonna make me do somethin bad to you, aren't you?

sure. why not, now tell me

Why the heck would you want to know?!

your boob size, just tell me before this becomes harassment

*bares claws and teeth* I'd like to see you try.

oooh,, getting frisky, that turns me on... surprised

You really do have some issues.

Oh, I forgot to say cat scratch fever, yah!




We left for his guild afterward. I still didn't like what he said. Now i trust him less the forblarion, who for Some Reason CAN'T KEEP HIS HANDS OFF MY BUTT!! *slaps him hard*

come on just this once *moves in for the touch*
Don't even think about it.
c...come on if you let me do it this once i promise ill stop
No. and that's that.

He tried again anyway and of course, i clawed him. But he didn't turn back into a lycan were wolf, that is, rabid, out for blood, cat hungry werewolf, for the rest of the night. Thats a releif.

I've had a swell gaian day today. But today was also the first day of my finals. I had to take French, and Math Applications. Forblarion still went on with the " I love Koopa and all you other Kitties" Thread, at least until Master Hylian deleted it. mrgreen Forb's expresion? I would love to see
Speakin of Forb, today, he did somethin......that I will never forget........he stopped our conversation........got down on one knee.......and asked me........... gonk gonk gonk gonk gonk to MARRY HIM!! I couldn't say anythin, really, i didn't say nothin. I was speechless. He left shortly afterward, but he's gonna want me to answer, even if he knows I'm gonna say no.

In lighter news, i got to set skull on fire. blaugh Ok, here's what happened. He was havin it out with lita, the one with the pet cat named william. she was tickling him and took his mask, and clothes off. I don't know how the heck he did it, but he squeezed into one of my ears. I tried to shake him out, but he wouldn't go anywhere. So I was driven to get his stuff back from, lita, and when i did, he came out my nose. He started complainin about cleanin my ears so I set him on fire. mrgreen Not nice. I know. But he diserved it. "If you guys smell somethin cookin, it skull mrgreen " William attacked Skull and walked off with a leg. Knuckledragger wasn't any help either, for skull. Skull ended up diein. It was an accident. That's when i realised that I can do somethin really special, heal others. My hands glowed blue and i picked skull up by the collar, he was healed and on his way again.

Chika has short-term memory lost from a concussion, and i learned that she was a demon today. I'm proud for some reason. She was pickin fights like crazy. And the girl's a mecha freak, let me tell ya. She had plasma grenades and rocket launchers like crazy. It was quite enjoyable. Shadow had fox ears, but lot of people laughed so he took them off. He was breakin up all the fights. Kill joy
I saw Death today. He had amnesia! blaugh And before you ask, You better believe i took advantage of it. I asked if he remembered me. He said no. I went in his pocket and took out his pistol and asked if he remembered it. He said no. I pointed it at him and shot him dead in the shoulder. It felt good, too bad his memory came back and he trapped me in an interdementional vortex. But i'm cool now.
And that was all that happened today. phew. today was a little crazy, oh, ninja and the catnip urges are comin back........

OK!! It's been awhile since I've written in here, so i'll try to cover the last few days in here.
First and fore-most, i joined another guild. This one has nothin to do with any of my friends or any video games. It's called the cat demon guild. I joined and had to pick one of the clans, like the earth clan, wind clan, elements like that. I was stuck between the fire clan and the shadow clan. I ended up goin to the fire clan. Now I'm a warrior-in-trainin. If this doesn't go well, I'll quit.
Forblarion's one of the most hated people now, he went off on tarepanda and his wife hasn't talked to him in a while. And bein the only girl that really hangs around him, well, you can imagine the rocky road ahead. He started a board sayin WHY THE FREAK I LOVE KOOPA AND ALL U OTHER KITTIES!! He went on sayin that i was his favorite, and that he owns me. I mean, technically, he does, but HE'S OUT OF HIS FREAKIN MIND IF HE THINKS I'M JUST GONNA SIT BACK AND LET HIM TALK THIS WAY!! Idiot. But his my idiot. He says i'm his favorite cat. gonk I've never been laughed at so much since i've been in gaia. crying Chika says that out of all the cats, I'm one of the most loved and well known ones. Great. I need a bag of n**.........
n**........can't even have that. I told my friends that I'm quittin for awhile. Forblarion wants me to quit for good, but, heheh, that aint happenin.
I've got my finals this week, and teh_man wants me to study. The only one i'm really worried about is french, that's it.
Speakin of dan, we've been keepin in touch. Alot. mrgreen I think I made him uncomfortable a few times sweatdrop my bad....
Dragon and skull won't trust me with their cats anymore so i tried to get my own, I had worked my behind off the make a 12k bid that had like five minutes left. with forb's 6k and blaze, and raz jr helpin out, i made it, only for the seller to cancel. Nice. Forb told me to keep the money, so i used it to tell take dragon's offer for a demonica guitar. 6k baby. Now i have it!
Ok. Oh and now, I'm puttin off my pimpin red hat quest for a kiki. I'm not sure what to call him or what to expect yet, but i can't wait to have one.

