Another Paranormal entry. You guys know my rulings on this. Please, don't call me a freak. I'm what you call a "sensitive" (meaning I can sense spirits and beings of the other realm), and I don't need to be reminded on how queer that may seem. I'm actually proud of my ability. No flames or nasty comments. If you want to comment, though, feel free! If you have a personal experience, please, be willing to talk! I love talking with others who also believe.
Thursday, June 26:
Man, today was weird. Everything went smoothly save for one notion: someone truly wanted to contact me or something.
It all began this morning. Nothing out of the usual. I was at the computer and I had called mom in to see something. Interested, she stood behind me, looking over my shoulder at the computer screen. Of course I was sitting there, looking at the same thing she was.
What was that, I thought to myself. Did I just see that move?
Attention diverted from the screen, I looked at a pair of headphones that I had disconnected from the speakers. It was just lying there on the desk, away from us or anything that would touch it. What I had seen was the long cord part of it get tugged twice.
Passing it off as something that just happened- some sort of freakish event- I turned back to the screen. Not a minute later the same thing happened. This time there were three tugs, and it was forceful enough to make it move a little. Of course mom didn't see it. She was too engrossed with the computer.
I knew it was going to be an interesting day.
A few hours later I was at work. Oh, joy. Still, I was wary. After that one thing that happened I had a sick feeling that I wouldn't see the last of that. Normally when I get "signs" of a "presence", it sort of follows me. I'll see people walk down aisles at work and, when I quickly run and see if they're down there, there's no one. The scarier ones is when I see eyes peering at me through the space between products, the "person" being on the other side of the shelving (in the next aisle over) but, I know, there's no one there. I check. No one there.
That sort of stuff scares me.
Anyway, I'm on break, right? I'm sitting back in the "break room" that's way at the back of the store. In fact it's located in the storage room. Only managers, like me, really go back there. That's where most of the grunt work, so to speak, takes place. And... that's where most of my "d'oh" klutzy moments also take place.
I was a little frustrated today and, perhaps, that's why this event happened. My energy depicts what happens around me. When I was little I had the "poltergeist" syndrome so to speak. If I was terribly distraught, and I went to bed, doors would slam on their own. Basically my fed energy would spread out when I slept, causing a little bit of havoc.
Sitting at the little table we have back there, I had brought along six printed out pages of my newly typed chapter. I edit at work this way. Saves time making the novel. Anyway, I was sitting there, and all of a sudden...
"What the hell was that?"
I turned around in my chair, looking for the source of the loud "bang" that had happened. We have tons of empty cardboard boxes lying around the floor and it sounded as if someone came by and, extremely forceful, hit one of them.
"Okay, is someone there? If you are, show yourself. Don't keep making noise. Make an appearance."
Waiting a few seconds, I turned back to my papers. Shrugging, I knew someone, by way of spirit, was there. They didn't want to show themselves. I hadn't heard the heavy door clank when opened (which it does), so I knew I was the only one in there.
Whatever, I thought. They're shy. They've been following me all day, but they're shy.
That's when I stared in horror. To let you know, my hands where placed on the tabletop, away from the papers. In fact, one hand was holding a pencil. Now, that sets up the idea that I wasn't touching the papers in any way. I wasn't even breathing on them. Why is this important? Oh, nothing... for the papers were forcefully shoved across the tabletop.
Yeah. Today was weird.
heart Peace out, ya'll! heart
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