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Ultimate Quests
The stories of Ultimate Quests written by Kylo
The Ultimate Quest

In the Tronis solar system, exist various planets. Each planet homes its own species, technology, and economy. But this system seeds a great evil. This evil entity unleashed hordes of demons and monsters upon these planets. For each planet, they formed weapons with their technology, which was previously used for peace.
Sadly, the dark armies had wiped out most life on each planet. Thus creating the Apocalypse Era, where death and dismay controlled the solar system. But from the ashes, a new form of life arose.
Powerful mages, angels and archangels, elven rangers, sorceresses, and other races from all the planets confronted the evil. Though many of the warriors died, the evil was defeated and was banished to the Dark Realm. Those who survived decided that a union was needed to keep the evil contained for all eternity, so they created the Guardian Council and life had returned to the planets once again…
10,000 years passed since A.E., the council members had all died down to one, a psychic sorceress. Law and order on the planets is practically non-existent. Life has taken a turn for the worse once again. But all hope is not lost. This is where the story begins…

At the Guardian Council Tower, the psychic sorceress Alana meditates deeply with her crystal orb. Her meditation scans the planets to seek where the nightmare has begun. She opens her eyes confirming her worst fear, the evil entity has returned.

Alana looks into the orb in search for this evil. The orb searches the planet Achillos, and settles on a peaceful little village. Alana’s eyes widen as the village is attacked and stands there in horror to see the villain that had haunted her dreams, the evil entity has returned. Alana watches in horror as massive armies of darkness rip through the village, slaughtering men, women, and children. Alana can only weep for the innocence lost, and for the first time, hear the name of this terrible evil. Mortuk, for this is the first time any Council member has heard the direct name of this evil.
Alana looks on as Mortuk leaves the village in ruins, seeing that only a small handful of villagers survived. As she wipes away her tears she sees that three of them have a strange aurora around them. Alana, now interested in what this means, eagerly listens to hear their names, sadly the elder died after handing two of the children to a secret caravan passing by in most perfect timing. Sadly the third was left behind. Alana was greatly puzzled by this, and called forth three fairies that lived in the council tower with her: Cutie, Shara, and Palona. Alana thought it only proper to have Cutie be the outcast’s guide, for Cutie herself was a bit of an outcast of her fairy sisters.

Alana: I am sure that you will make me nothing but very proud of you, but you can only be his guide when he is older.

Shara: Alana? Are you sure Cutie should be the one helping?

Alana: Why shouldn’t she?

Cutie: Yeah! Why shouldn’t I?

Shara: Because you still have your baby butterfly wings, where as Palona and I have our adult fairy wings. Look, I don’t mean to pick on you, but right now I don’t want to see you get hurt.

Cutie: humph.

Alana: Shara, I am not asking her to carry out this request until the boy is able to defend himself. By then, Cutie should have her adult wings.

Shara: Alana, what will happen to Cutie when she becomes an official guide for this person?

Alana: Not even I can answer that. Tell me Shara, why do you ask me this question?

Shara: I guess it’s that I feel like I am her mother, and that I will soon be loosing a part of myself. I mean I took care of Cutie. I just want to know that she is safe.

Alana nods as she dismisses the fairies and goes back to her orb to try and find out where the caravan is heading. Finding the caravan, Alana quickly plots its assumed destination. Then looks back at the ruined village for the abandoned child. She is surprised to see the young one leaving the village. She was very surprised to see that he was carrying a sword on his back. Then runs into the forest with great speed.

15 years have passed and Palona, Shara, and Cutie have trained vigorously. But now is the time for the three sisters to part so that Cutie can find Kin. Tears and hugs are exchanged as Cutie flies away from the tower that she had always called home.

As Cutie continues to fly, the tower slowly disappears over the horizon. She is amazed how fast she can fly now that she has her adult fairy wings. She flies to the coordinates given to her by Alana, but doesn’t see anyone. Just trees, bushes, and wild life.

Cutie: Well this stinks. Where is he? He is supposed to be here. Is anyone here? Hello?

Komp: Hehe. Well looky at what I found. A sexy little fairy. Gotcha!

Cutie: Ekkkkk! Let me go! Please let me go!

Komp: Not a chance, not too many pretty females come through this forest. And I plan to make the best of this situation.

Cutie: Nooo! Please somebody help me!

Kin: Let her go Komp.

Komp: Huh?

