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~Cheesedoodles in Paradise~
Role-play characters for the AK.
Hatsuharu Sohma--
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Name: Hatsuharu Sohma
Age: 15
Birthday: ?? I don't know..
Loves: Rin, Kaze, and Mokona.
Friends: Tri, Haseo, Temari, Kankuro, Mokona, Yuui, Syaoran (both), Sakura, Fuuma, Nuriko.
Best Friend: prbably Fuuma at the moment. ^^
Currently dating: Rin.
Dislikes or hates: Cubia, Skeith, Athena, Krayon, Seishiro, Muta, Miko, Sasori, anyone else who tries to hurt his friends.
Good qualities: Haru is a friendly individual, he's easy to get along with, he's well mannered, and loyal.
Bad qualities: He can be minorly perverted at times, and his other side, Black Haru, is uncontrollable and nasty. His logic, found amusing by many, is just... odd.
Weapon: Martial arts and his 'Black' side.
Info: Haru, being the Ox in the Zodiac, is loved by Akito. He developed Black Haru because of everyone saying he was stupid becaue he was the Ox, and because the ox was tricked by the rat in the story. All his anger bottled up produced Black Haru. After meeting Yuki and deciding he didn't hate him after all, he fell in love with Yuki. Later, however, upon meeting Rin, his love's perspective has shifted.
Theme Song: I Am Cow

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NameL Kagura Sohma
Age: 16
Loves: Kyo
Friends: Lots of Sohma's, nobody at the AK as of yet.
Enemies: None
Bad qualities: Her manner of expressing her love is extremely violent. She can be talkative and very annoying.
Good qualities: When she isn't expressing her love, she can be very sweet and cute. She's also qite polite to people she does not know.

Info: Kagura is the boar in the Zodiac. This is expressed in her determination. Since they were little children she has loved Kyo, and expresses her love for him by viciously attacking him whenever she sees him. She plans to, someday, become married to him.She's worried about Kyo falling in love with Tohru rather than her, but has befriended Tohru in Kyo's best interests.

Ashiya Mizuki
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Name: Ashiya MIzuki
Age: 17
Birthday: No idea.
Loves: Julia, her american sister, and Izumi though she won't admit it.
She is friends with: Izumi Sano, Akikaze, Nakatsu, and varius other people from her school
Best friend: is probably Nakatsu.
Crush: Izumi sano. Aww.
Hates: Temari and Reno.
Good qualities: She;s determined, outgoing, and an aminal lover.
Bad qualities: She can be very annoying at times, an dsometimes goes to far with jokes and such.
Weapon: None.
Info: She crossdresses to go to Osaka High, an all boys school, to meet Izumi Sano, whom she falls in love with. ^^ She befriends Dr. Umeda who helps her to hide her identy.

Theme Song: What a Girl Wants

Izumi Sano
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(( The one on the right ))

Name: Izumi Sano
Age: 17 (I think)
Birthay: No clue
Loves: Mizuki and tells no one.
Friends: Mizuki, Nakatsu, and other people from his school.
Crush: Mizuki.
Hates: Temari and Reno because they made Mizuki cry.
Good qualities: He's good at keeping secrets and is loyal.
Bad qualities: He's abrupt and grunts a lot, can be antisocial.
Weapon: None.
Info: He found out Mizuki's secret and has secretly tried to keep her secret a secret. (o-0)He's in love with her. (Not my fault) Did I mention he's a famous high jumper who attends Osaka High?

Shuichi Nakatsu
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Naem: Shuichi Nakatsu
Age: 17
Birthday: August 20
Loves: Mizuki, though he won't admit it. Since he believe Mizuki to be a boy, he thinks he's gay.
Friends: Sano, Mizuki, Kakeru,a nd varius other people from his school.
Best friend: Kakeru
Crush: Mizuki
Dislikes: Athena.
Good qualties: He's a laugh, he's easy to get along with, and he's super friendly.
Bad qualities: He can get REALLY annoying, he likes practical jokes (which could go in either category) and he never knows when enough is enough.
Weapon" Practical jokes.
Info: Nakatsu is on the soccer team at Osaka and recruits MIzuki. He believes that he is gay, as he has fallen in love with Mizuki's feminine side while still believing her to be male.

Theme SOng: She Blinded Me With Science

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Naem: Raenef
Age: 16
Birthday: No idea
Friends: just about anybody.
Best Friend: ... Thats impossible to pick. Maybe Mokona.^^
Crush: None.
He hates: Krayon, Granvirias, and anyone who hurts people. Cuz thats just the way he is.
Good qualities: He's friendly, helpful, nice, and anti violant.
Bad qualities: He's ditzy, kinda stupid, and can be annoying.
Weapon: Mad skillz with Dark Magic.
Info: Raenef is a kind natured boy-- not the materiel for a demon lord. But as fate would have it, he is actually not a petty theif but an exteremely powerful demon lord. o-0 So Eclipse finds him and starts training him in the magic but Raenef can't seem to get how to be evil. In the RP his two halves, the evil and the good, have merged and he's sorta half and half. But still nice.

