Well since I have a terrible memroy and I just got back from break I will be using an online journal (gaia online) so I can transfer informaion to my laptop through all the damn school blocks. D=&
So yup, this will be random for you all! =O
Carry on! ^^
Source one.
Source two.
Source three.
Source four.
Source five.
Source six.
Slide one:
The Artic Tudra
Presented by Ana P. Ries
Period 4
Presented by Ana P. Ries
Period 4
Slide two:
The Artic Tundra
The Artic tundra is a large, cold, praticialy treeless plain. Artic tundras are only in Northern Alsask, Canada, and Siberia. These large, dry, windy tundras are areas of the extream. Few forms of life are able to survived such climate. Temperatures average about -70 ☺☻♥♦♣♠•◘○♫☺☼►♀♪♂▬!,╚ܧ░░▓ ╚ħ█{ª╟╥Φç▌¢~▒♀ž-“◘q™™™ž÷
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Pictures from:
Plant pictures
Animal pictures