January 14, 2008 about 2:15 p.m.
Today sucked more than yesterday scream gonk .

I finally got to sleep at around 5:30, then I was rudely woken up around 10. Again. My grandma wanted to get her bills taken care of and pay off her house, so she was going to take out a loan, and was going to the nearest big city, about an hour away.

My mom was supposed to go anyways, that was why the old hag called. She asked if I wanted to go, and I figured that since she was taking out a loan, I would at least get a new manga, since she didn't get me anything for my birthday or Christmas. crying crying crying

With only 5 hours of sleep to run on, I decided to go, and I had to practically drag my mom out of bed. My lack of sleep put me in a bad mood, and my mom had only two hours of sleep, since she doesn't know when to get off the computer rolleyes .

I was grumpy, and when we stopped for breakfast, my contacts were burning my eyes. I washed my eyes, took them out, and put them back in, but it didn't let up. My grandma decided that she wasn't going to take me home to get my glasses, so I was fully prepared to walk a mile home in my zip-up hoodie. crying

Grandpa said he would take me home anyways, so I put more solution in, and they don't feel as bad now. On the way to the bigger city, my mom was sleeping and snoring so loud, I couldn't think... Then my grandpa kept getting distracted by the scenery, and we were swerving into the other lane. I kept having to yell, "ROAD!" And they call 'me' a bad driver. I'm a good driver biggrin .

Anywho, when we finally got there, Mom was still out, and my grandma was being a b***h. She said I was too immature to go into the building. Seriously. So, of course, I did the immature thing and pouted. I had to sit in the stupid car for almost a half an hour listening to my mom sound like a freight train scream

Whenever she started snoring really loud, I would hit her arm and that seemed to work for awhile. Then, she partially woke up and told me to stop hitting her. After they finally came out, we had to go to the money store to pay off stuff for my mom, and while we were there, I did manage to get the number for a band looking for a vocalist. I want to set up an appointment.

After that, we went to lunch, and I found out that I wasn't getting anything. 'We didn't have time.' My grandmas a b***h. She didn't get me a birthday present or Christmas present, and she still won't get me anything emo .

There is a bright side to today though. Really early this morning, around 1:30, I started some drawings, and they are the cutest chibis I've ever done. Last night, I finally got my FlashPlayer working, so I saw Advent Children, finally the whole thing, and even though I knew him before, I FELL IN LOVE WITH RENO heart again. I guess I just have a thing for Quinton Flynn's voice characters.

So, I did this really cute chibi thing with Reno, Rude, Axel, and Roxas. It's basically Reno and Axel singing a duet, and Rude and Roxas doing the dance. I'm not telling what the song is, but when I finally get it uploaded, people will be able to guess.

I totally exaggerated Rude and Roxas' heads... I did the bodies first, and Rude's turned out really good, and I didn't want to have to start over if the head sucked, so I did them seperate. Then, I just taped the head on the body, and I have to transfer them over to the good paper. Reno and Axel are on one knee, wearing plain, matching outfits, and Rude and Roxas are both wearing their respective outfits.

Oh, and I guess last night was when I officially FELL FOR GACKT heart heart heart !!! And HYDE 4laugh 4laugh 4laugh . But only because they're so hot and studly and good singers and hot and need to get it on in Moon Child. I started watching that, and it's so good. HYDE makes the hottest vampire in the whole world. Plus, Gackt is good at acting along with him. God, they are so hot.

And I downloaded Gackt's 'Vanilla' and 'Redemption' to my RealPlayer on the laptop, but RealPlayer won't install on our damn PC. I have to settle for someone else singing 'Vanilla' because my mom won't let me get LimeWire. She's just pissed off that one of her 'friends' sent her something that ******** up her cam, and she just wants to blame me for it.

But anyways, Gackt's hair is so hot, all the time! I mean, I really loved it in 'Vanilla' because, mostly it was hot, and it reminded me of Cloud. And in 'Redemption' he's got these really hot cornrows, and it's when his hair is long. I think his usual hair-do is the same one he has in Moon Child, and that's so sexy. It's long in the back, pulled into a ponytail at the base of his neck, but the top is short and spiky brown. And those sexy sunglasses he always has on adds to his mysterious hotness. Yummy! 3nodding

And one more thing, I finally finished that drawing for my Kiba friend. I'll leave a link when I get it uploaded.