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Ok that was random. It makes me laugh. And i need a good laugh. I'm sittin in my house, in a straight jacket. Why? I've been a bad girl. I've tried to do what my fave game character, bowser, tried to do with koopas. I've gather cats and tried to take over gaia. yeah. Dragon tried to stop us, but with Extreme's cat, william, Mr. tum tum (skull's cat), Ikkit and tikki. We all were so hyped on catnip, we were actually gonna take over gaia!! And ikkit? turns out to be not so good. When skull and shadow of despair came in, we started loosin. Dragon ended up bein a hostage, and mr tum tum got smashed by skull, harder than usual, and william, ikkit, tikki and i are still loosin on the defensive. Shadow completly cut me off, tikki was the second to be caught. Dragon transforms and corners me with shadow. I was gettin weaker, Dragon and Shadow attack. Next thing you know, i'm in a freakin straight jacket. I would've did bowser proud today if i hadn't failed. crying Oh man........I'm quittin catnip for a long time. But Lil_angelwings tried to give me more. When willaim shredded the jacket, I just ran. They all tried to catch me, but i gave them the slip even though i was so tired. I eventually couldn't run anymore and fell to dragon's feet. After bein put back into the straight jacket. That's when i completly lost it and went into an insane state of mind. At that time, I've made the decision to quit catnip for awhile. Yes. I'm settin down the n**. For awhile. Death Pheonix came in talkin about some Delta force, and I ended up gettin shot, by him. As I slumped to the ground, he decides to kill me off. Then brings me back. gonk Some of my friends that were there go him to leave me alone. Chika walked in at the end of it and brought me home. I was brought home for awhile. Later that day, dragon came to me tellin me she got the skip_it gurl banned. blaugh YAY! anyway. Forb and I talked later on and I told him about what i did today. Unexpectantly, he laughed and said,"I'm proud of you koopa". I mean, if i recal, that was the exact reason we first started fightin. Oh well. Forgot to mention that I went lookin through guilds. Found one called the demon cat guild. I joined, but the have clans. I was stuck between the fire clan and the shadow clan, but i choose fire. As for questin, the next thing i get is a demon guitar. Oh wait! Dragon! Turns out I completly turned Ikkit evil. She and Tikki attacked dragon and bound her. I got a hold of tikki and set her straight. Just a few secret words between cats. I'm hopin she's back to normal, but for now, the three of them are at peace again. I'm glad, but I still feel responsible for the mass mayhem that happened over the last few days. But I"m gonna take a two day break and come back another day. I just need a break...........

Ok! Crazy Night. yes night. I didn't log on til like 11pm. Ryory lent me 1k to get my dragon gown and I love it! Now I just need a pimpin hat! and change the bat to a guitar! But i still had fun. I got see dragon, blaze, and frob and, well.........

hi! sweatdrop *hiding something behind back* Where'd your dress go?
Tikki & Ikkit
*both are in straight jackets and are trying to get at what Dragon is hiding behind her back*

put up the dress for now.......what's wrong with my cousins? and what are you hidin?

Ah ok. I ish hiding nothing! ninja sweatdrop ninja

*Picks up both of the kitties* What's goin on? stare *lets them loose*

eek Oh no...*turns and runs*
Tikki & Ikkit
*try to get to the HUGE bag of nippy goodness Dragon has*

*sniffs the air and realizes what dragon has* Dragon.......GET BACK HERE! *Chases after her*

gonk I'm gonna die! gonk

*steals the bag and hands it to koopa*Not if you just gave it to her,lol

That's not the only bag though! gonk

*Plays in the catnip with ikkit and tikki* whee

ooooo hand it here, ill stop koopa, koopa stop it, dont get yourself all riled up before your bed time

*turns and runs in the other direction*

hey you come back here now......koopa..........KOOPA..........ok thats it *runs after her*

Dont worry dragon,I think koopa's content with what she has

it's not just her I'm worried about! Ikkit and Tikki are lurking about somewhere too!

*approaches dragon again while ikkit and tikki sneak up on her from behind*

Aren't they in straightjackets?

Yeah, but when Koopa picked them up, she released them! gonk

Koopa Niiice Koopa! sweatdrop

Tikki & Ikkit
*nod at Koopa and tackle Dragon's knees*

*grabs dragon and hides under a rock* ninja

*ish caught in a game of tug-o-war with Ikkit & Tikki pulling on her ankles and Blaze tugging on her wrists*

Pull, Kittens! *Joins them*

Hey forb,help please *pulls on dragons arm*Let go koopa!


Gah! Dragon is gonna get pulled in half!!!


sorry rich, my bad i wuz distracted *grabs koopa and carrys her off* do you need corner time koopa, do ya? i dont want my koopa goin crazy tonight
See ya another day, God Bless, and go play World of Warcraft. Seriously, that game's awsome!

