January 13, 2008 about 12:30 a.m.

Yesterday was almost totally uneventful.

Although I did almost completely finish the Orochimaru yaoi oneshot lemon I started ages ago. I've decided that I'm only going to consider it finished when I can have at least one page of the actual lemon. I mean, I'm catergorizing it as a PWP, and how can it be if it's not mostly porn? I mean, really.

Oh, I also took the time to synchronize the lyrics of 'My Pace' with the timing of the song. It took a long time, but I think it was worth it. Now I don't have to open fifty gajillion windows in order to see the lyrics in time to the music.

I've been recently struck by inspiration as well. I need to make a yaoi oneshot with Roger Smith of Big O and an OC. I just know that he needs to be dominated by someone. God, on Adult Swim they've brought it back and started it over, and currently on the second episode. I saw him lay on his couch and cross his legs over the side, and I just SWOONED! 4laugh

Plus, when Bleach was on, it was an episode with Shuhei Hisagi, and again, I SWOONED! 4laugh He's so studly. Maaaybe even more than Gin. And all those tattoos? Stuud muffin.

And again, I've been struck by inspiration. The title more or less explains it. "Strawberry Sundae" But I don't know whether to use Renji or Byakuya. I'll probably use Renji. I'm a sucker for Renjigo. razz

And now, I've hit a dirty conclusion. When Ed left Mugear's building after fighting the fake Ed, he said he was 'sore all over' and the fake Ed 'must have had a boost.' I'm such a pervert. Oh, well. That's why I write fanfictions, I guess.

I just recently got my FlashPlayer working. The computer is stupid, so it won't download the Adobe version, so I had to get a StandAlone in order for the damn thing to work. Since that happened, I can finally watch Final Fantasy Advent Children that I downloaded ages ago.

I'm only about a half hour into it, but I'm totally hot about Reno. heart heart heart And given that he reminds me so of Axel heart , even with Quinton-sama's voice. Plus, It's a given that Cloud is sexydexi. I also realized that one of Kadaaj's lackeys has David Wittenburg's voice. Mmm... But no one's voice matches Quinton-sama's. He does soo many hot voices, plus he's actually pretty hot, too. Even hotter than Crispin Freeman. As much as I love Itachi, he's still not as hot.

I snickered at the Honda Ridgeline commercial with Chuck Norris. Touch meets classy. XD That's just too much. The other day, I learned a new Chuck Norris one, but I forgot it. ^//^'

Maa, it's almost four thirty now since I kept getting side-tracked with anime, and my stupid cold, teasing my dog Lucky, and a bunch of other things. Guess I'll just try to finish up my Pleasures Without Principal story and maybe after I'm finished with the rough draft of my 'Kiba-licious is a word', I'll attempt to sleep. Having insomnia doesn't help...
