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Ultimate Quests
The stories of Ultimate Quests written by Kylo
Things Never Stay Simple

We join our venturing duo, Kin and Cutie, as they look for the first piece of the sphere. Three days have past since they left Chodar City and they are still walking in a forest. Since Kin is getting a little impatient and Cutie is getting as equally annoyed, Kin gave the idea to head to Cletic City since it was in the direction they were heading in. Cutie, being the kind of fairy that loves cities, agrees and so they head toward to Cletic City. But other plans will evade in their ultimate mission, and a special person may befriend them.
Kin Wulf; half-breed of a Wulyian race, and Cutie; youngest sister of a trio of fairy sisters, have wondered into The Jagged Jade Forest. Just a few miles away from the city’s main entrance, a woman is being chased out while being followed by a group of large, armored men. Kin has run into Cletic’s finest police guards and is having trouble convincing them to let him and Cutie into the city. The leader that is interrogating Kin hears the woman approaching and leaves Kin and Cutie to go lend a hand. Kin decides to go and at least watch at what is going on.

Kin: (Looking down, in the trees) I wonder what is going on. There’s the Captain that was talking to us earlier down there, and there are his men. But, who is that woman in the cloak?

Cutie: (Sitting on Kin’s right shoulder) How in the heck am I supposed to know? (Yawns) All I know is that I am tired. What a jerk that Captain was, saying we couldn’t enter the city because we looked suspicious.

Kin: I know, but he is the captain and is bound by some stupid order that he protects the city. I guess it is mainly because it’s his jo… whoa, now who are those guys?

The men chasing the woman have caught up with her and now stand in front of the Captain. But the Captain seems to know each person of the dark group. The Captain gives a short nod to them. Then a dark haired man steps forward.

Anor: Give us that woman Captain, General Kodar has given us authority if you don’t comply with the new laws. She has violated the same law six times and you have done nothing about it.

Even though Kin can hear them just fine, Cutie wants to know what’s going on, so Kin darts down undetected and swiftly so that they are listening and watching nearby, but at a safe enough distance.

Captain: How has she broken any laws six times and I not know of it? I’ve known her for a long time and I know that she would never break any laws. Tell me what law she broke.

Anor: General Kodar’s law that has been broken is that no elves shall enter this city. That woman is part elf. I have seen her enter the city six different times, so there for she has broken the same law six times. Hand her over Captain, (Raises his right hand) or this conversation turns ugly real fast.

Anor’s men unsheathe their weapons; these men are not ordinary and have eyes like demons, and teeth like sharks. The Captain’s men are not intimidated by Anor’s men and have had their swords drawn since the beginning of the conversation. The Captain looks at his men, nods, and looks back at Anor.

Captain: Then I guess it got ugly, because we’re not letting you take her for committing a crime against what she is.

Jal: That’s right, she didn’t do anything wrong you idiots. So take this! (Runs toward Anor and his men)

Captain: JAL! NO! STOP!

Jal is broken in half by Anor himself and with that, Anor’s men charge at the guards. The dark soldiers are too strong and fast for the guards to put up any kind of fight. Soon, it is just the Captain left. The woman is mourning for Captain’s slain men. She especially weeps for Jal, a close friend of hers. Kin hesitates to intervene, wondering if the Captain has any chance of living through this. Cutie tugs at his ear, whispering to help out.

Captain: Anor, you’re a monster. You knew Jal didn’t have a chance. You didn’t have to kill him. You didn’t have to order your army to slain my men either.

Anor: Were you going to hand over that elf? (Points at the woman)

Captain: No.

Anor: Then my orders were necessary. (Grabs the Captain by the throat) See what happens when you disrespect General Kodar’s command? (Stabs the Captain with a blade claw) What is the penalty for your actions? Death.

Kin: Enough of this!

Anor: What?!

