Hey, I'm not Literate, or a Grammer Nazi....
I don't live within the rules or report when I am suppose to....
and I don't know Adymus, or Zahir, from the GD,
although I'm certain they're really really nice.
I have a slave, not a friend.
I speak l33t, not english.
And I pronounce it 'aboot', not 'about'.
I can proudly post anywhere I want.
I believe in flaming, and trolling, not discussing,
and that the ***** is a truly proud and noble animal.
And it is pronounced 'Wtf' not 'What the ********', 'W-t-f' !!!!
Chatterbox is the best fourm evah!
and the best part of Gaia!
My name is Facts!!
And I Am CBer!!!
I don't live within the rules or report when I am suppose to....
and I don't know Adymus, or Zahir, from the GD,
although I'm certain they're really really nice.
I have a slave, not a friend.
I speak l33t, not english.
And I pronounce it 'aboot', not 'about'.
I can proudly post anywhere I want.
I believe in flaming, and trolling, not discussing,
and that the ***** is a truly proud and noble animal.
And it is pronounced 'Wtf' not 'What the ********', 'W-t-f' !!!!
Chatterbox is the best fourm evah!
and the best part of Gaia!
My name is Facts!!
And I Am CBer!!!
Community Member
Welcome Facts ... i'm a CBcoholic crying and I like Gaia ... -heard claps in the background- ...