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I'm a fangirl. So sue me. x3;
Story -- A Moonlit Tribute
Finally a tribute to Moonlit!! sorry i took forever in writing this. but its done!! ;w;

well, before the fic, a rant, of course:
Today is the first day of the new Islamic Calendar! yay us!!
My mom's teaching us how to cook. its sweet, but we keep messing up the salt.
i sleep too early and wake up too late. really sucks considering that i have to be up at 8 next semester. *wakes up around 11 nowadays* Dx

also, why you have not seen me online as much:
Books and Videogames. i've made a discovery that if i have no substantial work to do on a computer, i'm not gonna get on it. not even for WoW or Gaia. Oops. =P

um...lesse, highlights of the breadk:
Veggie came over. lots of fun. ♥
learned how to make these hearts: ♥
Got out of town
had BBQ'ed Potabello Mushrooms
beat FFV
didnt gain weight....well, i gained five pounds and lost them, so that amounts to the same thing. =P

still need to do:
buy 2 bonsai trees
Meet with Anny-chan
do E-R diagram
play more WoW
clean up and unisntall stuff off of laptop.

okay...well. now you have a glimps of what i was up to. =3
oh, and Airplanes are still evil.
and my love for Kenders has been renewed.
and i'm still Tsuabsa Crazy. <3

now on with the fic!!!...R&R, no? =3


Moonlit Star stared accusingly at the link in front of her. She really didn’t like links too much—going through one of them was like a roller coaster ride. Jumping from one page to its neighbor was decent enough (and sometimes had nice scenery), but jumping countries or anything sizably big was too crazy. Sure, it was kind of cool, but it was more like an insane rollercoaster ride than anything else. Plus, when she got there, she was too dizzy to the point where she really didn’t enjoy herself…..

…and now there was this link, sitting here innocently and doing its best to be a good link.

Moonlit glared at the link a bit more. Yup, this one had a sizable jump…not too big, hopefully. And it really didn’t help that Moonlit really wanted to click the link and see what was on the other end.

…well, curiosity did kill the cat…

…Moonlit decided that the cat wasn’t better than it, and she clicked.

Moonlit was right about how big the jump was, and she wound up holding on for dear life. The link first led her out of Gaia, and then it zigged and zagged, went up and down, and even went around in a few circles (Moonlit figured that this was because it was a new link, so it might not have been thoroughly familiar with where it was going). The ride went on for what seemed to be forever, and then it opened up to a sky, and all underneath was bright, spring-y, forest green. The link didn’t stop upon entry, however, but went on a way before it stopped and let Moonlit off.

Moonlit was more than happy to be off of it, and she subconsciously decided that it was safe here and lay down to calm the sipping in her head. She closed her eyes and kept them closed for a while to the point where anyone who walked by would have thought her asleep, but she wasn’t. She was lying there daydreaming…well, Jade and started what seemed to be a monologue with himself, grumbling about how she got dizzy so easy, then he went on to defend her dizziness, and then went back to arguing the point. At first, Moonlit decided that the speech was interesting and listened intently, but after ten minutes, it became boring, and she decided to stop listening…shame Jade picked up on it instantly, and yelled very realistically, “HEY!! Are you listening?!”

Startled, Moonlit snapped her eyes open and sat up, with her brain quickly replying, “I’m listening!”

Looking around though, surprised her more than a snappy Jade…she was now looking at a chibified, snappy Jade. Moonlit could only gawk. Jade laughed, “Surprised?”

“Err, yes,” Replied a stupefied Moonlit.

“Get used to it,” Jade smirked.

“B-But, how? And are you going to stay out there forever? I can’t take you home if you don’t come back into my brain!!”

“I don’t know how I got out here,” Jade replied, “and that last part sounded reaaaaally weird.”


“Nah. Yay!!! Now let’s go look around!!” The lollypop-carrying chibi flew off, and Moonlit had no choice but to follow him. Walking behind him, Moonlit observed that he was indeed Jade, and he was very tiny that the ability to float was extremely needed. That fact made her relax a little; if she couldn’t get Jade back into her head, at least she would be able to hide him at home…

After a while of following the chibi, Jade and Moonlit came across a pebble path. Looking around, Moonlit saw that there were people picnicking on the pebble path and they were enjoying themselves. It struck Moonlit strange that someone would camp on…well, small rocks rather than on the soft grass. Well, there was one person who was sitting on the grass…granted, he was sitting under a tree and being as broody as can get, but at least he had a bit of common sense. Walking closer, Moonlit’s mind was reeling—she knew these people, but from where?...

“TSUBASA!!!” A voice shouted near her. She had almost forgotten about Jade’s new and independent existence, and that almost made her jump a mile up into the sky. “Hwah?!!”

