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Life is an adventure
Live a Little
a day to day experiecne. 4


and this sunlightman is gettin to me. he wants to break me and forb up so he can go out with me. goit. chika was the one to give me the heads up on this. i thank her for that, now i have some plans of my own twisted
Speakin of twisted things.......so rex as steago again....or should i say. i saw Steago the Serpent King........you can guess what came next. yup. i got thrown down the hatch, again. He enjoys doin this to me. i know it. and i'm not happy about it. i wonder how i taste to him........anyway......i'm not gonna tell you how this ended......cause it was gruesome...for rex anyway. twisted

I felt like a mod today. That's because i went to the cat guild, which is now called kool katz by the way, and i did alot of bannin. forb hasn't been around lately, i'm gettin lonely. cry and chika is all over the place. what am i doin anyway. without forb around....things have been........dull.......with the exception of rex, but he's not around today.

REX TRIED TO KILL ME! gonk His head was like a crocs and his body was large and scaly and his arms are large and scaly with three fingers with razor sharp claws and his lower half of his body is a large snake tail with stegosaur spikes at the end. THE DUDE SWALLOWED ME WHOLE!!! i wanted to cry.....................wait....i did cry. crying
He actually........blech......i should've seen that comin though.........i'm glad i have my journal on me.....*sniff* i wanna go home.....with my kitty....and my forby.......I DON'T WANNA SIT IN HERE!!! I'LL NEVER DO THAT TO ANYONE EVER AGAIN!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!! gonk *cries loudly to herself*
i remember him sayin that he was goin to barf me up, but after i felt somethin pull me up ward....i kinda.....blacked out. sweatdrop yeah.......not smart.......but i was out cold

in other news, i'm takin charge of this guild and a few things need to be done.
1) put a muzzle on forb- his language is gettin outta hand and we need to slow it or stop it before he offends someone, i don't want to be a sensor, but i will if i have to.
2) banners bananners....- gotta get some banners, hylian and chika both gave one each, but we need at least one more. i might make it myself.
3) guild activities- we're a fricken guild for cryin out loud, we need somethin else to do besides a pillow fight and a pool party. there's the rec room, but slash killed it.
4) Layouts please!- we need to get a good layout for the front of the guild. i could make one, but that would be seriously selfish. so i'm just gonna take a few ideas, maybe hire someone to do it. if things don't work out, i'll do it myself 3nodding

FIRST AND FORE MOST! REX IS OK! rex, the friend that was transformed into a lizard and..........*ahem* "put away" is just fine. he's a little stunned by what happened, but he's ok. 3nodding
and he's not happy. when he left, he was runnin from me with the lower body of a snake..............i'm in trouble gonk
in other news. i got my pheonix circlet! finally! not as expensive as it was either.
forb introduced me to a game called runescape. it looks really complecated. but if i get the hang of it, it'll be another hangin point for us. heart he's so cute.....i wanna cuddle him till his head explodes...

I have become somethin that i've had problems with. a fricken predator. but that's later in the entry. forb dissappeared suddenly today. i hope he's ok. if anythin happens to him, i'd die. i'd just die. crying
i invited bluej to join the feline family guild. blaugh this is gonna be fun........

ok, now for the sad part....i saw rex, as steago. he's havin morphin problems. he keeps turnin into different creatures while i'm sittin there watchin, starvin to death. When he turned into a small lizard... my eyes flashed red and i had only one thing on my mind. eatin.
i pounced him and held him up by the tail. in seconds flat i had swallowed him whole. i'm so ashamed........but i heard him....inside me....
luckily, he was acid proof. but he stopped talkin after awhile. i can't even feel him move....i'm scared.....i just swallowed one of my best friends and i'm not hearin from him anymore............some one......hold me.......

I wasn't on long today. database is screwed. but i was on long enought to have a my few passionate moments with forby. and guess what?
I WON THE AVIE CONTEST! Oh yeah! ok, i'm done.
oh, slash is back from healin. ugh.....tiger came in and said in a mild 'i don't care' tone, "so, why did you guys kill my bf?"
tiger may have some new and less carin thoughts for slash.
forby raised a question, why do we like each other if we are so different?
to put it simple, i said, opposites attract.........

Today.......was not only hilarious........but it was awsome.
All the online time i had was spent at the feline guild. Slash is officially hated by over half the guild, includein archer. archer made a promise with me to do somethin.......serious.....to slash for me.
slash came around and the fight was on! then warrior came around and started a fight with forb! it was nuts! till warrior changed into a kitty and came to me for refuge from forblarion.
and i found out that slash is a fricken lycan! for some reason though, i'm not all that suprised. but it bothers me for some reason. it bothers forb more. another wolf movin in on somethin he likes, not gonna happen. so anyway...
slash got tired and had to leave, but archer wanted to keep that promise he made me, so he ripped slash's soul out, placed it on the ground and creates a new body for him, then devours slashes courspes and throws up right in front of me. Archer's promise was to devour slash right in front of my eyes. I laughed so hard when he did it, but it would've been better if he left the soul in. stare and the quote of the day is forby sayin
it's no fun til someone gets devoured

