Hello there. ;3 I'm Blue, and I always donate above the minimum. I'd like for you to do the same. n3n
At least when I can. D;
I don't donate to one word, emoticon, etc. posters.
I give a flower to people I luffles. <3
I give a piece of trash to people who donate less than the minimum and they also go on my blacklist. </3
My Donating History
My Donations History
Awesome Donations I've Received and the Wonderful Donators They Came From &3
Allie Jane - A sweetheart who donated to me a second time, even though they didn't have to. &33
Curtains - Donated 1k and a bunch of items. She has been the most generous person today. I just had to give her an August MC in return. n3n
~#~angelkez~#~ - Donated over 1k and lots of other items. You are extrememly awesome. <33
purplekitty - Donated orange items. I absolutely love people who read my posts. <33
Ram3n-Kun - Donated orange items. <33 That makes me compeletly happy. n3n
Donations I've Received Today
Donations I've Given Today
Black List
I refuse to donate to these people.
XxDark_UchihaxX - Skipper and One Liner [p.60491, p.60496]
1fergie1 - Skipper [p. 60616 to 60617]
I don't really mind what you decide to give me, but I'd really like anything on the following wishlist.
I would absolutely love any orange item. n3n
Total Value: 5,668,009 Gold
[Item Information]
3x Orange Guppy Helm
Buttoned Down Foliage Skirt
Chairo Cache Socks
Flame Martial Arts Top
Flare Chess Pants
Flare Chess Socks
Flashion Orange Shoes
In Da Hood Orange Sweater
Jack Snorkel & Mask
Jack Uniform Cap
Jack Uniform Coat
Jack Uniform Gloves
Jack Uniform Pants
Jack Uniform Shirt
Jack Uniform Shoes
Jack Visor
Jack'd Hat
Jack's Inner Tube
Jacked Belt
Jacked Up Boots
Jacked-up Gloves
Jacked-up Pants
Jacked-up Shirt
Jacked-Up Shoes
Jack'd Cape 2k6
Jack'd Mask
Jack'd Skirt 2k6
Jack'd Sweater 2k6
Jack's Anger
Jack's Despair
Jack's Disgust
Jack's Joy
Kandy Korn Hat
Kill L0cke Pants
Kill L0cke Sneakers
Kill L0cke Top
Monks V Neck Wool Sweater
Old Skewl Orange Jump Pants
Old Skewl Orange SneaKAZ M
Old Skewl Orange Sports Jacket
Orange Cotton Stripe Sweater
Orange Eye Stripe Tattoo
Orange G Chest Tattoo
Orange Heart Arm Tattoo
Orange Heart Face Tattoo
Orange Inflatable Water Wings
Orange Roses Arm Tattoo
Orange Roses Back Tattoo
Orange Roses Chest Tattoo
Orange S Chest Tattoo
Orange Skull & Bones Back Tattoo
Orange Skull & Bones Chest Tattoo
Orange Solar Flare Back Tattoo
Orange Solar Flare Belly Tattoo
Orange SQUID Head
Orange SQUID Pants
Orange SQUID Tail
Orange SQUID Top
Orange Star Back Tattoo
Orange Star Chest Tattoo
Orange Star Face Tattoo
Orange Street Top
Orange Torque Shades
Orange Tribal Bottom Tattoo
Orange Vacation Shirt
Orange-Green Winter Beanie
Orange-Green Winter Scarf
Phoenix Circlet
Pingu Feet
Pingu Mask
Pumpkin Stump
Raptor Fire Tail
Really Jacked Up Gloves
Really Jacked Up Pants
Really Jacked Up Shirt
Suede Ribbed Shirt
Sun Staff
sunFlare top
SuperStar Orange Tint Shades
Tangerine One Piece Swimsuit
That Orange 90s Vest
The Jack-et
Whip of Fire
Wingin It Tan Shirt
Yellow Striped Polo
Orange Tribal Head Tattoo
Orange Tribal Left Arm Tattoo
Orange Tribal Right Arm Tattoo
Orange Tribal Torso Tattoo
Orange Yellow Flame Spiral Arm Tattoo
Orange Yellow Flame Spiral Back Tattoo
Orange Yellow Flame Spiral Chest Tattoo
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