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Life is an adventure
Live a Little
A Day To Day Experience #3
Another day and nother few precious moments spent with my forby. I finally finished that page about him. and i love it. so does he. heart
After sellin some items, we have nearly enought to get another kitty. but the cats not high on the to do list. Makin the house bigger is.
Now, for the stupid stuff. Things were as regular and as dull as it can get on the thread, at least, until i started talkin to warrior. She was bored a pasted out on the ground from boredum. So i thought i'd give her a jump. literally. I jumped on her to wake her up. then was side tracked by a mouse. i caught it, accidentally killin it, and brought it back to her cage. she sees me and starts talkin about "another dead body" and all that. I'm was creeped out and thought if she did that to friends aswell, you know, kill them. as i asked her if she would spontaniously kill me, she was standin behind me with a knife raised. when i turned, she tried to hide it, but i knew it was time to go. She chased me outta the cage and up a tree. She lost sight and starts chasin her own tail. While watchin, the branch i was on breaks and i go crashin to the ground. when i came to, a cute little white kitten was sittin in front of me. I took the kitten and went back up the tree. but it was scared from bein up so high, so i jumped on vamps cage and put her down, then looked for warrior. When I turned back, warrior was standin over me with another knife! i flipped off the cage and she slips and falls on the knife. Even though she tried to kill me, i healed her. she threw the knife randomly and started to more into a kitten. That's when i realized she was the kitten i was tryin to protect, and i put her in vamps cage................after pullin the knife outta my tail. stare
We talked to each other as cats until she morphed back. I was wonderin why this was happenin, but she had no clue herself.
tis gaia for ya.
this is akward........i thought no one reads this page redface I don't care. Forb reads it. xd and it is a public journal. I love my little forb. that's why i been workin on turnin the httl page into a page dedicated to him. Not only because it's page 2, but because i pretty much go the hang of it by now. after all the crap i've been teachin my self and how much i use on neopets, here, and when i make webpages, it's easy.
so, i'm makin wolfy a page. I was workin on it the other day when we had a fricken blackout. mad lasted for like 2 hours or somethin like that. I pasted my time playin soinc advance. but after tellin him that i'm workin on it, which was yesterday, I guess i should finish it up. mrgreen We've been spendin alot of time together. for all you readers, i won't go into detail. wink quick history of the last few days...
Inuysha RP, I'm ayame! but it feels weird actin with the koga, you know.
Dragon's makin a story! And i co-star! No clue what it's about yet
My father's and idiot. He can't tell the diff between an x-box and a gamecube.....I didn't get my love for technology from his side of the family as you can see...
Sly's a freakin stalker! He won't leave me alone, despite the number of times i report him
I'm gonna make my own personal black list twisted no further details at this moment.
After my wolfy sent me a bunch of stuff to sell, i put it on the market, well, except the old hoodie. I can't get rid of it for some reason. i don't want to................I keep it!
Skulls weddin was off the hook! I LOVED IT!! HAHAHAHA!! But..........it might be my turn next. redface heart speakin of, never drink wine and take catnip at the same time. its bad for you. stare i know. trust me.
Oh, last thing, some newb pm'ed me and said that he wanted me to help him around and that'll he'd send a hangout. yeah right, like he really want's help sendin an intimate hangout. He wanted me to be his bf. I told him twice that i'm taken, but dude didin't quit. I feel like given forb his name sayin "sik'em" twisted But i'm nicer than that......................YEAH RIGHT!! Unfortunately, i forget the guys name. sweatdrop i have memory problems.
and we got a robo puppy! heart now.........what to name it............

*yawns* Oh boy. well, it's almost 7 in the mornin and i didn't go to sleep last night. That may be because i slept 17 hours the day before. oh well, yesterday was off the hook, Chika is nuts. blaugh She made herself a second acount and dedicated it to her bein my sister, literally. Take a look at yesterday's pic of the day. 3nodding
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Nice huh? and we both went out to get our weddin gowns, well, i already had mine, but chika just got hers, and now i'm startin to think that we are sisters. blaugh

Me? I'm lovin this twin thing. xd Kitten sisters!
Besides that, yesterday wasn't spent doin too much but playin with my new fire gauntlet (accidentally burnin skulls..........again........ sweatdrop ) and talkin to my wolfy. heart He dedicated his only journal page to me, and he said that he's dumpin aleeah for me. I feel bad. But at the same time........... MINE!! domokun Well, that's it for yesterday. WAIT! TWO MORE THINGS!!
One: DRAGON IN A DRESS!! didn't save a pic. crying
Two: Skulls weddin! Finally!
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Wedding Info

Where: HERE
When: Saturday, June 25. Sometime in the afternoon
Attire: Semi-formal. Dress nicely.
What: Its a wedding! Be there and see us become offical.