Komp turns to see a man in brown leather clothes, on his back, rests a sheath. The sword hilt having the head figure of a howling wolf with the blade coming out of the mouth. The man has a fair complexion and soft moon silver hair. Cutie immediately recognized him when she looked in his eyes. His soft cloud gray eyes, she knew that he was the one she was searching for.

Komp: Come to die Kin?

Kin: Still being sore about that incident? And now trying to rape a defenseless fairy? Put her down, now.

Komp: Why don’t you come over here and make me. Oh and I think I will keep the fairy. (Licks her entire right side) Yummy, she tastes good. Now let’s see if fairies are like miniature women.

Komp rips off Cutie’s clothes, revealing her naked body. Kin is disgusted by Komp’s actions and with his speed, gives Komp one single punch to his jaw, while taking Cutie out of his hands. Kin’s punch sends Komp sailing many yards back. Cutie, while being confused and frightened, is amazed just how far back Kin punched him, for Komp is bigger than Kin in size and height. Kin looks at Cutie and rips off a piece of cloth from his jacket and hands it to Cutie.

Kin: Hey, you all right? Here, cover yourself up with this. This guy has been on everyone’s bad side for a number of years. Now all his crimes will end.

Cutie: What are you going to do? Hey! Are you even listening to me?

Komp: You little maggot! I am going to feast on your corpse. Hahaha, you’re no match for me. No one has survived a fight against me.

Komp rises from the debris of trees and unsheathes two curved blades, and connects them at the bottom of their handles. Cutie watches in fear as Komp rips his shirt off and flexing all his muscles. In Komp’s right hand he wields the weapon and starts to twirl it slowly. Cutie glances at Kin who seems to be unimpressed. Kin stretches his fingers; some of them give out a light crackle.

Kin: Komp, this is your last warning. Leave now and you will live, stay on this course of action and I will not be held responsible for your death. Hey fairy, find a nice shady spot to watch this from.

Cutie: Umm, ok.

Komp: You still don’t get it do you? I am going to kill you. There you understand that? Do you understand what dead means?

Kin: You talk too much, you know that? You think that being bigger than everyone else makes you stronger? Since you think you’re stronger than everyone is, you think that you can just get away with anything? (Unsheathes his sword) You’re wrong Komp, and I am going to prove it to you.

Komp twirls the weapon faster and throws it at Kin. Kin back flips out of the blades’ way and then ducks as the blade cuts through the tree above him. The blade spins back to Komp. Kin jumps into the air and lands on a branch from a nearby tree. Komp licks his lips, remembering what Cutie tasted like, as he throws the blade again. Kin dives off the branch as the blade whirls by him and through the trees. This time, Kin uses his speed to run toward Komp when he landed on the ground. Kin slashes at Komp, severing both his arms with one swipe.

Kin: See? Like I said, you’re wrong Komp. Too bad you won’t be able to catch your weapon when it comes back to you.

Komp: Ahhhhhhhh!!!! You’ve got to help me! Please! You can’t let me die like this!

Kin: I would start running if I were you. (Sheathes his sword) You don’t have much time. Maybe you should think about all the lives that you have taken while you run.

Komp takes off running into the forest and is soon followed by his twirling blades. The sounds of Komp screaming for his life are soon ended with a piercing sound of metal and flesh in the forest. Kin walks toward the tree where Cutie was hiding.

Kin: You can come down now, it’s safe.

Cutie floats down to about eye level with Kin, still holding the cloth like she had wrapped herself with a towel after a shower. Kin smiles, and nods to his left.

Kin: We’ll head into town after we get Komp’s head. He is wanted dead or alive. We can use the money to get you some new clothes.

Cutie: Thank you, for saving me, and for being kind to me.

Kin: Not a problem. You got a name, or should I just call you fairy?

Cutie: Oh, forgive me for being so rude. My name is Cutie. (Curtsies) Your name is Kin, right?

Kin: Yeah, why?

Cutie: It wouldn’t happen to be Kin Wulf?

Kin: Is there a point to these questions?

Cutie: Yes, this means I have found you.

Kin: Yes, this does mean you have found me. Just like you found Komp. We all have to be somewhere.

Cutie: No, no, that’s not what I meant. What I meant was that you are the one I have been looking for specifically.

Kin: Why? What do you want with me?

Cutie: I was sent to find you so that I could assist you on a war that has been waged on for countless years.

Kin: Right, do you mind if we walk while you talk? The bounty station closes soon and I would like to have the bounty money today.

Cutie tells about Alana, the Council Tower, and Mortuk while Kin picks up the bounty from the late Komp. While Cutie explains the entire thing to Kin, the two find themselves at Chodar City, the city of shopping. With the sun setting, the two walk into the city, first allowing Cutie to buy new clothes, then food, and lastly a place to stay for the night.

