Yeah, no real purpose to this entry. I've just been having a rough day, and, noticing that my journal hadn't been updated in months, decided that my melancholy would be the material Gaia lives for~!
I'm getting sick. My nose stuffs and unstuffs with altitude. On one side of my house, I can breath fine. As soon as I sit down, not anymore! On the other side of the house (read: the one that's not my side of the house), I'm stuck in a constant state of mouth-breathing.
I missed school Friday for a field trip barely more interesting than Pre-Calculus, and when I got back to said pre-calc class today, I was blown asunder from the water. Pythagorean Identities of Trigonometric Functions can bite it.
For some reason, I couldn't play Guitar Hero worth a flying flip today. Songs I can normally four- or five-star, I could only garner a barely passing three. Out of sheer, masochistic spite, I attempted One on Expert.
I hate myself a little now.
After my ego was thoroughly destroyed, I decided to study for State Competition in Drafting. Another mistake. Despite all of it making sense, it's application just seemed.. non-existent. I read a solid fifty pages of charts, graphs, and summaries, and all I can tell you is that there's some k-k-krazy krap going on in the world of datums.
Upon typing this - eight fourty-one PM - I'm waiting for a certain someone to get home so we can finally watch a movie. They decided to disappear while I went to eat dinner without telling me, so I'm left sitting on my thumb while they do.. whatever it was.
Joe's been having an off day.
Razz B · Tue Apr 08, 2008 @ 02:43am · 1 Comments |