Kin dashes down from the trees and slashes away at Anor’s army. Kin quickly eliminates all of Anor’s men. Anor, being outraged and frustrated on how one person can possibly wipe out his entire army so quickly, connects a chain to his blade and starts to twirl it. Anor clenches his teeth as he looks at Kin just stand there. Kin’s sword is in his hand and remains in a pose while Anor’s men are like fountains spewing out blood. Kin shifts his eyes to Anor, as a small smirk cracks from his mouth.

Kin: Jeez, what is it with these people and weapons that spin? (Narrows his eyes) I guess this goon will have to be put down as well.

Cutie: Kin, be careful. This person seems a little different than Komp. This one seems to have dark energy just surging through him. If you don’t mind, I think I will go over to the woman so that I won’t hold you back.

Kin: Good thinking, keep your eyes on her while I finish this off this dope. After this is over, I am going to want some answers. Just so I know, what is dark energy?

Anor: This is what dark energy is, boy. (Strange black energy waves emit off of Anor’s body) My general was generous enough to give me this power so that I may be strong enough to kill anyone who even thinks to challenge him. You are no match for me.

Kin: Oh jeez, I got to kill this guy before I kill myself. I heard this kind of talk before and I wasn’t impressed.

As Anor twirls his blade chain, Kin walks toward him. Kin sheathes his sword and seems to disappear into thin air. Anor quickly scouts the terrain and is surprised that he can’t seem to track him. Kin becomes visible behind Anor and is about to slash off Anor’s head when Anor thrusts the weighted end of his weapon into Kin’s stomach. As Kin falls to his knees gasping for air, Anor tries to slice Kin’s head off as he throws the blade at him, but Kin rolls to the side as he finally catches his wind. Kin stands up now enraged in anger as he charges at Anor. Anor retracts the blade, twirls it for momentum, and thrusts it at Kin. To everyone’s surprise, Kin catches the blade and slices the chain off of the blade. Kin still charges at Anor as he has his blade parallel to his shoulders. Kin slashes at Anor once as Anor throws a punch filled with deadly dark energy.

Anor: Ha. My finishing death fist always gets the job done, but I am a little shocked how this boy was able to put up such a good fight. Either way, he was a…ACK! (His stomach begins to split apart)

Kin: This boy did more than just put up a fight, he was also able to slice at a vital section. If you weren’t so full of yourself you would have seen that earlier when I was moving too quick for you. I wasn’t trying to get behind you, I had already cut you. You fool… you’re already dead.

With those words said, Anor falls to the ground. Cutie does a victory cheer and shakes her hips. Kin smiles for the support and walks over to the woman. He kneels down near the Captain who is bleeding severely. Kin knows that it is only a matter of minutes before he dies as well.

Kin: I don’t mean to disrespect you Captain, but I need to know something. Where’s the general’s base or camp or whatever he is in? please tell me.

Captain: If I tell you, (cough) do you promise me that you will help Raydea get back to her village?

Kin: Who is Raydea? That woman in the cloak? Yeah, sure, I promise. Now please hurry and tell me where the general is hiding out.

Captain: First go the city; the Silver Tower is where he stays in. (Coughs, spitting up blood) Remember, you promised me.

Kin: You don’t need to worry, I will get her to her village and kill the general. (Clenches his fist) I will make him pay.

Captain: No you fool! Don’t challenge General Kodar, he is not normal. If you pick a fight against the general, you only picking your grave sight. Ackkk……

The Raydea cries for to the fallen Captain as Kin holds back his tears. Cutie is not as tough and cries along with Raydea. Several hours past as Kin digs a grave for the fallen comrade and makes a tombstone so that they can pay their respects to the brave warrior in the future.
As Kin and the others enter the city, Kin can’t shake off what the Captain said to him about General Kodar. Kin looks at Cutie who is sitting on Raydea’s shoulder trying to comfort for her friends’ deaths. Kin orders them a room so that they can rest for a while. While in the room, Raydea is still depressed about what happened earlier. Kin tries to say something but doesn’t know what to say. Soon, it is night, and as the moon shines through the window, Kin lays a blanket over Raydea. Raydea looks up at Kin and looks right into his eyes.

Raydea: Thank you.

Kin: It’s the least I could do.

