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Life is an adventure
Live a Little
The House of Many New Adventures ((VERY LONG ENTRY))
October 31st: Halloween Night

The house was completely empty that night with the exception of Symphonia sleeping in Tina's room, and Rakulia crying from her locked room.

Tina was hugging her bag of candy as Zapook put an arm around both her and Zee, smiling and joking around. Zee, however, was twitching wildly.
"Some night huh?" Zapook laughed.

Tina giggles, "Including how this whole thing started?"

Zapook laughed, "Do you mean our dramatic charge out of the house? Or after our dramatic charge where Zee fell over Symphonia?"

Tina scratched her head, "Although, it was a surprise to find her on the front step like that...I do hope she's feeling better.(1)"

"What did you do with her?"

"Sis and I treated to her needs and put her to bed, of course. She seemed like she needed the rest."

Zee was mumbling to herself the entire time.

After reaching the house, Tina proceed to dump out everyone's treats on the kitchen table, and began sorting through them. Zee just watched from a corner of the room,

behind Tina, still twitching.

Zapook tilted her head to the side. "Are you ok? ..." Picking up a bag of M&M's and waves it at Zee. "Want some candy, fatty? I got one of your favorites!"

"I'm ....not hungry..."

"Zee's not hungry. I'll go get my medical kit." Tina giggled.

Zee snarled, "Thats not funny!! ...Can I just...have some water...I'm kinda thirsty..."

"Zee, you've been saying that a lot lately."

"Just give me some god damn water already."

Zapook frowned, "Zee...Can you come with me for a bit...?"

Zee smiles and shakes her head, "I think I'll stay here with the sweets..."

Zapook sighs, "Just sit tight for a bit. And don't go blanking out and doing something stupid like you did at those battle grounds either."

As Zapook left, Zee's eyes flashed as she stares over at Tina, "Now why would I do that..."

When Zapook came back a few minutes later with a purple vial, she let out a yell, stalling zee as she was just inches away from biting into Tina's neck. Tina, seemingly oblivious to her sister's actions stared at Zapook as she threw the vial straight into Zee's mouth. With a loud gulp, Zee stumbled backwards, gagging and coughing. She

slams into the nearest wall, causing the shelf above her to collapse and fall onto her head, knocking her out.

Tina stares around in confusion. "What in Aslan's name just happened?!"

Zapook sighs, "Zee hasn't been the same since she came home. I noticed how she kept loosing it when we passed by battle grounds....she'd start blinding chasing after other humans instead of avoiding the threat around Gaia."

"You do mean the vampire threat?"


"So she was one of them..."

"It's gonna be awhile...but I can fix her."

Tina stares at Zapook awkwardly. "You can cure vampirism?"

Zapook grins a toothy grin, "Out of all of us, who knows vampires more than me?"

Tina smiles weakly, "You do raise an interesting point, hun...go on."

Tina retired to her room as Zapook carted Zee off into her own room.

November 3rd: One Bloody Evening

Tina called for Zapook for quite awhile before the two of them finally met up in the front room.

"For Aslan's sake! Do you ever stop yelling!?"

Tina fidgeted some, "Truly sorry. It's just that I have been so terribly worried...so... Is my dear sister up and about again?"

"For the seventh time Tina, No. Zee is not up yet."

Tina glared, "I have not asked seven times!"

"You're right. I think it's closer to ten times, and that's just today. I've lost count of how many times you've asked in total."

Tina looks down at the floor sadly.

Zapook sighs, "Tina...Even if she wakes up, she won't actually be up until she takes that last dose of her cure."

"Ok...I ...Understand. Where have you been anyway?"

"Feeding a few scraps to Rakulia. Can't wait until Zee finally gets up so she can do something with that naga."

"Ah yes...Lady Rakulia. Where is Ekone...?"

"Up on the balcony last time I checked."

"I'm terribly sorry, hun, but do you mind checking again?"

Rolling her eyes, Zapook walks off. Once out of sight, Tina calmly walks over to the front room's closet and grabs her sword, dragging it behind her as she walks down the hall, humming to herself.

Ekone was just finding his way from the balcony when he wandered past Tina's room. Something had caught his eye, making him wander into the room, only to have an on edge Symphonia staring back at him. The closer he got, the more defensive Symphonia became.
Zapook was a few meters a way from the room when she heard strange noises. Sounds you'd hear if there were an outage. More so, the faint sound of something being shocked. When she peeks into the room, Ekone was laying on the floor next to the bed twitching with his entire body smoking as if he had been on fire. Symphonia was leaning over the side of Tina's bed staring down at him curiously. As she looks up at Zapook. Zapook slams Tina's door shut and takes off running down the hall.

