I'm so damn confused... I finally finished everything in the game Spiderman 2. Yes, damnit I like that game! stressed Don't criticize my tastes! I finished it in two days straight, thank you!...Which sadly ended at the doctor's office, being I had no feeling in the tips of my fingers and my hand couldn't stretch out of it's curled-like position. gonk But, I suppose that's beside the point. Anyways, now that I've finally finshed the game, which is rented, mind you, I'm not sure what to do with myself. I'm overjoyed I finally finished it and was payed back for those 32 continuous hours of non-pausing, a** kicking fun...but now, I'm not sure what to do. I'd like to play Halo 2, but I'm supposed to be sworn off of it.((Don't ask, different story...too tired to tell...-_-)) I've beaten the latest Splinter Cell like 5 times...And Kingdom Hearts has gotten boring as all of hell... ((No offense to it's numerous fans)) -Sigh- I guess I should've known this day would come...the day Selena would run out of video game options. NOOO! I can't let it end this way! .:Crashes out of her bedroom window:.
x___cold - as - gold · Fri Jun 24, 2005 @ 01:59pm · 2 Comments |