Raydea: Your name’s Kin, right? I heard Cutie say your name before your fight with Anor. Do you have a full name or is it just Kin?

Kin: No, I have a full name, it’s Kin Wulf; the half-breed of Den Village.

Raydea: Half-breed?

Kin: Right. Half Wulyian, and half stupid normain.

Raydea: If you belong to a village, then why aren’t you still living there?

Kin: It was destroyed, a long time ago.

Cutie: By Mortuk himself, but Kin was too clever to defeated by him. So were his brother and sister. (Gets bopped on the head by Kin) Ouch! That hurt!

Kin: You know Cutie, sometimes you talk too much. (Snarls at Cutie, then looks at Raydea) So, where are you from?

Raydea: I live in a village pretty far from here. Its called Forest Village. Oh, and by the way, just call me Ray.

Kin: You know, you don’t have to keep wearing that hood from the cloak. You can take off the hood.

Raydea: No, I prefer to keep it on. I am not exactly what you would call a normal person to look at.

Kin: We already know you’re an elf. We heard Anor say so. Trust me, when it comes to being normal, we don’t fit that description very well. Right Cutie?

Cutie: Yep! We’re as non-normal as they get. I am a fairy, and Kin has wolf ears and a tail. (Gets knocked on the head again by Kin) Ouch! What did I say? (Rubs her head)

Kin: I don’t think she needed to know that I have weird looking ears and a tail. You really don’t know when to keep your mouth shut. (Yawns and looks out the window) We should get some sleep, tomorrow I have to escort you to your village like I promised. Then I will come back to finish General Kodar.

Raydea: Kin?

Kin: Yeah?

Raydea: If it helps you out any bit, fight General Kodar so that you’re not making more work for yourself. I mean, don’t go out of your way on account of me.

Kin: If you’re willing to wait a little longer to you get back to your village, then it’s fine by me. But remember, staying here until the Kodar is dead was your suggestion.

Raydea: I understand. And Kin?

Kin: Yes?

Raydea: (Cracking a small smile) Can I see your ears? Please?

Kin: …

Cutie: I think what he is trying to say is that we should all get some rest. So let’s all get some sleep.

As the three sleep soundly, news of Anor’s demise spreads quickly through the city and to Silver Tower as well. General Kodar is not outraged by this news but is somewhat ruffled by the information of the size of the opposing group.

General Kodar: Are you trying to tell me that a mere boy and his fairy defeated Anor?

Silver Tower Guard #1: I am afraid so my lord. But Anor did happen to kill the Captain before he died.

Silver Tower Guard #2: Sir, I have just received news that the boy and the fairy are in this very city. Should I send out a squad of soldiers to round him up?

General Kodar: No, I believe that he is going to make his way here. So let’s make his journey an easy one so that I can see his face personally before I kill him. Tell all your men at arms that a threat will be coming their way and not to intercept him. In fact, when he reaches the main door, have your men open the door and escort him here.

Silver Tower Guard #1 and 2: Yes sir.

General Kodar: Just out of curiosity, what is this boy’s name?

Silver Tower Guard #2: I think it is Kin Wulf sir. Does this name seem familiar to you?

General Kodar: No, I just want to know the name of the boy that is strong enough to kill Anor.

As the guards walk out of General Kodar’s throne room, General Kodar slowly spins his sword by moving the handle back and forth while the blade’s point is against the ground. A small grin appears on his face as he thinks how he is going to kill this boy.
Back at the hotel, Kin watches over Raydea and Cutie as they sleep while sitting on the sill of the window with one leg dangling and the other on the sill with his right arm resting on it. Kin turns his head as the first beams of light break over the horizon from the sunrise. He decides to let the two girls sleep a bit longer as he leaves the room to retrieve some breakfast before they wake.
As he walks through the city streets, many people stop to shake hands with Kin. Some even give him food for liberating their home city of the Dark Police. When he finally decided to head back to the inn, two guards approached him at the door.

Silver Tower Guard #1: Kin Wulf?

Kin: Yeah?

Silver Tower Guard#1: Get your friends and come with us.