November 5th: A 'Funny' Afternoon

"I feel funny...Not a ha ha funny...more like a blargh funny." Zee mumbled to herself as she sat up in Zapook's bed, only to look to end up looking down into Boem's eyes.

"...Pookie....! Come and get your grunny! You know grunnies creep me out!"

The grunny only responded with a simple, "Gruff(2)."

The old man from before shuffled into the room holding a glass of warm cream.
Zee waved, "Um..Hey. You're Pookie's scientist friend, right? The old man from before?"

He nods and smiles, handing Zee the cream. "Ochin preeyatna.(3)"

Taking the cream, Zee stares at him, "...wha?"

"Zat is...Please to meet you." The man say.

"Um...so...where is Pookie?"

"She ran out to get some supplies. Although, she told me tell you that you were suffering from the vampirism. And according to her roster, you have one more cure to take

before you can get up again."

"Did Pookie say anythin else?"

"Da. She said to stop calling her 'Pookie."

"If you say so Dr. Weird."

The man frowned, "Dr. Meteor, If you please."

After a few moments of talking, and Zee sipping at her cream, their conversation was interrupted by Zapook's scream.

Zee scrambled out of bed and rushed to Zapook, only to find her standing in front of the door of the room Rakulia was held in. She was panting with her back to the door,

which was closed, her hand on the knob.

"What the hell happened to you!?" Zee practically skid to a stop in front of Zapook.

"Just...Scared me! You could've at least told me you were up and about again!"

"...I only woke up like an hour ago. Talkin to Dr. Wei-...er...Meteor."

"Then what the hell happened to Rakulia?!"

"What are you talkin about, Bacon Butt(4)?"

"I opend her door and..." Zapook glared at Zee. "Don't you ever call me that again...That's worse that 'Pookie'."

"Will you just tell me what's goin on?!"

Zapook nodded and opened the door. Zee stared wide eyed at the site. The once clean white walls of the room were now decorated in claw marks, slashes in the wall paper, and bloody hand prints. The floor itself was nearly completely covered in blood, as well as most of the furniture in the room. Fushia scales and white fur floated around in the puddles of blood on the floor. In the center of the room itself, Rakulia's lifeless, bloody body hung down from the ceiling. Tina's sword was buried deep with the mid-section of Rakulia's tail, pinning the body to the ceiling as it lightly swayed back and forth. Rakulia was gagged with a pieces of torn bedsheets, and the ropes that once bound her arms together were now around her neck.

Zapook glared down at Zee, only to see Zee staring in amazement herself. "So...you didn't do this...?"

Zee pointed around the room. "Done with a sword, Rakulia's mouth was covered, and there's white hair all over the room."

Zapook sighed and looked back up at the body, "You really think Tina did this?"

Zee calmly said, "If it were me, I'd want to hear her scream. So I wouldn't have gagged her. Plus, I'd rather use my claws then a weapon. And I wouldn't have left the body here because I would've-"
Zapook slapped a hand over Zee's mouth. "You don't need to go into detail. A simple 'it wasn't me' would've been good enough."

Zee swatted Zapook's hand away, "Like you would've believed me..."

"Well, since you seem completely desensitized to this sort of thing, You wouldn't mind handling clean up, would you?" Zapook stepped aside as if showing Zee into the room.

"Eh. If you want. I am pretty hungry." Zee shrugged as she trotted into the room. "I'll take care of the body and excess blood, but I'm not cleaning those sheets or nothin."

"Just...Just get rid of the body at least. Oh! And take this." Zapook tosses a small purple vial into the room, only for Zee to catch it with her tail before uncorking it in her hands and sniffing at it.
"What the hell is this crap?"

"It's the last of your 'Medicine'. Take it. I'll go See how Tina's doing."

"If you say so, Bacon Butt." Zee smiles. As she turns and puts the vial to her lips, her tail sways into the door, slamming it shut in front of Zapook.

Zapook sighed and turned to walk down the hall. "I really wish she would just call me by my name."

