Name: Bieze Nomaru (bē·ĕ·zĕ nō·mä·rū)
Hiragana: ......
Katakana: ......
Verdikan: .......
Nickname: Pyro
Appearance: Bieze
Element: Fire
Blood Type: E-
IQ: 177
BMI: 15
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Weapons: Pocketknife
Theme Song: Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Green Day
◊Quick to get the battles over with
Biography: Beelze grew up normal until he was 17, then he got his powers which changed his life completely. He ended up winning the Battle of the Elements 3 times in a row and has waited ten long years for the next battle to begin. Now that it has resumed again, he is ready to win again. He knows who all of the elementals are and knows which ones will be the worst in the later parts of the fight, so he's trying to get rid of them before they can get in touch with their powers.
Other: Won the Battle of the Elements three years in a row, and has found how to tell who will be the next elementals.
Name: Chiho Kyushi (chē·hō kē·ū·shē)
Hiragana: ....
Katakana: ....
Verdikan: .....
Nickname: Brok
Appearance: Chiho
Element: Earth
Blood Type: E+
IQ: 122
BMI: 17
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Weapons: JF11, Sniper Rifle, P22 Pistol, T63 Omega V2
Theme Song: Phenomenon – Toby Mac
◊Great Memory
◊Good Strategizer
◊Good Imagination
◊Likes to fight, but not to the death
Biography: Marc grew up wishing that he had superpowers, and one day, he got them, now he knows his real destiny – to fight for his life, just like all those before him that had to fight in this war just like him. He was one of the stronger students in his school, and he doesn’t recall ever losing a fight, so this is something he feels will be a bigger challenge than anything else he has ever encountered before, and he hopes to be the winner of this war.
Other: Born in the year 1989, on July 12th, and has two friends named Berd and Giovanni.
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Battle of the Elements: The Series
Except for the first entry, this entire journal will be a series I made up called 'Battle of the elements,' or 'BotE' for short. It's about 21 people gifted with 1 of the same amount of elements that have to fight each other.
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A Guide To Literacy
[b:7eeeb6b25a]..:[/b:7eeeb6b25a] Advanced Literate Roleplayer [b:7eeeb6b25a]:..[/b:7eeeb6b25a][/color:7eeeb6b25a]
A Guide To Literacy
[b:7eeeb6b25a]..:[/b:7eeeb6b25a] Advanced Literate Roleplayer [b:7eeeb6b25a]:..[/b:7eeeb6b25a][/color:7eeeb6b25a]