Kin: Why? Who are you?

Silver Tower Guards #1 and 2: …

Kin: (Quickly glances to his right and looks up into the sky) Look at that over there! (Points to his right)

Silver Tower Guards #1 and 2: Huh? (Both look to their left)

As the two guards gullibly look, Kin dashes inside the inn and barricades the door. As the guards try to break down the door Kin races upstairs to see Raydea and Cutie leaning out of the window to see what the commotion is about.

Raydea: I wonder what’s going on down there. Is there a parade or something?

Cutie: I dunno, I hope it is a parade. Then I can get some cotton candy.

Kin: (Standing there at the door way not believing what the two girls are saying.) And while we’re at it, why don’t we wish for a million gold pieces!!! (Startling both of them)

Kin rushes around the room to get his gear ready, as the girls stand there, still not sure what’s going on.

Kin: (Looks up to see them doing nothing) What are you two waiting for? Pack your stuff and let’s get out of here. The Tower Guards are at the front door!

Raydea: If the guards are at the front door… (Looks at Cutie with a surreal look on her face)

Cutie: Then where are we supposed to go? (Sits on Raydea’s shoulder and crosses her arms)

Kin: I am sure a Goddess of something will provide for the ones who need her the most, like us… right now. (Motioning for the girls to exit the room) The solution will present itself, I am sure of it. (Starts to leave the room)

Cutie: Oh, here’s an idea. (Lightly taps her finger against her cheek bone) Why don’t you… fight them off? You’re stronger then they are.

Kin: I would have, but how do you think they found us here to begin with? I mean a couple days seeking the pieces so far and I’m already on a General’s hit list.

Raydea: You know Cutie, he’s got a point. It probably didn’t take long for the news of him slaughtering Anor to spread throughout the city. (Starts gathering her and Cutie’s belongings)

Kin: I just hope that the door downstairs…(Hears a crash from downstairs) …holds.

Before Kin has a chance to finish, the door gives way to the two guards. The guards quickly run up the stairs. Raydea and Cutie had already started going up the stairs, But Kin got to meet the guards while he was starting to walk out of the room.

Silver Tower Guard #2: You there, stop now! You are under arrest!

Kin: (Looks at the guards) Ray! Cutie! Keep going until you reach the rooftop! Whatever you do… don’t look back and keep going!

Kin looks back as the first guard grabs Kin’s arm. Kin retracts his arm and head-butts the guard, throwing him backwards into the other guard. While the two guards are down, Kin races up the stairs to the rooftop to see Raydea and Cutie waiting for him.

Raydea: Ok, now what? (Looks around for an escape route)

Kin: Umm, I haven’t thought of anything yet. (Also looks around for an escape route. Leans over the ledge and looks down to see a small stack of crates) Ok, grab onto me. (Opens his arms up as if to hug someone)

Raydea: Huh? What are you talking about? (Starts to walk over to Kin, not knowing what he is talking about)

Kin: (Motions for Cutie to fly down to the crates below. Kin opens his right hand to Raydea, and looks her straight in the eyes) Do you trust me?

Raydea: (Feeling a little uncomfortable about having to answer the question) I… I guess I trust you. (Places her left hand on top of Kin’s hand)

As soon as Raydea placed her hand on Kin’s, he closes his hand and pulls Raydea so that she is hugging him tightly. Raydea looks up at Kin, and without words, Kin knows that she is ready. Just before he starts, the guards rush out of the door.

Silver Tower Guard #1: (Wipes away the blood from his nose) Kin Wulf! Stop! Don’t be foolish, there’s nowhere to go. (Slowly walks toward Kin)

Kin: Sorry guys. We got places to go, and people to steal sphere pieces from. C-ya. (Rolls off the ledge with Raydea holding on to him tightly)

Kin falls down the side of the inn like a rock and positions himself so that his back is to the ground. The entire time of the fall, Raydea and Kin’s eyes stay locked on each other. The two hit the stack of crates after what seemed an eternity in the air. Cutie flies over to the landing area and tries to see them through the smoke and dust.