November 8th: An Unbearably Quiet Morning

Zee and Zapook were at the kitchen table, while Wolven was curled up at Zee's feet, eying Boem who was eating out of a pet dish on the other side of the room. Zee had her head down at the table, snoozing away, while Zapook sat there with her feet up, reading a newspaper. Tina stumbled into the kitchen, half asleep, with a serious case of bed head, wearing only a white wool bathrobe.

Zapook, hearing her come in, tried to start a conversation with Tina. "Hey Tina. Did you know girls are going missing in Gambino? They say it's not the vampire academic because they were stopped by the humans of Gaia, and that...." Zapook stared up at Tina, trying her best not to laugh at her condition. "Um...hehe...What...happened to you?"

"Well, It seems as though our dear friend, Lady Symphonia, has found a new friend in our guest, Master Ekone." Tina mumbled as she began fixing herself some coffee.

"They sat in my room last night, feeding each other with our spoils from Halloween. I tried to convince them to take their leave and use another room of the house...but they both seem to like spending time with me..."

"I don't know why you don't kick them both out. We really don't need more naga's running around her." Zapook growls sternly as she goes back to reading her newspaper.

"Don't know why you and Zee call them 'Lady' and 'Lord' and what not either."

"Listen here... We allowed you to keep that...that...abomination," Tina says, pointing over at Boem, "and this house is large enough to where you will not even have to make eye contact with either of our guests. I'm sure you can find a mature way to cope with your situation."

Boem looks up at Tina with food smeared around his mouth. "Gruff?"

"He ain't no 'abomination'. Hell, Zee's more of one then Boem. At least he's house trained and had his shot."

Zee grumbles in her sleep, "Go to hell...b***h..."

Tina grins, "Well well, I guess you are awake, dear sister. Do try to watch your language around young Wolven. And Zapook... you and Zee are in fact, one and the same, correct? So I guess that makes you just as bad as her."

Zee sits up, laughing, as Zapook rises from the table.

"I don't have to put up with either of you curs, you know."

Zee glares up at Zapook. "Shouldn't you be off playing doctor with that old man?"

"For your information, he returned home for a few! ...You know what. Screw you both." she turns toward Boem, with a stern voice, "Boem. Come."
Zapook stormed out of the room, and Boem follows close behind her.

After the two of them leave the room, Wolven hops onto the kitchen table and licks at Zee's face.
"Hehe...Morning Pantsu-Man." she laughs, petting Wolven. "Shouldn't you be off stealing Tina's underwear?"

"Pantsu!" Wolven shouts before trotting out of the room.

Tina sighs happily as she sips at her coffee. "It's nice to have things back to normal for once...No threats, No troubles, no enemies..."

Zee slams her head on the table. "But it's boooooorrriiiiiiin.... "

"For one that longs for peace and tranquility, you sure are troublesome, you do realize this..."

"That's it! Lets go out! Find some adventure!"

"We are not Winter and Otra, Zee. How about...we stay here, and actually have a normal day for once."

"<Like anything ever stays normal around here>"(5)"
Koopling jumps up onto the table.

Zee meows back at her, "<And what do you want?>"

Koopling sneered. "<For once, I agree with you. It has been pretty dull around here.>"

Tina sighs, "<Can't you just enjoy the quiet?>"

Koopling smiles, "<Might as well. It won't last too long, knowing our screwed up household.>"

Zee grins, "<Says the homicidal mutant who's over 60 years old.>"

"<EXCUSE ME!?>" Koopling hissed, arching her back as she glares at Zee.

"<Mistah Meteor and I had quite a long talk about you, ya mutant.(6)>"

Koopling jumps down and growls as she retreats to the front room.

Tina sets her empty cup down on the table as she pulls up a seat next to Zee. "We seem to be upsetting a few members of the house today..."

"They'll live. I'm gonna go out for a walk. Hate bein cooped up in this house."

Tina smiles and walks Zee to the front door. Being in a playful mood, Zee changes into a small red kitten and paws at the door, mewing up at Tina, who only laughs and opens the door as Zee dashes out and straight into the woods. Heading back to her room, she sighs to herself as she can already hear musing blasting from her room, as well as Ekone and Symphy's laughter.

"Surprising how well they get along after Lady Symphy and Master Ekone have become friends over the last few days.. "

"You're tellin me. Especially after she electrocuted and nearly murdered Ekone." Zapook says as she walks up behind Tina, caring a large glass bottle(7a) on her back and a few of Tina's fruits in her arms.