Kin: Cutie, stay close. A lot of people will steal from one another here. This city can be a little rough.

Cutie: (feeling fabrics against her face) oh this feels so soft. I could make a great outfit with this. And maybe save some for my sisters. Let’s see, Palona likes red and Shara likes blue. And I love green. Ok Kin, I got what I wanted.

Kin: You’re sure?

Cutie: Yep.

After he pays for the fabrics, the two go to shop for food. After a long a tedious search, they find some food that both can enjoy. After dinner, Cutie climbs onto Kin’s shoulder and uses his hair as a blanket and falls asleep. Kin finds a decent inn and orders a room. In the room he lies down on the bed and lays Cutie on the pillow and pulls the covers over her. Kin closes his eyes as Cutie wakes up still half asleep and crawls off the pillow, and lays against Kin’s neck. Kin looks at Cutie and rolls his eyes. Both of them fall asleep.
The next morning, Kin wakes up because his chest seems strangely warm. As he opens his eyes, he sees Cutie laying on her stomach, naked, with the sun beaming down on her, all this on his chest.

Kin: Cutie, what are you doing? Why don’t you have any clothes on?

Cutie: Well to answer your first question, I am sun bathing. I thought I would feel better with a slight tan. Secondly, my clothes are over there. I made them last night when you went to sleep, so I am kinda tired right now.

Kin: So you thought to turn my chest into a tanning salon? If you made yourself new clothes, why aren’t you wearing them?

Cutie: Well I thought I would, but I realized that no one is up that early. (Giggle) You’re not embarrassed are you?

Just to further annoy Kin about the subject at hand, Cutie wraps her wings around her body and dances on his chest. While Cutie dances and giggles, Kin starts to get impatient.

Kin: Cutie! Cut it out! Get dressed!

Cutie: Okay, don’t have a cow. Um… Kin?

Kin: Yes?

Cutie: Could you turn around? Even though I was just teasing you about it, our types of fairies don’t like to be watched while being naked.

Kin: Sure, no problem.

Cutie flies to the desk with her clothes and slides on her clothing and shoes. Kin, respecting Cutie’s wishes, keeps his back to her. As Cutie braids her hair she notices something about Kin… he has a tail.

Cutie: You have a tail? How come you never told me? Have you always had that? Wait a sec, come to think of it, I didn’t see your ears either back in the city. Well it is not that I didn’t, I just couldn’t. Show me your ears.

Kin: No, you’ll think I am a freak.

Cutie not being in the mood to argue flies over to Kin’s head and lifts his hair to make an astonishing surprise, he has wolf-like ears. Cutie lets go, allowing the hair to hide his ears again.

Cutie: W…what are you? Sure there are a lot of different types of people out in this city, but I have never seen anything like you before.

Kin: Cutie, please don’t be afraid of me. This is why when my brother and sister were carried off, I was left behind, because I am a half-breed. Full breeds don’t look like this.

Cutie: I am not afraid of you Kin. This is all just a little… much for me right now. Okay, so let me get this straight. You’re a half-breed?

Kin: Right.

Cutie: Half-breed of what?

Kin: Wulyian, a very powerful race.

Cutie: Very powerful indeed, I saw you fight, remember?

Kin: Yeah I remember, too bad I wasn’t powerful enough to save my village.

Cutie: Did your village have a name?

Kin: Den Village.

Kin sits with Cutie and tells her about the Wulyian race and any all their secrets. With the sun in the sky the two walk through the city streets as Cutie talks about what needs to be done.

Kin: Okay, let’s say that I am thinking about taking Mortuk on. What am I looking at on the basis of fighter’s status?

Cutie: Huh? Say what?

Kin: What is Mortuk, and how good is he?

Cutie: Mortuk is the evil entity that caused the Apocalypse Era, nearly wiping out all life. Defeating him will be no easy task, and finding him will be an even harder task. Even though he can be in this realm, his ultimate powers cannot. So he devised a sphere that can channel his ultimate power so he doesn’t have to return to the dark realm. Then he had the sphere broken into parts. He gave the broken parts to his most powerful and loyal warriors. If we can defeat the generals, collect the pieces, and put them together, we will be able to fight Mortuk without worry.

Kin: So Mortuk has a sphere that lets him recharge without going into his home realm?

Cutie: Right.

Kin: Then he broke the sphere, and handed them out to the top ranking fighters in his armies. So doesn’t that mean he can’t recharge his powers if he doesn’t have it?

