... and i swear the stuff is worse than smog.
Love is a wonderful thing...
correction... love from one man is a wonderful thing.
and when i had just that, i was the happiest woman in the world. I had cut loose which gave me pain and taken up someone who... well... acted as my percocet.
He just made me happy and took away all the pain. I kept them both for a while... my thorn and my pain killer... When one ******** up the other took it all away.
But now i am drowning, choking and suffocating with all the "love". The "want".
One loves me... i know that...
but does the other just want me cause he knows i'm not his anymore? That is what i am getting.
Anyway, this was pretty pointless... I just thought I should let you (you being no one since no one reads these unless i tell them to) what has been going on in my... life...
So it goes.
James, I love you. For ever and always. You are my everything. Please, don't ever doubt that.
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