My forby. My sweet forby. How i love him. and we're makin some serious plans. well, on the scarry side, rex caught me off gaurd as a snake. but he was rex raptor and not steago, so he had complete control. i'm glad for that. that reminds me. saw blue j again. he calls the time we spend together his 'daily maulin'. blaugh you can guess why. hehehe............
In other news. I saw chika today and mystical archer. they were with a friend and invited me to come fishin with them. i brought forb with me. i've never heard so many dirty tuna jokes!
it was the most messed up chat room ever. but it was fun.
talked to my friend tweet or halo as her name turns out to be. she's concerned about walkin into the feline guild with 'tweet' for a name. we'll see what plays out.
And slash is really gettin to me. he's flirtin like crazy, especially with me, and the only person who's more upset than forb, is tiger.
people are threatenin to kill him. i'll go with what forb said.
I just enjoy seeing slash in pain.

Well, today was......interestin.
Went to a streakin party/BBQ. yup. undies and fur again. and i've seem to have kept kage's attention. He couldn't take his eyes off of me. xd
Blue j taunted me. He morphed into a bird and fluttered about like it was nothin, knowin he'd get my attention. I went after him of course. I couldn't help it. Nearly ate him too. Let's just say that if he couldn't teleport, he'd be in big trouble. Oh yeah! at the party, I had an accident and totally wrecked my arm and side. Warrior helped me to my feet. While i was tryin to heal my side, she's grabs my damaged arm and helps herself to my blood. WHY MEEEEEEEE!
And more time was spent with the forbster.
And i'm ni the guild's 2nd female avie contest 4laugh

mew.........*is restin in the corner by rover*

*sighs* well, i woke up this mornin, didn't even eat. i went to look for koopling. she was in the forest, leg was shot. a new friend of mine went to help me find her, he said it was a hunter. He shot the guy and i.....i got hungry.......yeah. you can imagine what happened to the body. sweatdrop
anyway later that day, i found out that link got banned. yep. and made a new account.
in guild news......i'm permanant captain. and as i've said countless times before....the guild is gonna go to hell rofl but we got a new member. mouse. yep. that's her name. 'Insert cats killin mice joke here'

met steago today........again........yeah. i don't sound happy about it because he transformed into that spiked back 80ft ananconda again. *sighs* koopling got involved. what happened was, i left her in hidin and took off when rex turned. he chased me down and finally grabbed me, then koopling came flyin by and pulls me away. as she tried to fly off with me, he swatted the us with his tail and scooped us up in his mouth. i threw koopling out right before he clamped down, but i was about to be swallowed! then there was this loud screech and he dropped me. then changed back. i think the screech was koopling, but i'm not sure. she came stumblin back outta no where. turns out, he can see whats goin on as the snake carrys on about it's business. which means he might be possessed.
now....you're gonna love this next part. bushes ruffle next to us, and rex thought it was koopling. but.....she was sittin next to him. soooooooo....... we're bothin watchin and see a reptilian tail. all three of us paniced. i swore that the snake somehow got outta rex. and i was right. that stupid beast went after both of us. when he swallowed rex, i tried to squeeze rex outta it. only for it to wrap it's tongue around me and swallow me aswell. i was hangin on to rex for dear life and he was wedged in the snakes throat. he hoped the beast would die and choke, but i couldn't hold on!

i got to hang with my feline bro, nakahito. we played tag, fished, kept him from slattin on the forest floor, don't ask, and thats about it.
i talked to teh man too. he's like an older brother to me now. i'm quite fond of him

and a guy named bluej123? i caught his name. Blue jay. inner kitty stuff again. i mauled him. blaugh
Zethrick appologized for yesterday, but i'm officially creeped out. forb mustn't know since he doesn't even like zethrick. because of what he did, i did'nt get my fire breath back till this mornin!

and skulls actin wierd again. nothin new.
oh, and the news about the london attack is spreadin like a wild fire.
Dan has two friends in that area
In the words of my newer friend, tweet...
it's like a remix of 9/11

i made a mistake and bought a were tail for 10001, yeah. i'm in trouble.
you see. i saw a were tail and the bid was at 1000, so i tried to put in 1001, but put in 10001 by mistake, and didn't realize it till it was too late. but that was actually cheep compared to the prices people had for them things. 12k and up.
so it was a good thing. besides, i've made quite a bit of if back. sweatdrop
but the tail goes to forb. no one esle. of cousre though....i had to try it out, just to see. ninja

word of the fricken day............predators
why do i say that? because it was one of those days in gaia.
yes...i earned quite the bit of gold today
yes...i spent time with my adorable little puppy again
yes...i've seen some of my friends today
and yes....for i was placed high on the fricken menu, AGAIN!!!
he're a question. Why do people in gaia, like to eat cats? i'm serious. What the Heck?! and when i asked that.....zethrick says
what's so bad about eating p***y?