Raydea: Cough…cough. Cutie, is that you? Cough…cough.

Cutie: Yeah, it’s me. Cough. Are you all right?
Raydea: Yeah, I’m fine. (Looks around quickly to see that Kin is not nearby) Hey, where’s Kin? (Searches through the debris) Where is he?

Kin: (Moan) W… what happened? (Slowly sits up) Ow…

Raydea: Oh my god! You’re hurt Kin! (Looks down to Kin’s side)

Kin: (Starts to black out, after seeing a large piece of wood sticking through his lower right side) It…it’s just a flesh wound…not…nothing to worry a…about- (Goes unconscious)

As Kin blacks out, voices could be heard from around the corner. Raydea quickly lifts Kin over her shoulder and carries him off to find safety. Cutie flies ahead to find a place to hide and sees a well-covered stairway. Cutie flies back to Raydea and tells her of it. Raydea carries Kin to the stairway and lays him against the wall and pulls some cardboard boxes to better hide themselves.

Silver Tower Guard #1: I know they landed somewhere around here… (Quickly skims over the alley and walks right by them)

Silver Tower Guard #2: (Looks at the ground near the crash site) Look! Blood! They couldn’t have gotten too far…could they?

Both guards move quickly through the ally and disappear around the corner. Raydea sits back down and lets out a deep sigh of relief, Cutie flutters down onto Kin’s shoulder and leans against his neck.

Cutie: He’s going to be all right…isn’t he? (Slowly closes her eyes, a small tear runs down the side of her face) I mean, he’s not going to die. Right?

Raydea: No, I don’t believe he’s going to die. I mean, he better not die. And he won’t if we take care of him. (Slowly brushes hair strands off of Kin’s face) Wow, he’s actually pretty cute. I guess we’re staying here until he wakes up.

The trio spends most of the day hidden as night nearly breaks upon them. Kin’s injuries almost disappear completely as he finally regains consciousness

Kin: (Waking up slowly) Oh… jeez, how long was I out?

Cutie: Almost all day. (Leans up off his neck and lightly pats his cheek) You really gave me a terrible scare.

Raydea: Yes you did (Puts some ripped up cardboard pieces into a small fire) Next time, try to land on your feet, Okay?

Kin: Sorry, didn’t mean to frighten anyone. (Checks his wounds to find it completely healed) Well, I’m ready to go. (Stands up and stretches his arms and legs) Ready?

Cutie: Ready? For what? It’s too dangerous to go now. It’s getting dark.

Raydea: Cutie’s right. Where will we go? The guards are looking for us. You just can’t go right up to the tower and knock on the door

Kin: We’re not going to the Tower. I’m taking you back home first. Now let’s go. (Holds hand out to Raydea) The guards won’t be looking for us in outside these walls.

Raydea slowly places her hand to Kin as he helps her stand up. The moon shines brightly down at the city as torchlights can be seen roaming the streets. Three shadows can be seen leaving the city walls and entering the forest.

Raydea: I thought we were going to stay first, then escort me back home. Kin… Please, not so fast…I can’t run like you can.

Cutie: Kin! What’s wrong with you? Can’t you hear her? (Has great trouble keeping up)

Kin: If we go as far as we can while it’s dark, that means the more of a gap there will be between us and them when they figure out we left the city and they come looking for us. (Suddenly stops, turning around just in time to catch Raydea from falling over)

The two look deeply in each other’s eyes as Kin helps Raydea to her feet. Something happens between them that neither one can explain. A warm feeling, a comforting feeling arises in both of them. Raydea softly turns away blushing as Cutie finally catches up.

Kin: I’m sorry. I should have waited for you.

Cutie: You better be sorry! (panting heavily)

Kin: We can rest here. I think we’re good and far away.

Raydea: Oh thank goodness. (sits down and uses a magic spell to create a fireplace in the ground of piled up wood) hehe, I am pretty handy to keep around huh?

Kin: (slowly turns his head away then nods) Yea actually that is pretty amazing.