Ain't is cute? and now for today.............

{Later that day}
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This is a picture of me and chika at Skull's weddin. the before party was nuts. Ryory got to some people and i was one. I mauled him and left him in the floor. and he went nuts......... Dragon got on me about it, but he started it! Forblarion was too late for the party but right on time for the weddin. Chika was with link, and i was with forb, the 4 of us sat together one Skull's side and we got to see his daughter. She was cute, viciously cute. Looks like DT acts like Skull. the weddin was beautiful, and funny. Dragon cried blaugh then again, so did i crying and chika and link did too. Forblarion was too busy laughin at "Lemonhead's" name and starin at the weddin cake. Afterward, there was a streakin party, and forb and burnt were in on it. Now i joined, but only because i was high off of wine and catnip. I ended up passin out on the dance floor. Forblarion got me home safly. I'm tired as heck.........man......who knew weddins can be so much fun? hehe, that's gaia for you.
More fishin with forb earlier that day, and i have about 10k right now, oh, and forb look's good in a tux. heart but after the streakin party....yeah, didn't last, for me neiter, i had no clothes on but my necklace, my collar and under wear. xd No more wine for me, at least not with catnip. eessshh... Well, It's been a funfilled day, but now, i sleep, for the first time in two days. *yawns*
Long live the skull kingdom..................... heart
and the vicious couple............... heart heart heart

4laugh Pic of the day! heart
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Hylian is gettin on my nerves. I'm startin to get tired of him. But in lighter news, i have a BF! heart I know, it's not new but still. 4laugh
I got in touch with and old friend, sheiro. Good guy. Remembered me too. He's livin it up with the slots, makin his gold by sellin tickets. I'll stick to fishin. OH!
Earlier that day, Me and forb had a dock to our selves, bein, ya know, a couple. heart But nothin to overrated if you know what i mean. Someone walked in and he threw a fit, i told him to chill, but after a while, the girl was gettin on both our nerves, then she says to me, "I'm A fox demon!" rolleyes Pssh, yeah right, like that's gonna stop me. I told her "I'm part wildcat and part fiery breathin reptile, wanna try me!?" Forb sat me down to told me to chill, so i did, and stayed quite. Then someone else enters while we were tryin to get rid of the first one! mad She was sayin that her gaian bf doesn't talk to her like forb talks to me, and I told her "because there's only one Forblarion, mine!" Forb was shocked to her me say that, but happy! between those two n00bs, I was gettin tweaked, but that's when i ran out of bait. We both left, and he said thanx for stickin up for him back there. 4laugh That's when i realized that me and forb make a pretty vicious couple. A human/wolf pirate , and a koopa/cat whee , both short-tempered stressed , aggressive stare , and mean as heck when we want to be.
Vamp was bored today. he said that he demanded entertainment, so I took his cat and ran. After a while, i gave him his cat back and he bit me on my arm! It was a defencive jesture, but with fangs like that, that hurt like crazy! But then he bit me on my arm again, this time sayin that my blood was good. He was suckin my blood! Good thing he didn't take too much or the only Koopa I'd resemble would be a dull bones. Then he came out of no where and started knawin on my neck! gonk I got out of there. Koopa or no, after a long time of that vampric effects can take it's toll on me.
Sly_Tiger turned out to be an old aquaintance or mine. (sp?) One im not to found of. He stalks me. IRL! I don't like him at all, and now, neither does forb. from what i heard, the two of them blew their stacks but forb came out victorious. It's wierd to have two men fightin over me. it ended with Sly gettin told off by both me and forb, and leavin. mrgreen again. vicious couple rolleyes
well, forb and i spent the day fishin again. we're gettin that cat, and then a robo puppy! then, I'm gettin my house up graded. which cost about as much as a guild gonk i'll work on that later. like someone i know needs to work on his weddin. stare *thinks of skulls* Oh well, all of the kiki's shall be mine! ok randomness. sweatdrop
DS is now 7 weeks, and is gettin in the red coloring!
That means he'll either be a regular Pirahna plant or a putrid pirahna. I'm hopin regular. mrgreen