“They’re from Tsubasa! See: there Faaaai, and Sakura, and Syaoran, and Mokona—I’m cooler than Mokona, right?—and the broody person’s Kurogane!!” Jade explained, unaware of (or ignoring) her confused outburst.

Upon closer inspection, Moonlit saw that these were indeed the Tsubasa people, and they were indeed acting like they normally would—Fai insisting on a picnic on the pebbles rather than the grass, Kurogane screaming no, Fai and Mokona then making fun of him, then Kurogane would stomp off grumbling something or the other about idiotic mages and meat buns, and lastly, the picnic would ensue without Kurogane. Moonlit figured that his was kind of cool, though she had no idea how to approach them. Going up to them and saying ‘hi’ always worked, but it was just plain…

She didn’t have long to dwell on that though, because Jade decided that the best thing to do would be to jump at them from a tree and roar his greetings and was well on his way to accomplishing it. Moonlit ran after him and tried to climb the tree, but only wound up falling…on the grass thankfully. Jade, shaken from Moonlit’s fall, fell too, but he fell into the picnic basket rather than the grass, and wound up getting grape jam all over himself. Needless to say, there was lots of commotion about this: Mokona bemoaned the loss of the jam while Sakura helped Jade out of the basket, and Fai and Syaoran rushed to help Moonlit while Kurogane glared at the whole scene from his spot.

Syaoran was the first to reach Moonlit. “Are you okay, Miss?” he asked frantically, holding out his hand to help her up.

“I’m fine,” Moonlit replied, accepting the offered hand, “But, where’s—Jade!!”

Spotting Jade, whom Sakura was trying to help clean up, Moonlit ran frantically towards him and grabbed him with both her hands. “Jade! Are you okay?!”

“I’m fine,” Jade panted, “Squeezing…too hard..!”

“Oh! Sorry,” Moonlit loosened her grip on her imagined friend, but kept him firm in her hands. “You idiot!” she flared, “Why did you go and do that? You could have gotten yourself killed!!”

“Hey, you’re the one that fell out of the tree.” Jade replied pointedly.

“Of course I fell out of the tree! I can’t climb trees! Why did you even climb the tree anyway? You can float!!” Moonlit ranted.

“…Oh yeah!” Jade smiled goofily, “I forgot! I’m not used to that!”

Moonlit wanted to face vault right there and then, but a kind voice interrupted her. “Is he your friend?”

Looking around, Moonlit found herself (and Jade!) to be the center of attention. In embarrassment, she let go of Jade, who—if he was a reasonable character—would have dropped to the floor, but his ability to float only got him a little out of reach. “Ah,” Moonlit stuttered, “he’s my imagination—er, I mean, my mu—no, not that either—he’s out of my hea…no, nothing sounds right!”

“I’m her imaginary friend!” Jade squealed. Moonlit felt saved by that because it was true (a little), but she also felt embarrassed, because it was just…silly. But Sakura clasped her hands happily and said, “How lovely!”

Introductions ensued after that. Sakura started them, but Fai quickly took over, and he made several jabs at Kurogane while introducing him that it threatened to become another dangerous chase. Moonlit introduced herself quite hastily (and embarrassingly), but Jade was squealing with delight at the whole thing, and that only encouraged Fai more and more. Right when Kurogane decided to pull out his sword, however, Mokona decided that it was time to charge jade with the loss of the grape jam, and (for the lack of a better word) tackled Jade and proceeded in what Fai called the cutest little cuddle-fight ever. Kurogane, of course, thought it was stupid while everyone else just watched.

Figuring that the fist fighting wasn’t working, the two opponents went into a shouting match, where each declared that they’re stronger than the other (“oh yeah? Says who?” “Says Mokona!” “You can’t say so!!”), then it went to who’s cuter and prettier. Fai listened intently because for him, he found it to be the cutest thing ever. Sakura was concerned that they were fighting, and Syaoran and Moonlit just…stood there, Moonlit not believing what she was seeing and Syaoran at a loss for words. Kurogane, who was reaching the end of his patience, snapped at them to just go get more of the stupid jam and to leave him be. Fai took that chance to tease Kurogane about his intelligence (“Hyuu~! Kurorin’s soooooo smart when he wants to be~!” “What’s that supposed to mean you idiot!!!”) before running off—with Sakura, Syaoran, Mokona, and Jade (who were still arguing) in tow. Moonlit had blinked and was thus left behind…things worked too fast around here…

Fortunately for Moonlit, she wasn’t alone—Kurogane had decided that staying behind would be best for his sanity and went into a meditative state. Unfortunately for Moonlit, however, is that Kurogane was this close to going into a rage previously, and approaching him would be the worst idea ever. So Moonlit stood her spot, staring in Kurogane’s direction, contemplating whether she wanted to die today or not…of course, this was an online world, so she couldn’t really die. As a matter of fact, she could make it so she’s much faster than even Sonic the Hedgehog (and somewhere on the other side of the Internet, Sonic sneezed), but Moonlit worried that this might make her feel bad later…

Then Moonlit remembered the (evil) person who sent her the link—Sazuka57. She had a message attached saying “go all out!”…or something like that. Moonlit started thinking, and memories of Sazuka’s er…insanity came to mind—how she went after what was fun without really thinking it through and still had fun and apologized later if it inconvenienced someone. With a little thought, Moonlit approached Kurogane, sat down facing him, and said “hi.” Naturally, Kurogane ignored her.