Tina blinks a few times. "What is that contraption?"

"My newest experiment. I'm not too sure on the results of it so far. So I'm keeping it with me in case something changes with it."

"I ...See. It doesn't limit your movements much, does it?"


"Good. You can help me tranquilize two sugar high nagas."

"Ha! Yeah right." Zapook turns and walks off.

"Can you at least tell me why you are afraid of nagas?"

"Because they seem to love me...In all the wrong ways.( 8 )"

November 9th: Day for new Adventures
Zee rushes into Tina's place, "TINA! POOKIE! GET DOWN HERE! I FOUND SOMETHING! "

Zapook and Tina both peek their heads into the room.

Zapook sighs, "What did you bring home this time?"
Zee squeals with excitement as she holds up a green egg(7b). "A new adventure!"

Tina slaps one paw over her face. "Oh dear lords, Who did you steal that one from, sister?"

Zee hugs the egg close to her body, "For your information, I didn't steal it from anyone...this time..." She sets the egg down and sits next to it, curling her tail around it.

"Remember that cave I told you about? The one Forb held me in when he was possessed(9)?"

Tina nods as Zapook sits there scratching her head.

Zee smiles, "Well, I was visiting there for old times sake, and found this little guy. ...I'm keep it."

Zapook waddles over to it, still carrying the glass case on her back and was about to poke at the egg, when Zee quickly bites her hand. The both stare angrily at each other for a few seconds, and Zee mumbles, "No touchy...mine..."

Tina sighs, "Well It seems as though the poor thing was abandoned...So I guess it is ok for you to keep watch over it. If someone comes to my door in search of it, however, you must be willing to let go of it."

"Ha, yeah right."


"Fine...that's only IF someone comes..." Zee leans over, gently grabbing the egg with her teeth, then trots off into an empty room in the house, happily humming.

"Can you just imagine the troubles that are gonna 'roll' our way with that thing around?" Zapook nudges Tina, grinning. "Who knows what kinda schemes Zee will 'hatch'."

"..." Tina turns away, making her way out of the room. "No more egg puns. Please."

"What? I was only 'yoking'. To be honest, I'm 'cracking up' over how 'egg-cited' Zee is about reptilian eggs."

"Zapook, If one more pun escapes that big mouth of yours, I will personally turn into a naga, and devour you."

"Alright...Sheesh...I'll stop..."

November 10th: Meditation In Mid-day.

The house was in it's normal state of chaos.
Boem was currently chasing down Wolven, while Whiplash and Koopling were curled up in different corners of the house. Fluffles was relaxing in her own little nest made of Zapook's unmentionables, and Zee's been wandering in and out of the house, holding her newly found egg with her tail at all times. Zapook was taking down a few notes with the change of her glass bottle taking place. Ekone was chasing Symphonia around the house, playing thier only little version of tag. Tina was in the balcony reading a news paper that Zapook left on the table.
As she sat there reading, she mumbled to herself. "My...what interesting gardening tips you can find in here...And it seems as though, more girls have gone missing, this time in Durem...Vampire threat now at a minimum...Price of Nightmare Scarfs has gone up by 5%...."

As she continues reading, she felt an awkward, yet warm feeling in her chest, as if her heart itself had grew warmer. Sitting there, with a hand on her chest, where her heart would be, Tina closed her eyes, and went into a meditating state. A small voice echoed in her head, and Tina listened to it's ever word.
"The love you show, it helps me grow,
Though that is something you already know.
but there is new life that needs your care...
I ask for your aide, since you've always been there...
Follow my glow, and you shall see,
the gift I hold, a part of me."(10)

As the voice fades, Tina opened her eyes and peered around the branches of her tree. A faint, light green glow was seen through the mass of leaves, braches and fruit.

Climbing up into the tree itself, Tina slowly made her way toward the light, only to find a strange glowing bud on one of the tree's branches. As she neared the small green bud, it bloomed in front of her, revealing a small green seed(7c). Tina stared at for awhile, her head tilted to the side before picking the seed up. As she held it up into the sun light, it sparkled a bit, causing her eyes to light up in excitement. Tina then gently tore a smaller vine from her surrounding and fashioned a necklace from the seed, where the vine itself gently wrapped around it, then proudly wore the seed around her neck as she made her way back to balcony.

Deciding not to tell Zapook or Zee of her new treasure just yet. Tina giggled happily as she went back to lounging on the balcony and reading the newspaper.