and he meant that in more ways than one.
ok. lemme tell you. I met rex and we were talkin about bein energetic. out of no where, he transforms into a snake and picks me up in his mouth. I tried to hold his jaws up, but he clamps down on me and panic, before he swallowed me, he spit me out and said sorry.
i was like... question cry
He was like... sweatdrop domokun
turns out, the snake form is different from before, and he can't control it. so he said he wont use it around me.............but that doesn't help if he changes back unwillinly

next is zethrick.........he came and ate koopling! swallow her whole! i jumped on his stomach and he burped her up. i grabbed her and kept her away from him. man...............then he did it again! i'm reached down his throat and tried to grab her, but he pulled a 'majin buu' on me and abosorbed me! i had my koopa, but i was trapped in him, and he was burpin flames, which mean that he absorb my power aswell, and i wasn't goin anywhere. some guy saved me and koopling. but zethrick gets koopling again. and leaves! i have no idea if my baby is safe, after hearin that she got away. i hope so. tomorrow, i look for her.

i'm am......beat...............tired....outta my mind.............
the welcome to gaia thread? gone. just like that. knux made a new on. and i'm the forth to post. OH! I GOT TO TALK TO A MOD!! HOW COOL IS THAT!! forb and i talked, then he took me to the casino. we had a bit of trouble fishin, a guy named MistaFantastic
What! A! Creep!
and lately, zethrick ran from me every time i mention forb. he's got a inferiority complex. sweatdrop i feel bad.
in other news.... a guy named Aerials6 kept bustin in on me and forby. yeah. i was too tired to go off on him and forby was holdin back. Turn's out, Aerials6 is an undercover gaian agent that gets paid for gettin people banned. He has to make a deadline or he'll be banned. nice job. i'm not even bothered. but that other guy......i sent him a nice little note. twisted forb and i just can't be alone anymore....and i'm about to................man...........

Forby and kitty! sorry.
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MythicalArcher or Archer, was upset about chika not bein there, which made me upset that forb wasn't there.
Zethrick tried to cheer me up and scratched my ears as he's always did. when i finally cheered up. i bother the first person available to me. Zethrick. mrgreen

I'm a little better.....a little..........
*scratches behind your ears again*
*purrs and hugs him*
*hugs back and keeps scratching*
*sits and smiles, waggin her tail*
*keeps scratching*
*tackles him*
Well now what do you plan on doing to me?
nothin. *sits on his stomach, purrin*
keeps scratching behind your ears*
Mew!! *runs in circles then up a tree*
*sits up and takes out book to read*
CAT PILE!!! *jump on top of him*
*catches you and snuggles*
Ah! hehehe! no fun!
*purrs and licks your cheek before scratching behind your ears again*
*jumps down from his arms* i though you said that kinda stuff was kinky?
But you told me I wasn't being fun. So I thought I'd liven things up abit.
see...............*tackles and runs*
*begins reading again*
*takes the book and bites at it*
HEY!*bites yoru ear until you release the book*
*clentches the book with her paws and teeth* mine! *tries to shake him off*
*bites down harder his fang-like canines nearly peircing the skin*
OW!! grrrrrrr *bites turns and bites down on his leg*
*grabs the book away and lets her go*You best not have ruined it. It's signed by the auther.
It's ok. just has bite marks on it and is covered in drool.
*shakes a scoulding finger at you*
*glares at him and lowers her head* mreow........
Be nice to my books*rubs your head*
mew..... *purrs*
Books are one of the few things that keep me sane.
.............*jumps up, grabs the book and runs*
*tackes you and bits into your ear again bear hugging your tight keeping your arms at your sides*
GET OFF!!! *claws him*
*keeps her arms on her*Give the book back!
*shakin her head with the book clentched in her teeth* FINE!! *spits the book out*
*grabs it and takes it to get repaired*
*trots behind him, tail waggin*
bad kitty.
*stops*ears droop down and tail lowers* mew.............
*leaves book at repair shop and then goes to his corner*
*sits in front of him and looks at him with sad eyes*
*lays down in front of him* mew?
*crosses arms*

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And i went after archer and koopling, those two.......the turned on me. and koopling flew off when i dropped my guard. forgot she could do that.
there was a guy called Shadowofhope, who says that dogs are better than cats. bein with forb, that didn't bother me, but when he said that cats aren't smart and stuff like that, i mean, was i suppose to take that?! Warrior got him. Got him good twisted

besides that, the day was spent blow off fire crackers and makin cyber dolls.


ok, this is the first time in a while that i've written in here. and a lot of crap has happened. lemme make this quick..
got bit and stabbed by vamp
forb hates dragon
forb and i got a robo doggy
i'm gettin fricken kid!
plans to make the house bigger are under way
talked to forb! irl! (before you ask, there was no phone sex mad pervs!)
chika and link broke up
chika and mythicalarcher got together!
guild captain i am
warrior and vamp are goin in diff. directions for awhile
i've made a new friend! bloodi_wolf!
Emijah, my niece, has joined gaia! gonk
forb and i will have an rp weddin like skulls!
Twilight, aka silver starz, hates forb.
i love forb! heart
Dragon's makin a story and i get to be in it whee
Ds is a full grown pirhana plant, reg.
super mario man and i are cool again
bowser 13 and i became friends
sly_tiger won't leave me alone!
i posted a new pick of myself
and last but not least, i'm customizin kikis

phew.......man.......thats alot. cool


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