Not knowing what to do, Moonlit tried introductions, “eh…I’m Moonlit, nice to meet you, Kurogane,” Moonlit had bit her tongue as to not use one of the nicknames, but Kurogane gave her a stern look, so she added. “er..Sir.”

Kurogane didn’t reply and went back into his meditative state, so Moonlit decided to be a bit more…drastic. She went and sat beside him, keeping an eye on his sword in order to be ready to run if he unsheathes it. When there was still no movement from him (though she was aware that he was watching her, somehow), Moonlit relaxed a little and smile goofily at her accomplishment. Now it was time for step two: poke Kurogane on the cheek to get his attention.

Poke. No reply. Good…right?

Poke. Again, no reply.

Poke. Aha! An eye twitch! Careful now…

Poke, poke….being ignored…

Poke, poke…ignored again..

Poke, poke, poke, poke, poke, poke—Chomp!

“Gaaah!!” Moonlit screamed while running off at a good speed. Kurogane had tried to bite her finger! Fortunately, she withdrew her finger before he did (Moonlit was sure that he would have bitten her finger off if she hadn’t), but it meant that she provoked him. When she looked over her shoulder, she saw that Kurogane hadn’t moved from his spot and had returned to his meditation. Moonlit slowed down and turned around to make sure her eyes weren’t fooling her, and true enough, he was still sitting there (“just standing there, looking pretty!” she remembered Sazuka saying at one point...she had no idea why she was remembering this right now…). Moonlit crouched and kept looking at him warily to see if all was well. If it wasn’t…well, at least he’d trip over her when he came close enough.

She stared at him warily for a while, thinking of what to do next. A thought crossed her mind to just chase the others up to wherever they went to get the jam from, but another, a more urging thought told her to go bug Kurogane some more. The first thought argued that she shouldn’t do that because he almost ate her finger last time and it wasn’t worth it, the second thought retaliated with your friends will laugh at you if you don’t try again. Moonlit agreed with both thoughts, but she knew that if she didn’t do anything else, she’d have no story to tell when she discussed this with Sazuka, and Sazuka would have told her that she should have done something more…

…So something more it was—Moonlit style!...and if she died, she’d go and haunt Sazuka until she died…unpleasant topic. Well, then. Moonlit decided that instead of walking back towards Kurogane, she’d try something new…she’d slither/worm there to the best of her abilities, and so she did towards the unsuspecting (or so she thought) target.

Kurogane wasn’t a fool; he was able to sense the strange little girl from where she was. He sensed it when she had crouched, he sensed her cautious gaze on him, and he sensed it when she started moving towards him. Granted, she was moving in a way that was absolutely ridiculous (and no way to sneak up on a ninja), but he couldn’t say that he wasn’t amused. He decided that when the girl got to her destination, he’d give her a scare that’d haunt her nightmares.

…except that she didn’t stop. When she reached him, the girl wormed (that was the best word he could find for her actions) right past him and didn’t seem eager to stop. Kurogane was tempted.

“What are you doing?” He demanded.

“Worm, worm, wormmm!!!” Moonlit replied, thoroughly intent on going at this some more. Kurogane wanted to ridicule her for her actions, but what came out of his mouth instead was, “Can you turn like that?”

…Needless to say, he wanted to smack himself for that. Stupid.

Moonlit didn’t think it was weird though, and she actually thought it was a good question. “Let’s see…”

She knew that she’d have to make a wide turn, so she decided on a U-turn. She started on it, and about half way through, she tipped over to her side [A/N: like a speeding car would if it was trying to turn.]. Moonlit just blinked from that position while Kurogane, who’s curiosity was now sated, went back to being a brooding stone statue.

When Moonlit’s side began to hurt, she flopped back onto her tummy and stayed like that. She would have been quite content if her gaze hadn’t strayed to look at Kurogane. It made the second thought come back (“Remember me?” “Go away, the woman needs her sanity.” “But we need a story more.”)—what was she going to do?