Theme Song: Always Look On The Bright Side of Life

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Name: Chris.
Age: 18
Birthday: Unknown
Friends:: PAcifica, Kankuro, Raenef, Erutis
Best Friend: Pacifica.
Currently dating: Pacifica.
Dislikes: Temari, most demons in general, 'Eyeliner' (Gaara)
Good qualities: He's funny, he'll help out his friends.
Bad qualities: He's extremely over confident.
Weapon: Clerical magic
Info: He's hot headed, extremely over confident, and is how the High Cleric of Rased. ^^ H ehas no memory of his time before his Cleric life, for Rased wiped his memory of the demons destruction of his city and family, though was chosen by Rased to survive. He is sent to Raenefs castle after an accidental summoning circle to teach him humility. He swears that he will one day kill all demons, as Rased could erace the memories of his past but not the emotions of hatred it caused.

Theme Song: I Am A Superstar

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Naem: Eclipse
Age: Several thousand years old.
Loves:: Raenef as a son. ^^
Friends:: ... Nobody, though he is finding it possible to have a conversation with Temari.
Best Friend: is probably nonexistant. ^^
Crush: Nono.
Hates: most humans in general
Good qualities: He's strong and protective of people he cares about.
Bad qualities: Anti-social, cold.
Weapon: CRAZY skillz with Dark Magic. You'd be insane to fight him.
Info: It is his job as an extremely powerful demon to serve those of the name 'Demon Lord Raenef' and he has served all of them. Meruhesae has an attraction to him. He is supposed to be merciless, but since he began tutoring Raenef V, he has become merciful and even a little friendly to some people. He has a father/son relationship with Raenef.

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Yes, this is a guy. He looks like a girl.

Name; Krayon.
Age: To old for numbers. Ancient.
Loves: erutis.
Friends: Kuma.
Hates: Everyone who isn't his frined.
Good qualities: He acts very friendly to the people he likes and has incredible power.
Bad wualities: He is unkind and abusive of his power towards the people he dislikes, and is incredibly vain.
Weapon: He is the Demon Lord of Dreams and illusions.
Info: This ancient demon lord tried to steal Eclipse from Raenef, and trapped Raenef, Chris, and Erutis in Meruhesae's dream. However, that didn't really work, since Eclipse refused to go.

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Naem: Meruhesae
Age: very old
Birthday: Long forgotten
Loves: Nobodu
Crush: Eclipse.
Likes: Eclipse, raenef, Temari, and Omi.
Best Friend: Impossible to pick one.
Hates: No one, but she doesn't particularly like Krayon that much.
Good qualities: Friendly, kind, sweet.
Bad qualities: Fliratious, calls everyone dear, doesn't have that much regard for peoples mental privacy.
Weapon: Her ability to get inside others heads.
Info: A main, ancient demon Elder, Meruhesae is known for her power as a seer. She is who Eclipse goes to when he is searching for Raenef V.

Light Yagami
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I couldn't help it, sorry.
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Name: Light Yagami
Age: 18-19
Birthday: February 28th
Loves: his family and pretends to love Misa
Likes: Misa, but only fro her Shinigami Eyes.
Best friend: He doesn't have any real friends.
Currently dating: Misa, Suema. Ooh, cheater.
He dislikes or hates: L, Temari (because she is suspicious and survived death), Fuuma, Yuui, Fai, Haru and anyone who sticks their nose in the Kira case.
Good qualities: He's a genius, he has a nice personality to his friends, and... he believes he's acting for the good of the world.
Bad qualities: Uh, he's a serial killer, and a liar. He uses people.
Weapon: Death Note.
Info: Light is brilliant, and not being challenged by school at all. So, when he picks up Ryuks death Note by chance, he finds himself presented with an opportunity to,a s he sees it, reign justics on those guilty of even minor crimes. He believes himself to be 'righteous'

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Name: He has several, and at the moment in the Kindergarten his real name is unknown. His real name is L Lawliet.
Age: Also unknown
Birthday: No idea
Friends: None.
Crush: Eh heh, no.
Enemies: Kira.
Good qualities: He's a genius and he's saving the world from a mass murderer.
Bad qualities: He's willing to go too far to acomplish his goal, including torture. ;.;
Weapon: Genius and a lot of people at his beck and call.
Info: L is the world's three top-rated detectives (through two additional aliases), and is given the job of tracking down Kira. With an opponent of equal intelligence to himself, he embraces the challenege and tracks Kira to Light Yagami. Though he wants to be 100% sure that its him before making any moves, and this is what gives Light his advantage. However, in the AK, the fact that Yuui and Fai are dead confirms his suspicion of LIght being Kira and he plans to make a move on arrest soon.