November 15th:

"Zee, can you please remove yourself from my back?" Tina growled as she layed on on her stomach. Zee was siting on her back, the egg still held in her tail as she smiles down at Tina.
Zapook rushed through the room, completely ignoring the wrestling sisters.

"Hey Pookie. What's the hurry?"

"I think this thing's gonna change again."

Zee jumps off Tina, following her. Tina sat up and looked down at her seed. She smiled, seeing that it was still glowing. It's been in that state for about three days.

Wolven scurries into the room, clinging to Tina's leg and crying.
Tina blinks down at him. "Um...What is wrong...?"

"BUNNY BUNNY!!" He cries as he buries his face in Tina's leg.

"...Do you mean Boem?"

"He say mean things to me!"

"Hun...Unless grunnies have their own language that you can understand... I'm afraid Boem won't be 'saying' much of anything." Tina pulls Wolven off, setting him on the ground ."I don't have time for these games, Wolven."

Wolven sits in the middle of the room, crying as Boem hops into the room, grinning at Wolven. "Gruff..."

"...No gruff..."

Boem walks toward Wovlen. "Gruff gruff..."

Wolven backs away, in tears. "No gruff gruff..."

Boem smiles, "Boem says gruff...Kitty no say anything."

Wolven nods, keeping quiet as he backs into a wall.

"Know what else Boem want?"

At this point, Wolven cries out, tears streaming down his face, and scrambled out of the room.
Hearing the screaming, Zee poked her head back into the room and peered around, only to see Boem sitting in the middle of the floor, scratching one of his ears with his hind leg. "Did I miss something?"

Boem stares up, "Gruff...?"

User Comments: [7]
Community Member

Fri Nov 16, 2007 @ 05:34am

1: See this entry arrow Linku

2: The only word Boem says at this point. No one knows why he says it, or where he got it from.

3: A Russian greeting

4: Koopa's new knickname for Zapook, since Zapook likes pork (specifically bacon) as much as Koopa likes Sushi.

5: For those who don't know...The <>'s surround speech that is actually being spoken in cat. or to you none felines, if it weren't translated and put between those symbols

for you, you'd only see and hear it as mindless meowing. Hmph...You're welcome, ingrates...

6: Koopa was being a p***k and was referring to me, Koopling, being a genetic experiment, i.e. a cat mixed with the DNA of a phoenix

7: All three of these items are Cash Items currently equipped on Zapook's, Tina's, and Koopa's avatars.
--a--Fausto's Bottle--the glass jar Zapook carries on her back.
--b--Green Corallus Egg--the egg carried around by Koopa.
--c--DandiiDooDad Spore--the seed worn on Tina's chest.

8: Zapook fears nagas the way Koopa fears wolves. They both have these fears for the exact same reason as well. They fear become a meal to them.

9: An old plot where Forblarion was possessed by Koopa and Tina's psychotic brother while he was a spirit. Check the archives for more info.

10: In case you don't know..Tina is so in tune with the tree her house surrounds, that she as a special link with it to where she can communicate with it as if it were a


There. You all happy? This has been Human Koopling with your random facts and hints.

Community Member

Fri Nov 16, 2007 @ 06:21am

Interesting entry ya got here. Lots of stuff to comment on but I've already said most of it over the phone. I only have one thing to say:

No gruff gruff! crying

Also, nice touch with Koopling.

Community Member

Sat Nov 17, 2007 @ 06:36am

You're welcome, hansom... heart

Community Member

Sat Nov 17, 2007 @ 07:47am

*punts Koopling into another room* Ish ok chazu.


Dragon student
Community Member

Sat Nov 17, 2007 @ 09:22am

Those green eggs looks suspiciously like dragon eggs. I'm not pregnant so it's not mine.
Or mine.

Not mine either.

Xangord & Dragon
Thank Draco for that small favor!

*mutters* Not mine either.

*looks at Shalimar* What was that hon?

Community Member

Sun Nov 18, 2007 @ 01:31pm

Bad Dragon! Quotes don't work in comments anymore!

... Nice airtime with your glossary, ZeeZee.

Dragon student
Community Member

Mon Nov 19, 2007 @ 12:45am

One can still try and hope they fix that problem though.

Lord Avondale: That's Dragon for you. A hard headed reptile.

Shut up....

User Comments: [7]
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