iSai Hikaru: Hey Naruto. Hey Sakura.
iKyuubi Naruto: Hey Sai.
iUchiha Sakura: Hey Sai but we don't have time for chit-chatting at the moment.
iKyuubi Naruto: What do you mean Sakura?
iSai Hikaru: What's going on?
iUchiha Sakura: We gotta hurry up and meet with everyone at the top of that hill a little outside of Konoha. Everyone's gonnna be there.
iKyuubi Naruto: Yeah it's gonna be a blast, Dattebayo!!
iSai Hikaru: Wow, everyone?
iUchiha Sakura: Yep and there's gonna be tons of fire works.
iKyuubi Naruto: So what are we waiting for? Lets go!
iSai Hikaru: Alright.
iUchiha Sakura: We gotta hurry and make it by sunset.
*We leave Konoha and rush through the forest, jumping from tree to tree to try and make it before sunset*
iSai Hikaru: Man this forest is thick.
iKyuubi Naruto: Yeah Sakura at this rate we're not gonna make it. Hm? *Naruto notices another path to take in the forest and goes through it*
iSai Hikaru: Naruto's gone.
iUchiha Sakura: he must've taken another path that's twice as long. He won't make it in time...
*Sai begins to fall behind*
iSai Hikaru: Sakura you keep going. I'll catch up in a minute.
iUchiha Sakura: Alright Saitry to catch up in time.
*Sakura notices Ino, Chouji, and Tenten and catches up to them*
iUchiha Sakura: Guys
Ino: Sakura you made it.
Chouji: Yeah but where's Naruto and that other guy Sai?
iUchiha Sakura: Naruto took a different path and Sai fell behind. I hope they make it in time...
*Naruto's still traveling through the path he took*
iKyuubi Naruto: Man why is this path taking forever?
*Naruto hear's Lee's voice and looks in front of him*
Rock Lee: Naruto,you're going the wrong way. you're taking the path back to Konoha.
iKyuubi Naruto: Huh!? But how?
Rock Lee: It's how this forest is. it all looked familiar to you because you were going backwards when you took this path.
iKyuubi Naruto: Well how did you know that I took this path?
Rock Lee: Because everyone else is at the hill except you and Sai.
iKyuubi Naruto: So you came back to fnd me?
Rock Lee: Yeah so lets go before you fall behind.
iKyuubi Naruto: Yeah
*Naruto and Rock Lee hurry up to catch up to the others and see Sakura*
iKyuubi Naruto: Sakura! We made it!
iUchiha Sakura: Oh hey Naruto. Hey Lee.
Rock Lee: Hey Sakura
iUchiha Sakura: Have you guys seen Sai yet?
iKyuubi Naruto: I was gonna ask you the same thing.
iUchiha Sakura: What about you Lee?
Rock Lee: Nope I haven't seen him either...
iUchiha Sakura: I wonder where he is...
iKyuubi Naruto: Me too.
Rock Lee: Yeah.
*Sakura, Naruto, and Rock Lee notice a haw made of ink*
iKyuubi Naruto: That's Sai's ink drawing!
*They stop for a few seconds to see where the hawk was going and the hawk left*
Rock Lee: I wonder where that hawk is going.
*Then Sai caught up to Naruto, Lee and sakura*
iSai Hikaru: Guys!
iUchiha Sakura: Sai!
iKyuubi Naruto: Sai you made it!
Rock Lee: Guys we don't have much time left. We gotta hurry!
iSai Hikaru: Yeah
*We catch up with everyone else and make it to the hill at sunset*
iUchiha Sakura: We finally made it to the hill!
iKyuubi Naruto: Yeah it's about time.

Neji: It should begin any second now.
Shikamaru: What a drag... it's about time the sun set.
Tenten: The fireworks are starting! Over there!*Tenten points*
*Everyone notices the fireworks as the set off into the sky*
Kiba: We've had some good times huh?
Chouji: Yeah...
iUchiha Sakura: It's almost the same we're just missing some peeople...
iKyuubi Naruto: You mean Sasuke...
Neji: Yeah...
Shikamaru: Things have been different since Sasuke's left...
iKyuubi Naruto: Yeah and ever since we lost old man Hokage too things have been different...
Shino: They have...
iKyuubi Naruto: Someday, I'll bring Sasuke back. No matter what.

Well that's all the time we have for this entry but until next time from all us Konoha ninja we want to say Ja ne and Happy 4th of July!! =D