Friday, November 16:
All my friends know what the third Friday of every month means. Yup, that's right! Time to crack out the card games, video games and ungodly heaping piles of sugary substances to keep us as wired as we can.
Teen Night arrives tonight like the cherished thought it rightly so deserves.
This would have been the third or fourth one that I would have missed due to illnesses or Julia (my boss) not letting me off that evening. I mean, if I worked Friday I would be fine if I did the early shift. However, there was one case where I had to close, and right after I had gotten off I was so exhausted I couldn't even go.
Still, I've gotten everything ready. I'm bringing my Pokemon Pearl game- though I have yet to create a superbly awesome team through measured IV breeding. Yeah, kids, the Pokemon games have gotten pretty serious and complex these days. No more making fun of it now, huh?
All week I've been sorting and shifting through my Beanie Babies. Oh yeah, talk about a blast from memories' past. Remember those stuffed little oddballs with the poems plastered inside those overly-cheery hearts? Their glassy eyes and sewn on dopey smiles that alighted the true kid in any heart- young or old? Yeah, those buggers. My collection was developed over the years, and grew to an alarming amount; at least, alarming to me.
I have excelled way past 150. This large sum of cuddly stuffed animals are no where near my Aunt Jackie's amount (she has 4 of each kind saved up for Anne Sophie, and she's already expressed she has no interest in the things for later usage based on her actions). Still, all this week I've been sorting them, writing down their names along with condition, type and generation of tag. Why all the detailed stuff? I have reduced my collection by 80% (holy cow!!) and intend to sell the exiled ones on Ebay or some other site. I know I won't get much for half of them, but you can't really find any other place to sell them, now, can you?
Besides a garage sale. And, by then, people won't purchase them if they aren't around a two bucks. That becomes a problem when I find some of my rarer ones- a panda, I believe, that I own is well worth over 900 dollars. Last time I checked it was in the thousands.
Peking the panda. My little cuddly buddy has to find a home.
So if anyone wants any Beanies, and they are offering a good home or a lifetime of collecting for later selling (when prices go back to their former glory), then let me know. Other than that, I'm pretty much staring at garbage bags heaped with the critters. Feels good to get rid of them. Half of them I had to keep because mom would always snatch them back and squirrel them back into their box, claiming that "it was too cute" or "this has a great memory, remember?" or "so and so got it for you. You have to keep it".
I told her what's going is going. I feel wonderful finally shedding these memories, clean sweeping for a good cause of cleaning out and starting new.
heart Peace out, ya'll! heart
P.S: I admit most of the money made from the Beanies will not only go to College funds but the Medical Bills accumulated during my illness. Joy... stare
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