Name: Azary Kaleb Chyterr

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Height: 6'6

Eye Color: Pale Grey

Hair Color: Faded Blue (Almost white)

Race: Lich (Zombie Necromancer)

Weapon(s): None

Spell(s): God's Hands - This Spell that can only be summoned once every 24 hours. It sets the users hands on fire with a golden light. The light is designed to cause pain to all those who are evil or black hearted. The spell was first summoned up by the Knights of the Crusades.
Traversed Earth - This spell lets the caster sink his body into the dirt of the earth and move him/her from one point on the world to any other of their chosing.
Bone Collector - He can summon up a warrior to help in any battle he see's fit. The summoned warrior will be fully loyal to the summoner and will last until cast back down or destroyed in battle.

Power(s): Necro Regeneration - If a body part is torn off, ripped, damaged or hurt in any way. Azary can sink into the ground and call forth the bodies of the dead and merge their parts onto his to heal himself.

Weakness: Since his skin is slowly dying each and everytime he walks around he is more prone to being hurt then others. His main weakness is fire. His dead flesh is easier to burn.

Strength(s): With his abaility to regenerate lost parts his stength as recon and scout come in handy since he can easily fix his body if things get too dangerous.

Bio: Azary was born in 1988, but no one knows when his death was. No one even knows if Azary is even his real name. He doesn't talk about his past, only the moving forward of his future. Sometime between dying and and the presant he learned necromantic ways. The ability to heal himself and several spells. He travels from one town to another, with no alligence to anyone, his only true goal seems to be ridding the world of evil.