Suddenly, she heard voices coming from not too far off and realized that the others were on their way back (there was no mistaking Jade’s squeals). Apparently, Kurogane heard them as well, because he grumbled something and then seemed to steel himself to whatever havoc was going to become him. Hearing the voices made Moonlit’s decision for her; she quickly sat up and dashed to where Kurogane sat and proceeded to poke the living lights out of him. Kurogane, with seemingly infinite patience, acted as though Moonlit wasn’t there poking him. This frustrated Moonlit, and, as the voices got closer and closer, her poking became more vigorous. And it still didn’t seem to be bothering Kurogane, except…

Moonlit being Moonlit, her finger slipped.

She poked Kurogane in the eye.

Kurogane yelled and swore; Moonlit knew that she needed to run.


She had barely stood up when Kurogane was already on his feet, unsheathing his sword.

“Kyaa!!!” She yelled and then ran directly to the group in hopes of getting her life saved. Kurogane gave chase, and Moonlit had to kick it into overdrive as well as tamper.

Well, at least she got her story.
lookit! my first Author's Note! yay!..i think. >w>
its about 5.5 pages. -w-
leave a comment pplz!!

User Comments: [18] [add]
Moonlit Star
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Jan 10, 2008 @ 03:40am
XD I was laughing the whoooole time. I love the beginning about the EVIL LINK OF DEATH. Oh, and the pokingness. And the cuddle-fight. AND EVERYTHING. XDDDD

commentCommented on: Thu Jan 10, 2008 @ 03:42am
i'm glad you liked it. did i get you and Jade right? =0

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Moonlit Star
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Jan 10, 2008 @ 04:07am
Moonlit is Moonlit. :3

Jade's kinda more hyper than normal, but that's okay~ I can see him getting like that. Chibi on sugar = super-hyper-Jade-of-doom! XD

commentCommented on: Fri Jan 11, 2008 @ 02:29am
I'm glad that I got you right! >w<

Jade....well, i felt that Jade wsa like that from what I understood from our talks. =x but oh well, sugar is my excuse. 3nodding

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Blue Logic
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Jan 11, 2008 @ 09:04pm
Darn those links! xd



But most importantly....



Jade is amazing.

[And when considering Moonlit's mind, only beat by Barley. <3]

commentCommented on: Sat Jan 12, 2008 @ 02:01am
XD Don't worry about it~ I'm not good at explaining. And you did AWESOME with him. Moonlit like loooooots~! heart

Moonlit Star
Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Jan 13, 2008 @ 05:50am
glad you like it!! now all that's left is for others to read it...>w<

commentCommented on: Thu Jan 17, 2008 @ 06:41am
Well, given the time and space and the fact Im starting my period, the laughter bloodied me. I think it will end a week early this month. ah ha ha. crack~

Reso Miso Soup
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commentCommented on: Sun Jan 20, 2008 @ 10:16pm
stare ...Soooo, Moonlit is suicidal?

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Make sense seeing as she knows you.


btw, what’s a Kenders?

commentCommented on: Sun Jan 20, 2008 @ 11:24pm
good burn subzi! xDDDD

Reso Miso Soup
Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Jan 21, 2008 @ 11:04pm
mean vegetable.
how about some constructive criticism?

commentCommented on: Wed Jan 23, 2008 @ 02:14am
Very well, but first! stare .....what is a Kenders?

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Thu Jan 24, 2008 @ 07:53pm
a species related to dwarfs (by everyone but the dawrfs) that love to pickpocket and are offended when called theives. they know no fear, and are very curious creatures.

so gimme some constructive critisim now. =3

commentCommented on: Fri Jan 25, 2008 @ 05:23pm
Well, it was well written. I couldn't stop laughing xd

Although I would think that Kuro would have snapped long before then. But maybe he's just that way with Fai. xd

Jade, if I am remembering him correctly, chibi yes. Hyper? Not so much, I have the funny feeling that if he read this you'd be a dead duck. xd

Anyway I found some nice piccys of him on photobucket.

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Now, does this say hyper to you? Nooooo!

It says "I'm cute, but touch me and you die ^_^"

more goodies xd

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Moonlit Star
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Jan 26, 2008 @ 02:13am
Moonlit's Jade is more prone to chibi hyperness, I would think. XD;;

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commentCommented on: Sun Jan 27, 2008 @ 10:14pm
stare ....ahhhhhh! What Jade be-ith this then? surprised

Community Member
Community Member
commentCommented on: Wed Jan 30, 2008 @ 06:55pm
Moonlit's Jade is the one in this story. unless i tell you it's an X-over, Colonel Jade wouldnt be in it. besides, if he wsa in it, he cant pop out of Moonlit's head. it's against the rules. =3

commentCommented on: Thu Jan 31, 2008 @ 08:38pm
stare ...you should write these rules down somewhere...just to help the Subzi ya'know. mrgreen

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