Saturday, December 1:
Let me tell you, there have been a series of things happening over the past few days that I almost can't pen them all down! Let me crack my knuckles, brace myself and begin this month's Journal entries with the cornucopia of "excitement" that's known as my life.
Right! So, what's more annoying than being without a computer for about a week? Well, try having it stem from the ignored advice usually given from your parents! Normally my mom freaks out when storms hit ("You should get off the computer, stat!" wink . I, as always, does as she says because, quite frankly, she's right. You shouldn't really be on when the storms are getting a tad wacky. Anyway, about half a week ago I was working at my store (first day opening it, which, in itself, was a fiasco to tell about) and the lights clicked off. Every light. Every cooler. Every power source and security system for over an hour and a half. EVERYTHING WAS DARK. gonk
Normally I have Julia (main manager/boss) or my second key manager there to help out. Really, this time around, I was the main head manager for the time being, and my cashier (Donna, the one I enjoy being with the most) was there with her mini flashlight (praise be to her!!).
I should have known something was going to go bad that day-- er... correction: I should have known everything single THING would go bad that day. I mean, every worst case scenario happened in that one first opening up (and I mean EVERYTHING). So, it really shouldn't have surprised me when I got home and mom gravely told me what had happened. As per usual, she was on Neopets. During the storm? You betcha- which, to me, makes no sense since it goes against her normal rulings about it and thunderstorms. Anyhow, when the lights went off, she once again ignored what she normally tells me and walked away from the computer, not turning it off.
Can you guess what happened? Yeah, when the lights and power snapped back on, the computer rebooted and instantly fried several major components in the tower, nearly melting it into a crumbled pile of soot. In fact, the power source did crumble away the second dad touched it upon removal. Not only was the power source kaput, but the monitor was on the fritz, the keyboard fried and the mouse connection detached. The only thing working (THANK GOD) was the Wi-Fi component, enabling me to still access the internet with major limitations (I don't have a mouse for it, so Gaia was extremely hard, as my friends know). Safe to say, it's back up and running. It's a little bit faster than before, which is wonderful. Still, I have so much to catch up on!!
Second order of things: Hannah. Yes, today is the very day that she is "supposed" to be brought down. Frankly, they've pulled so many "We're coming down-- oh, wait, never mind" situations that I'm not even really expecting them to make it. Despite that, we're taking measures to prepare. Oh... JOY.... rolleyes (Still, deep in my heart, I can't wait to see the little angel)
Sunday I'm looking forward to a Sci-Fi movie called Tin Man. I'm really into the Through the Looking Glass/Wonderland and old Oz stuff that a newer version of one of the old classics should be quite interesting. Plus, I've seen the behind the scenes (looks frikkin awesome) and it's actually a whopping two hours mini series (which, for Sci-Fi, if it's anything over an hour it's usually a B movie thing- however, stated before, this looks promising). I'll have to record half of it since I work that 1:30-9:30 that day.
heart Peace out, ya'll! heart
P.S: Mark, the trainee at my store (the one like my character Timber Wolf) had his last day Friday. I really felt sorta depressed since, truth be told, he was the most fun that out store team has had. He was great to be around, had the best booming laugh around, and the sweetest personality. I wish him luck at his new store!!
P.P.S EDIT SPECIAL: At around 5:30 PM Hannah arrived. It's 9:50 PM now, Brian and Denise left (Anne-Sophie is staying overnight gonk ), and the little angel is tucked away safely in her bed. So far... so good. Full account tomorrow (when my life isn't sucking badly).
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The long forgotten lore of my life
When I feel like it I'll update with my thoughts, views, nonsensical ramblings or events. Just another look into my chaotic enough life. I never know what's going to happen.
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