The sky is falling! The sky is falling!
The pieces are landing all around me! See, that one right there, and there, and there!
Oh no... they are just egg shells.
I am so sick of walking on egg shells. >.<
I swear they hurt more than glass.
haha. If that isn't a cryptic message, i don't know what is.
I am going insane. Really... seriously... insane.
I need blood... i have seen so much of it today... but i couldn't do anything with it... it was on my back and Alan took it... *frowns*
I'm not going to let anyone take it again!
I need to go get it off this damn sweater, even though he told me not to. I am not gonna be wearing a bloody sweater for the next month!
Please... don't let me fail
I don't know who i am praying to... Anyone that will listen... anyone that wont hurt me. Please... i really need some help right now. My life is falling down around me, every where i walk the road is dropping off. There is no turning back... and i see nothing in the future except darkness. >.<
I have been here before and I don't like it...
Someone come rescue me?
Or at least give me a torch?