Forb,What do you mean YOUR koopa?,LOL

AAAAH! gonk Well, if I don't get pulled in half, at least I'll be a couple inches taller, lol
Tikki & Ikkit
*pull harder on Dragon's legs*

Lural then stuffs ikkit and tikki in a titanium crate.

*Quickly tosses the bag away from Dragon.*

Ikkit & Tikki
*pounce on the nippy goodness bag*

When did they get out of the crate?

*is bein dragged away by forb* No! n**!

*falls to the ground* Thanks Lural *her hat falls off, revealing a large bag of catnip*

you know, they have help cliniques for self tourture...

lol, I didn't think Koopa would be here!

oh shes my pet richie and shes................KOOPA STOP THAT

Oh...so...Forb owns you?......*pulls koopa away from forb*lol

I just find that weird,why dont you just let her,not be anyone's pet?

KOOPA STOP THAT, she needent any more n** pplz. oh i dont know richie i figure if shes my pet i can try and keep her outta trouble and take responsibility for her.

She's gonna get into trouble anyways,Might aswell make her feel like she has a choice to be a pet or not,it doesn't really concern me,I just find it stupid,having a pet

oh w-well you really feel that wayz, t-then i guess, ill release her into the wild again sad

like I said,It doesn't concern me really,I'm just thinking about what koopa might want,Just ask her,that would be the best thing,lol

*Breaks away from blaze and forb and charges full speed toward dragon* twisted

*looks around* Oh no.... *ish slammed into and rolls across the ground*

*snatches the bag away* BWA HA HA HA HA HA!!


I GOT THE NIPPY!! blaugh



*waves smelling salt under your nose*easy easy Dragon


*pokes at her* Uh oh......


well..........sniff.........sniff..................i guess ill miss you my koopa *pulls off koopas collar*

Since he wont ask,Koopa,Do you WANT to be free'd?

*closes her eyes and folds her arms* Well, at first i didn't like it. After awhile i didn't mind. hmmmmmmmm.

well,it's up to you,you dont have to decide now,but sooner or later you need to
dont worry forb,I understand,and she doesn't seem to think of it as captive

*twitching slowly stops* Mommy is the kitty gonna get me?

No! *stands her up* C'mon dragon!
at this point i was thinkin "what have i done?"

Dragon if you don't wake up Ima have to smooch you!

*Get's camera ready*

eek Issa kitty mommy! Issa kitty that nearly got me da first time! *tries to get away but can't since Koopa's got a hold of one of her wrists*

Dragon! Snap out of it!
*props her up agains't the wall, then approaches blaze and Forb and clears her throat* Ahem. I've made my decision. *hands the collar back to forb* Put the dang thing back on. smile

oh thankies koopa *slowly puts it back on* i wont hurt you my beloved cupcake

eek *shrinks down* Don' hurt me!

I think i've done the impossible and emotionally scared dragon. cry

see,it all works out

Okay,I could stand MY koopa,but Please wait till i'm gone to call her Cupcake xd

I tell him that constantly...

Heh,you tell him to wait till everyone's gone for him to call you cupcake? xd

No. I want it to stop all together.

Well forb,if you only want her to be happy,dont call her that again,lol,well I gotta go now guys,Have fun

bye bye richie, oh and her pet name IS cupcake

gonk (that would be me)

well she doesn't seem to like it,you could ask her if she even wants a pet name,and if so what she wants it to be,I dunno,again,I'm just suggesting,Okay,now I REALLY gotta leave,bye

bye blaze

*sigh*I got this peeps*walks up to dragon*wake up!*smacks her*

if dragon comes to, she gonna get you for slappin her.

*head snaps to the left* *eyes widening, she looks about and takes a defensive pose* Whoa! Hey now! What happened?

*jumps* Weren't you about to tackle me?

Well i....did.....but i was commanded by the catnip!

You did? You musta hit me pretty hard because I don't remember anything between just now and when I saw you charging at me. ninja

Ryory Honest? I said mommy? sweatdrop

yes lol yes you did

After that whole inncident, and findin Tikki and Ikkit still rollin in catnip, I've decided that I'm gonna lay of catnip for awhile. ONLY FOR AWHILE
Things were gettin crazy. And I almost had my freedom. Oh yeah about that, you guys are probably wonderin why i went back to forb. BECAUSE I LOVE HIM!! Just jokin, there's only one person I really love here, and it ain't forb.......
I went back because the guy seems to be an emotional wreck. Besides we're friends, and i get a nice collar! mrgreen I couldn't just abandon him. Besides, blaze was right, no matter what, I'm still gonna get my tail into trouble. I'm still gonna go wild, I'm still gonna be addicted to fish, catnip, and steaks. As forb's pet, I'm the same as i was when i was free. The only difference is I've got a friend to help out now....and i maybe get a few free meals.


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