*yawns and scratches her ears with her foot*
What a night. Forb had me laughin and fishin into the wee hours of the morin.
An old friend stoped by. Captain America. And before you get ideas, no he does not have a big shield or blue tights. He's been hittin on me for awhile now. And, well, that ain't good for several reasons.
1) I don't know him
2) Forb will kill him if he finds out
There's a new user named Sly_Tiger lurkin around. He creeps me out.
Well, forums have been crappy for the last few days, and it's gettin on my nerves.
Chika is changin the guild. And bein her older gaian sister and good friend, she's lettin me know all about it.
Ever since Hylian made that axe, I've been tryin my hand of luck with the weapons makin.
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I heart em!
Ok, back to regular events....The cat guild had a pool party today! it was my idea. I was there, link, chika, and burnt foot. It was too fun! Master Hylian and i were talkin about weapons and startin a petition. mrgreen It's against the sn system. rofl
Ok. It's official. Forb and i are bf and gf! heart And i'm not upset about it! I like it! heart

I found out somethin today. I'm gettin another kitten. Definetly. I'm not as happy about it as before, because.......well.....forb...he......aww screw it, forget i said anythin.
Pic for the day!
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.Chika put this up! I can't stop laughin at it! The thread was really off the wall today. People were complainin about bein ignored, and I was in a straight jacket again with an anti bite mask, and Chika and Warrior have been goin on for quite a few about *ahem* a certain word.........
And i think that I may be in trouble with forb....
And skull's weddin is goin on next week. I'll be there of course.
Samanosuke hasn't been interested in killin me lately, that's a good thin, but at the same time, somethin in the back of my head is sayin 'no fun......'
Now, Rex, who approached me as the dino hybrid, Steago, wanted to fight for fun. I took him up on that offer and we had it out. In the end, he had me in a hold, and i made my body catch on fire and burned his hands. I thought he handled fire well, but as steago, he can't. I ended up healin him and we went back to the WTG thread.
Now, for the big news, Forb and I may be bf and gf. I know, weird, awkward, maybe even just plain wrong, but he is dedicated, except for one minor detail, but that can be handled. I still have accept the offer of whether we'll be together or not, but I'm actually considerin it. If I do, A lot of things are gonna change. Big time. rolleyes Imagine. me with a fricken boy friend. mrgreen We stayed up all night jokin and fishin, and when i jump into the water, he decides to go skinny dippin. xp Then while talkin, we relized the DUREM HAD LEECHES! Pullin them things off was hard for me, and i was the one with clothes on. Short story for forb?saw one that didn't belong, ripped it off, lot a pain, fainted. rofl

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This pic always changes. It's all about the Alchemists, baby. cool

Ok, today has been a wierd day, and it ends in a very disturbin way.
First off, skull. I visited him and saw pics of his daughter, and checked if he got the bat i sent for a weddin present. He decides to beat me over the head with it. Koopling sets him on fire! I didn't understand how the king of the dead can be affected by flames so much. I showed him how to hold fire without burnin himself. He held for awhile, said "Cool!", then tried to eat the flames and burned his mouth. Really smart.
Forb started actin crazy and went wolf again. It was Koopling's first time seein him that way and she freaked! As a matter of fact, it's because of the fact that she freaked that lycan forb found our hidin place. We fought him off, but Koopling took quite the beatin. I'm unharmed, now.


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Like it? Pyro made if for me. I also got a life saber from Samanosuke's girl, [-Shadow-], yesterday.
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Ah yesterday. Nothin much went on then, or today. Just the usual chatin and fishin. Lural became a friend, dragon tikki and ikkit are livin peacefully and I'm bored out of my mind. I need somethin to happen! A comet! Mass Fights breakin out! Somethin!!!

TODAY WAS FUN!! I made another account. mrgreen Wild Vidiot. I had a blast, trickin, my friends, but the funniest was rex twisted but, before i share that with you, let me get somethin out of my head that is disturbin.
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*Watches Marik and Bukura* That's sick. stare
Ok, now to rex and my other self cool




Whatcha doin?

not sure yet. i just got in, so i'm still thinken!

Hey. Have you ever heard of someone called Koopa?

yeeeeeeeeees.y do you ask?

