Alright...I figured this has been going on long enough... So, I suppose it's worthy enough for an entry in the journal. Okay, I'm sure it's happened to one of you people before, whenever I roleplay, I seem to be ignored. Unless I'm in one of the more serious roleplays, I'm ignored in the "Just-4-Fun" ones. ((I'm referring to the short, doomed-to-fail, Vampire RPs, Medeival Fantasies, and the like...[I just prefer doing those roleplays whenever I feel sluggish]...)) Why? Because there are too many damned D.I.Ds in them. ((Damsels-In-Distress)). I'm sure there are other issues as to why this happens as well, but I can only type so much. ((Besides, I'm uber tired right now)) Not saying that I only seek male attention, because I actually have a kinda-iffy-love interest, and he knows who he is!...or I hope he does...because if he didn't....I think he knows now (( xp ))...but still, that's beside the point. It's a known fact that many desire to be desired. And what better way of going about that goal than to put your life in danger. I just feel that, if you have the very audicity to put your life in jeopardy just for people's attention, than you should have the impudence to save your own damn self. scream As you can see this subject drives me pretty darn fanatical. Once again this might be the estrogen talking, but I'd just like to know how other people feel about this accursed subject. ((I already know someone's going to flame me, so if you're that person, go ahead. I'm well prepared for the worst.)) -Sigh- But I suppose the "Day of the Damsel" shall always be with us. It never ends...But I just wish that the 'trunk card' would be whipped out a bit less in these dying days of Gaia. Yes, I do mean dying. Gaia's cultural side is just rotting as more and more people begin to falsely realize that they don't need at least a passing grade in 4th grade grammar to roleplay correctly, as more and more of the classic 'old peoples' of Gaia begin to abandon their fellow Gaians to face the real world again. The world of roleplay is dying, damnit!
x___cold - as - gold · Wed Jul 13, 2005 @ 03:32pm · 7 Comments |