iSai Hikaru: Hey naruto, what's up sasuke, hi hinata.
iUchiha Sasu:What's up sai?
iKyuubi Naruto:Hey sai! Ready to go trick-or-treating?
Hinata Hyuuga00:hi sai.
iSai Hikaru: sure.
iKyuubi Naruto: What about you sasuke and hinata?
iUchiha Sasu:yeah
Hinata Hyuuga00 surprised -okay...
iKyuubi Naruto:ALRIGHT..Let's go trick-ir-treating!
iSai Hikaru: where should we start?
iUchiha Sasu:yeah loser konoha's a big village remember?
Hinata Hyuuga00:uumm..n-naruto how about over there?
iKyuubi Naruto:that's a great idea hinata! biggrin
Hinata Hyuuga00:thank you naruto...
iSai Hikaru: let's go guys....
*We begin trick-or-treating for about 2 hours with bags full of candy*
iSai Hikaru:trick or treat!
Hinata Hyuuga00:trick or treat!
iUchiha Sasu:trick or treat!
iKyuubi Naruto:trick or treat!
iUchiha Sasu:let's go loser.
iSai Hikaru: yeah let's go home.
Hinata Hyuuga00:it's getting late naruto...
:iKyuubi Naruto Okay, just let me get my candy first.*get's his candy from the person at the house*
Happy Halloween, Believe it!
*all four of us go through a suspicious forest while hopping from tree to tree to get home faster but then we all stop*
iUchiha Sasu: everyone stop moving...
iSai Hikaru: huh?
Hinata Hyuuga00: w-what's going on?
iKyuubi Naruto: yeah why the heck did you tell us to stop?
iUchiha Sasu: we're stuck in a genjutsu loser.
*at that moment the trees sunk into the ground and then Orochimaru showed up in the genjutsu*
Orochimaru: well hello sasuke and naruto...
iUchiha Sasu: You again...
iKyuubi Naruto:You.. what are you doing in the village?
iSai Hikaru: Orochimaru...
Hinata Hyuuga00: it's him...
orochimaru: I'm here to finished what I started a long time ago when I killed the third hokage...I'm going to destroy konoha once and for all this time!!
iKyuubi Naruto: Not if we have to say anything about it!!
iUchiha Sasu: We're going to kill you!
iSai Hikaru: you're outnumbered Orochimaru...
Hinata Hyuuga00:you won't win!
Orochimaru: I've already summoned three giant snakes that are destroying konoha as we speak.
*we all turned around and saw the three snakes destroying konohas and the village was in flames*
iKyuubi Naruto: n-no...I'll KILL YOU OROCHIMARU!!!
*kabuto entered in*
iUchiha Sasu: naruto!!
*we run in after naruto but kabuto stops us?
Hinata Hyuuga00: I'll take him...BYAKUGAN!!
*as hinata does jyuken on kabuto as they fight blow for blow kabuto gets a quick second in*
kabuto: Chakra Disection Blade!!
*he hits hinata's right arm and left leg and hinata falls to the ground and can't get up*
iSai Hikaru: Hinata! sasuke you go help naruto I'll handle kabuto.
iUchiha Sasu: Got it!
*sai pulls out his sword and gets a clean hit on kabuto*
kabuto:sorry sai but it was a nice try... Chakra Disection Blade!!
*he hits sai's arms so he can't use his drawings or his sword and then gets hit in his chest to reduce his breathing*
iSai Hikaru: s-sasuke!
iUchiha Sasu:sai!! Why you...
*does fireball jutsu on kabuto and burns him bad*
your next orochimaru
*charges up for chidori:
Orochimaru: Oh no you don't.. Curse mark..ACTIVATE!!
*the curse mark activates and sasuke is in too much pain to even move*
iUchiha Sasu: NARUTO!!! Damn curse mark....
*sasuke falls to the ground*
iKyuubi Naruto: You'll pay for what you did to my friends!!
kabuto: I'll stop you Chakra Disection Blade!!
*Hit's both of naruto's legs an arms *
iKyuubi Naruto biggrin AMN IT!!!
Orochiumaru: Well looks like it's the end of konoha... and now the end for you..Kabuto, summon the giant snake.
Kabuto:yes lord Orochimaru...*
Ninja art: Summoning Jutsu!!
*kabuto summons a giant snake from a black hole underneath them and swallows all four of them whole and at they instant, the four of them wake up*
iKyuubi Naruto:man what a crazy dream...
iUchiha Sasu: yeah..
iSai Hikaru: you said it.
Hinata Hyuuga00: that was s-scary.
iKyuubi Naruto: Woah we're super late, Wait I know you guys can spend the night at my house and watch scary movies.
iUchiha Sasu: not bad naruto.
iSai Hikaru: that's a great idea naruto
Hinata Hyuuga00 surprised kay
iSai Hikaru:This Halloween was great. Right guys?
Hinata Hyuuga00: yeah.
iUchiha Sasu: yeah it was one hell of a scary night.
iKyuubi Naruto: It sure was sai.
*We all go to naruto's house and watch scary movies and stay up all night until we fall asleep*
Well that's all the time we have for this journal entry but from naruto, sasuke, hinata, and me we all wanna say...Sayonara and Happy Halloween!!!