I've probably missed some, buut, those are the main ones. Now , ladies and gentlemen, my OCs!


No pic-- She has curly black hair and she glares almost all the time.

Name: Athena
Age: 18
Birthday: October 29th.
Loves: Not that she'll admit it, but Cubia...
Frineds: Cubia and Anko.
Best Friend: ... That depends on her mood.
Hates: Everone 'cept Anko and Cubia, though the people she hates the most are Kurogane, Raven, Skeith, and Tri.
Bad qualities: She's cold hearted, dissrespectul, genuinly unkind, merciless, and impolite. She is also very anti social.
Good qualities: Even though she's hard to get along with, she's extremely loyal to her friends. She's determined, too.
Weapon: Uhh... a sword. Though she can use basically any weapon.
Info: Athena is a princess, but really hated that life, so she escaped and joined the army, since her country was on the brink of war. There she met Raven. Basically, he wanted out of the army and she wanted in. Through the course of events, however, they both got evicted.
Theme SOng:Stand My Ground

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Naem: Momoko Kawasaki
Age: 20
Birthday: January 22
Loves: Nobody.
Friends: Kazue, Sumi.
Crush: Kazue.
Hates: anyone in the army. Twas the way she was brought up. Hates good citizens to. Anne and Taolin especially.
Good wualities: She;s entertaining if you are her friend, and she's protective of her friends.
Bad qualities: She's rude, disrespectful, and annoying.
Weapon: A lot of guns.
Info: She was abducted from her family at the age of three because her parents had killed the leader of the Mafiya, Kazue's grandfather. The Mafiya raised her to love violence. Even as someone not borne to the Mafiya, she displayed extraordinary talent.Though at first she was rebbelious at being kidnapped, but as they continued to work with her her heart froze up, if you will, and she gradually grew used to it and enjoy it. She was assigned to a mission as a test. The mission was the infiltration and assasination mission of Momoko's parents, who were even more set against the Mafiya now. They recognized her immediateley, but she barely even remembered them and killed them before they had a chance to plead. Later, she was informe dwhat she had done. They expected it to affect her, but she appeared not to be bothered at all. She and Kazue soon co led the infiltration section of the Mafiya. They have headquarters near the kindergarten, and she and Kazue were sent to investigate the supernatural activities there.
Theme Song: Miss Independant

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Name: Emi Sasumi
Age: 15
Birthday: December 19th
Loves: Her brother, aunt, and uncle.
Friends: None.
Hates: Nobody
Good qualities: She's easy going, talkative, and smiley.
Bad qualities: Stubborn as heck and makes threats lightly, though she does so in a cheerful nature.
Weapon: A whip that she uses to produce water.
Info: She and her brother's parents were brutally slaughtered and they lived with their aunt and uncle, who belonged to a secret organization to root out as many demons as they can find. They both hold secret skills that they won't share with anyone.
Theme Song: Why Not

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Name: Rio Sasumi
Age: 17
Loves: His sister Emi and his aunt and uncle.
Friends: None.
Hates: Demons.
Good qualities: smart, good with weapons, calm, brave, protective, proficient, thrifty.
Bad qualities: Unpredictable, somewhat to quiet, overconfident, convinced he's always right.
Weapon: A fire-whip.
Info: same as Emi's, with the small change that he argued a lot with his family.

Theme Song: If Your Going Through Hell

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Name: Akemi
Age: 16
Loves: ... Nobody.
Friends: None.
Enemies: Anyone who defies his will.
Good qualities: He's extremely polite and respectful- to men only. He likes literature, particularly Shakespeare. He's good at maintaining conversation and likes drama.
Bad qualities: He thinks women to be inferior and expects them to do his every wish. He has a bit of an attitude at times and can be suspicious.
Weapon: His shapeshifting-powers.

Info: Akemi grew up in a family that was living in the past. His mother was always considered infrerior to his father, likewise with his sisters. He got a little hotheaded with this and has taken to ordering girls around and never lifting a finger for himself. However, ater learning of the fact that he can shapeshift, he left home. However, he still treats girls like dirt.

Theme Song:

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peaches and SCR3AM
Community Member

Thu Jan 03, 2008 @ 08:57pm

Raenef's theme song is Monty Python-tastic~! <3 *Has the song on her iPod*

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