January 13, 2008 about 3:15 p.m.
So far, today has been useless.

I finally got to sleep around 4:30, then I was rudely woken up around 10ish. My psychotic cousin Paul was ringing our doorbell like crazy. I got up, still sick, wrapped a blanket around me and peeked through the curtain to see who it was.

I told him to hang on, before I opened the door, put on a shirt, unlocked the stupid door, and laid back down. He walked in and asked why I was still sleeping. I explained about my sleeping habits, and of course, being the lunatic he is, told me it wasn't healthy. mad

Then he asked where my mom was, and I told him to leave her alone, she was still sleeping because she works nights, and he still went in, trying to wake her up. It didn't work, so he came back out to annoy me further. scream

This time, he tried telling me that I should stop my vegetarian ways and start eating meat. He 'heard it on the radio' that we 'need more iron' and 'iron pills don't work' and all that jazz. Hey, I'm not trying to tell him to stop worshipping God as much as he does, so don't ******** with my lifestyle, bub. stressed stressed

Also, my grandparents came over. That was a nightmare. I had to go shopping with my grandma, and when we were in the store, she wouldn't stop talking to this guy she knew. I kept saying that we should go, and honestly, the guy looked like he agreed with me.

Then, once we checked out, I had to carry all the groceries out to the car, and she was still inside talking. The guy she was talking to was already checked out and out of the store by the time she stopped.

After getting yelled at for something totally not my fault, we went to McDonalds. That was a riot. We were talking about Ellen since my grandma watches her, then we started talking about the show The 'L' Word, so my grandpa went on a riot about lesbians xd , and he insists that I am one. I'm bi.

Then, that brought up some weird excersise talk, and my grandpa said that reminded him of 'kung jo'. My mom said that he really meant 'tai bo' xd . That was crazy.

I did manage to get that Orochimaru oneshot finished and edited though 3nodding . If you really want to check it out, just contact me, and I'll send you a link. Caution: yaoi! Yay heart heart 4laugh heart heart
