Dear Gaia,
Instead of giving us free gold for the New Year and spending time on new things how about we fix the large amount of errors that are currently affecting the site.
The Problems
While not technically and error it is annoying and causing many users unnecessary distress. Please do something so that we users know that you are aware of the situation and are going to try to do something about it. Users are scared of these pranksters and worried that their accounts will be hacked. Those that do know what the pranksters are doing are spending time going around and warning or comforting those users that do not know. Shouldn't this be your job?
There are two issues with the marketplace.
Three Letter Search:
Searching for three letter words such as 'ink' or 'OMG' is down again. The new market was supposed to fix this wasn't it? The search function worked for many months and is now 'broken' again. Could you please put the settings back to whatever they were before?
Lost Items/Gold:
Many users are having issues with losing gold and items in the market. As the 'official' way to sell items (as opposed to the less official exchanges) users should know that when they put their items in the marketplace they won't lose them and will receive the due gold.
Though I have not experienced it myself I have seen complaints of not being able to save the game and losing all the fish.
If you know any more please post of PM me. I do not count supposed 'unfair' bannings as an error so please do not post about them.
The Solution:
Stop working on new things such as the battle system and start fixing the current things that are wrong with the site. Why work on things to make Gaia better but won't affect the site until error after error drives away much of the user base you have created. If you don't want to stop working on the new updates completely then please at least create a full team to work on errors everyday. Without fixing these errors mayhem and confusion make Gaia a place that users don't feel comfortable. If you want new users and the older ones to stick around then fix what you've got Gaia.
BeingLolaStar Community Member |