Cutie: As long as the sphere is broken the channel is open without question and his energy is unlimited, when the pieces come together, the channel becomes smaller. Like I said, collect the pieces, put them together and Mortuk’s energy is limited.

Kin: Sound’s easy enough. So I just take the pieces from these generals? Is that right?

Cutie: As easy as that sounds, the task itself will not. The generals actually wear each piece, so the energy channel surges through him or her. Intensifying their powers many times over. But, from what I have seen of you, life has a fighting chance.

Kin: Well then, how far is it to the nearest general?

Cutie: To tell you the truth, I don’t know.

Alana’s mind: Cutie, can you hear me?

Kin quickly looks around for someone calling out for Cutie, but sees no one waiting for a response from him or her. Cutie quickly explains that it’s Alana, and that she has psychic powers.

Alana’s mind: Cutie, is that…him?

Cutie: Yep, I found him, err, he found me. Well actually he rescued me, but yeah, it’s him.

Alana’s mind: Hello Kin. It sure is a pleasure to finally speak to you.

Kin: Well, um…hi, and well I really not quite sure what to say right now.

Alana’s mind: That’s ok. Cutie, have you told him about Mortuk and the sphere?

Cutie: Yeah, a few minutes ago.

Alana’s mind: Did he agree to the quest?

Kin: Yes I did.

Alana’s mind: Excellent, then I guess you should start right away. This will be a very long journey. When you get the first piece, contact me.

Cutie: Well there’s a problem, I have no way of telling where the pieces are. I don’t know where to go.

With Alana’s psychic powers, a small oval object appears on a barrel next to them; a small chain is connected to the oval. Cutie flies over and picks it up.

Cutie: Hey, it’s just my size. (Puts it around her neck) A perfect fit. Thanks Alana.

Kin: Yeah, it’s nice looking and all, but what does it do?

Alana’s mind: It’s a compass, it points in the direction to wherever you ask.

Cutie marvels at herself from a nearby mirror. She puts her right hand behind her head and puts the left hand on her hip and winks at herself and puckers up as if she is going to kiss the glass.

Kin: Cutie, if you please.

Cutie: Oh right. (Holds the compass in her hands) Magic Compass, show us the way to the nearest sphere piece.

Kin and Cutie stare at the compass as it shows a hologram of the first sphere piece and it’s location. Kin and Cutie leave Chodar City to pursue their quest, to find and defeat all the generals, collect and reconstruct the sphere, and lastly find and defeat Mortuk.

Kylo Xsogi
Community Member
  • 10/21/07 to 10/14/07 (1)
  • 10/14/07 to 10/07/07 (1)
  • 08/13/06 to 08/06/06 (1)

  • User Comments: [8] [add]
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Mon Aug 07, 2006 @ 03:43pm
    wow! I like it ^w^ whee

    commentCommented on: Tue Aug 08, 2006 @ 04:56am
    very nice

    I thought it was going to be sci fi the way it started smile

    I want to read more
    I think with a little editing you could take this places

    Community Member
    Deprived Fallen Angel
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Mon Aug 21, 2006 @ 06:26pm
    WOW, I like it. It's a great story. I can't wait to read what happens next. Let me know when you've posted the next part.

    commentCommented on: Fri Sep 01, 2006 @ 07:55pm
    Very nice bro, I love the mix of the sci-fi with the fantasy you incorporated. Although it's showing up more recently in games, it's still quite rare in stories.

    However, if I may, I'm curious. There's a part to where you say Kin tells cutie all about the "Wulyian(sp?)" secrets? You should've elaborated a bit more on that, or do you plan to further focus on that in the story? Also, you don't need the perenthesis for the actions ether, though I have to admit it does make reading easier.

    All in all, it's got a good storyline so far. The characters could use a bit of description such as cutie / alana / shara. etc. Also, out of curiosity...Did you get the name Kin from me? or did that come elsewhere? =P

    but like I said, good story, good start! Keep up the good work.

    Community Member
    So Kin
    Community Member
    commentCommented on: Mon Aug 06, 2007 @ 02:06pm
    wowwww..... I am in your HISTORY !!


    ohh.. isnt me, is it? rolleyes

    ^^ heart go on. I want to read the second episod!

    commentCommented on: Sun Oct 14, 2007 @ 08:28pm
    Hi Kyo.

    Interesting story. It could use some editing.

    Love the characters! wink

    Starla Tendimowa
    Community Member
    User Comments: [8] [add]
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