I heard you two don't get along too well, what's that about?

lets just say i'm her "chewtoy!"

*grabs his wrist* That's funny!

its funny until you find out she tried to eat me!

*changes to her origonal form* I still think it's funny........ twisted

eek GOD DA**IT!

*still holdin onto his wrist* Didn't think it was me did you? twisted

u walked right into that!! u weren't suspicious when she asked if u knew koopa?! rofl

I did, but once you asked"whats that about" then that threw me off! sweatdrop
says to Knux

poor poor rex.......... twisted

Then him and Knux got into it. Rex has been on somethin. Nothin was hurtin him, and was gettin shot bye knux with revolvers, rifles, everythin knux had, and knux is an awsome gunman. when knux disappeared, Rex went lookin for knux while i went lookin for rex. He came up behind me, but instead of seein a man about my size with a jason mask? I was a huge snake with yard long fangs.
REX arrow twisted
ME arrow User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Of course, i stood my ground, but he said, that he didn't like it when i was cornered, and turned normal again. I thought to my self, {Cornered!? I'm not helpless!! I'm just not runnin! HOW DARE HE DO THAT!!}so..........out of stupidity................i punched him in the back of the head as he walked away. sweatdrop yeah, another dumb move. he changed back and came after me, caught me once only to get away, and came after me in the canapy. Next thing ya know, i'm back in his grip get the life squeezed out of me. I got out again, and chika and shadow defended me. shadow's sword can't hurt him, and chika, even in demon form, can't take him, so i gave rex what he wanted. Me. I grabbed him around the neck and tried to get him away from them. I made him come after me, and leave shadow and Chika and knux alone. mad Then link jumped in. I just told them all, that all Rex want's is me. I tried to kill him, now he's returnin the favor, but now i know that knux, link, chika, and shadow all have my back. *sighs* He attacked chika and grabbeh her by the back of the neck. gonk So i dug my claws into his eyes. Chika attacked aswell. He was tryin to shake me off, but i had my claws in deep. ME OR CHIKA!! PICK ONE NOW!!! That's what i yelled. Now i know that wasn't smart, i knew who he'd pick me. I lured him away from the welcome to gaia thread, and to the battle ground, the one where me chika and icingdeath fought. We had it out, at least until i dissappeared, in the end, it all worked out, and rex is my friend now. Later, i met his brother........who has a rayquwanza for a pet sweatdrop nice...............
tricked chika with my second identity mrgreen
everyone else knew it was me, but she wasn't gettin it. when i said 'fine then.....next time i go catnip crazy, i'm not sharin', she kinda got the idea, but what confirmed her was me say 'torture is fun twisted '. Somethin tells me i should be insulted. Forb is on leave, and i miss him. Who is pet me? Who will hold me? Who will show me unwanted affection? Oh well, i'll live, as long as he ain't leavin. mrgreen
Met a guy named Nintendo God. Easy to see why we get along. blaugh
Oh, forgot, later after me and rex made up, shadow, and some digimon kid named tommy joined us two, and knux did aswell, and we had a free for all! At that time, shadow had a piece of the chaos emerald embedded in his head. He kept usin chaos control, which was good or his defence, but not his offence. Every time he attacked, i dodged it blaugh Shadow ended up leavin and we called a draw. xd
That evenin was spent goofin around with tommy, burnt, chika, kira, chazu, and a guy named Death By Contract. And that was my day. *sighs* I'm gonna hafta get a new pic of DS soon, his color is startin to show. and Kooplin isn't happy about forb goin missin. It'll pass, at least i hope it will. Before i go. I was talkin to Death By Contract, and lemme tell you, only a hand full of people know about the Dark Chao. He told me to tell Dark Chao goodnight, it took me awhile, but then i realized that i never told him. Turns out that Death by contract is Burnt Foot in disguise! xd


User Comments: [3]
mr poopiepie
Community Member

Sun Jun 26, 2005 @ 10:40am

hey baby dont stop writing in your journal, i love to hear your storys and dont think no ones listening cuz ill be with you alwayz baby and ill never ignore my little dumpling

Community Member

Sun Jul 10, 2005 @ 06:40am

*looks at mastercheif* rofl

Community Member

Sat Jul 23, 2005 @ 02:17pm

*raises eybrow*Forb....we all know that you love Koopa dearly but please. I come and I see all these I want you my baby stuff. Love your jouranl Koopa!

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