Cutie looks at Kin then back at Raydea troubled and curious at what’s going on since her time catching up. Deciding not to question it she softly lands on the ground and warms herself by the fire. A few hours later the group is asleep. Except Kin who is vigilantly watching for any movement. The fire is almost completely out except for a few embers still warm. But even Kin isn’t able to fight off fatigue and soon is too asleep.

Soft sunbeams glare into Kin’s eyelids causing him to wake up, easy chirps of various birds are heard in the distance as Kin decides to allow the others to sleep just a bit more as he gathers some water from a stream nearby. As he’s gathering water he suddenly hears noises, not from the direction of where his camp is, in the direction of where they have been, from the city.

Kin: Oh no. I can’t believe they searched for us all night. I thought we had gained more ground than this!

Quickly topping his bottle he runs back to camp and quietly wakes the two girls. With the search party nearby the three heroes try to sneak back into the heavily dense forest. For these trackers are nothing like what Kin has ever battled before, and he knows it.

Kin: I couldn’t even pick up their scent or hear them until they were really close by.
Who ever these trackers are, they are professionals.

Cutie: So? Can’t you just take them out like the last couple of baddies? This should be a nice morning exercise shouldn’t it?

Kin: I don’t know. I honestly don’t know. If they are able to get this close without me detecting them then I’m sure they’re able to fight.. and I don’t know how they fight.

Quickly and quietly they sneak through the forest while avoiding the trackers and other obstacles that nature’s provides in wooded areas. No sooner than they think they’re safe, when Raydea suddenly lets out a sharp wince of pain. Kin turning back to her notices her foot lodged into some thick roots from a tree nearby. And as he feared, the trackers heard it too. Desperately he tries to free her without making loud noises, the trackers are nearby and the only thing keeping them at a distance is the tree itself.
With the detained Raydea and Kin on one side of the tree, and the trackers on the other, Kin covers Raydea’s mouth and holds her close to try and offer some level of support and comfort.

Tracker #1: I know I heard something, and I know it was not ambiance.

Tracker #2: Well they were around here, the embers were still warm back at their camp sight. They couldn’t have gotten too far if they don’t want us to hear them.

Tracker #1: (punches the tree in frustration) Damn it. Alright, let’s continue heading south, there’s a checkpoint in that direction. We can regroup and try again.

Kin wishes deeply for them to carry out their plan so hard his eyes are clenched and his lips whisper over and over “please go, please go”. Raydea with her heart pounding and unable to make any sound with Kin’s hand over her mouth and sharp pain from her foot trapped in the roots can only let out small tears. Kin opens his eyes when his hand is touched by the warm tears and slowly removes his hand whispering out a silent apology to her. The two trackers quickly disappear heading south, frustrated and daunted. Kin frees Raydea from the roots and as he feared to do with the trackers nearby the roots make a loud snap. Then it suddenly dawned onto him… where was Cutie?
Before he could ask, Cutie reveals herself coming out of Raydea’s hanging knapsack with a heavy relieved sigh. Slightly annoyed of Cutie’s actions he swiftly flicks her on the butt.

Cutie: OW! Why did you do that!? (rubbing her, now, sore butt)

Kin: You didn’t tell us where you were! I thought you were captured or worse dead under a leaf or something!

Raydea: So you swatted her behind? I swear, sometimes it seems like you two are married or something.

Kin: Whatever.. at any rate we need to get you to home and now we don’t have anyone on our tails for a while so we should get there with little trouble.

And that’s pretty much exactly correct. Kin escorted Raydea to her home hidden deep in the wooded forest, hidden that is, by magic and only through trust did Raydea allow Kin and Cutie to venture into the city.
But their welcome was not warm or pleasant. Armed guards quickly greeted them at the point of spears. Well Kin and Cutie were as Raydea was guided to main house, Kin and Cutie were escorted to prison cells that not even Kin could break out.

Kin: Just once I would like to enter someplace and not be greeted with something pointy..
Gah, why do things never stay simple anymore…

Kylo Xsogi
Community Member
  • 10/21/07 to 10/14/07 (1)
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